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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Thanks to Sir David Attenborough, highlighting the dangers of plastic world wide.Is it to late,to get on top of the problem?Let's hope not.It seems problems like plastic and Global warming are only tackle now,because frankly the world no longer have a choice.The protesters in London have a point, however there hope to sort it out within five years is unrealistic.
  2. We too had a good weekend, such good weather.Good too for all the businesses along the river.
  3. We us someone think it was the boat that had moored in our spot rubbed our name off.Still had a nice evening.
  4. View from the boat,the mist just cleared
  5. We moored at the Ferry House yesterday afternoon. Someone moored in our spot which we booked weeks ago.We moored along , on the edge of the moorings. Very busy,never seen the pub that busy.This morning it's very misty sadly heading home later.Has been a very good weekend.
  6. During the week,had the boat cleaned and polished at Cove by Dave.Also at Cove is Dave the owner,Dave the manager and Rodney, who we call Dave (made that bit up,)Lovely Jubbly.
  7. We saw it coming out of the Wherry at Oulton.It was slightly red .
  8. Now moored at Oulton, cleaned the windows.Went past Moonlight Shadow at Cantly.
  9. On the way up to the boat,just stoped at McDonald's for breakfast. A photo of today's Shirt,a present from Marina the Red Arrows. Have a great weekend everyone.
  10. We got our boat in April 2013,so for us it was okay.
  11. We brought our last boat on 2013,she is x hire.So we did a short term toll then got a yearly one.You then get back the cost of a temp toll.
  12. Not my best photo, but the sun popping up on my way to work now.Very faint in the background Canary Wharf in the mist.Friday will be on the boat for Easter.
  13. I know she's my wife, but Marina always works out the tides when we are heading north and coming back south.She nearly always gets it right.Most of the season we stay south, then on our hols, we fight off the river monsters, then head north.
  14. Don't forget the southern river monster's like to eat northern boaters.
  15. Not long booked a moorings for Good Friday,seems busy.
  16. We are back up on the boat from Good Friday to Easter Sunday.Marinas friend is up with us.Hope to go to Oulton.Saturday booked in at the Ferry House.
  17. About 12 years ago ,before we had our own boat we about to.moor at Bremerton. Marina slipped and almost went in the water it was very close.I had to keep hold of Marina and drive the boat.She shouted, luckily there was people close by and we got her onto the bank safely. We don't want to go through that again.We had not been drinking prior to that but did have a drink after that.
  18. Chelsea14Ian


    Peter for twenty pounds I can moor across the way and make it myself
  19. Chelsea14Ian


    We have moored there in the past,for £10.There's no way I would pay £20.Problem being it's very busy come 9.00 in the morning. Still like Lathams and the little cake shop/restaurant is very good.The pub I found far to dark.
  20. Seems to be a new trend,have seen on Facebook, netting over trees also.
  21. We call in at Colchester, also in Brundall. There's a very nice lady who works there.Always chats with us.
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