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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Think I do being a Chef for over forty years Woking with Itaitians and in many restaurants Hotels private event catering think that helps.
  2. Don't forget if like me you do like Largers,they brew some very good ones and IPA,s.Which I prefer on hot days.
  3. I always enjoy encounters with sailing boats.When Marina and I first went solo.Alan and Dave also had a boat.A woodie.Alan popped back to take an exam in London.So we met up with Dave he waited for us at the lead up to Oulton and let us go first.Which I thought strange,then I saw Oulton well some of it.It was sails everywhere .I stuck to the edge and lost track of how many boats were there.Think I only raped one or the problem was I was almost in someone's garden having no where else to go.I bet you were there Peter.Back to your first comments good old Brundall Navy they never disappoint Ian
  4. I have done seven.The broads many times of course,next up next week on the boat for two weeks
  5. I know your sort can I try your range of beers please go hc hc
  6. Why not ask,many pubs will do so but don't always advertise the fact.
  7. Don't think Rick does darts or pool try Norwich or Yarmouth
  8. I do but don't want people throwing and missing darts or knocking balls all over the place.Instead enjoying a pint,meal and looking out at the broad
  9. We went for a meal last month.Yes Rick from the white horse,done a great job on the pub beer and food.Thamk heavens no dart board or pool table.He intends to improve the moorings.There has been talk about broadshaven.No info for some time.
  10. I agree I don't think anyone will build or hire boats there.Will it become private moorings.not sure.Not easy to get in or out there.All in all it has been very sad.We hired a few boats there and got to know Paul very well.
  11. I agree many from the past would not sit easy in public life now, and it is easy to cast them as the bad guys now.I suspect this lady has a book in the wings due for publication.
  12. Very sad it is close to our moorings at Cove.Most of the boats are in a poor state.I hope someone buys and makes a go of it.
  13. The start of the vid a Alpha 29,which I think was firefly, went past.
  14. Well done indeed tides are very strong,He helped the little girl.without thought of himself.
  15. I am always glad to hear a pub doing well. Sad sometimes pubs are turned into flats or shops. Well done and good luck. Ian
  16. The strange thing is last year the loos and kitchen were re newed.It seems there is money there,not sure why it don't work. My luck used my loyalty card a few times last year.Then the pub changed hands.
  17. I agree many pubs are a success regardless allowing dogs,some say that pubs suffer by allowing smoking.And yes some pubs succeed that don't do food.I can only say when Marina and I went there at Easter the food was good.Last year we went two or three times the pub was packed.Something went wrong,unsure what.I just hope someone can make a go of it.
  18. My boat is not a Brooms may well be there.With luck by the pub,not on the island.
  19. So sad to hear do So,We went Easter very good.And last summer went there with other land Lord.Hope that someone takes it on.
  20. I agree many people take no notice and just speed when ever they want to.Perhaps a few more fines would help
  21. Watching saving lives at sea.Second series on BBC 2.Showing the work of the RNLI.Hats off to the men and women that put there lives in the line. I am proud and happy helping to collect for them when I can.My regret is that I left it to late to crew for them.When I looked into doing so I was just past the cut off age
  22. Thanks to Marina a trip on the Thames RIB Then lunch at Frankies at Chelsea.On to the shop,A mistake spent lots of money.Get day all in all
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