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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. My hot tip for a "put away and keep" is the Crossfire. There are some beautiful examples around for absolutely no money.
  2. You can't normally fault US electronics. And they " jus luv turn signals"
  3. You have to remember that they are very shallow and do not retain their daytime build of heat like large bodies of deep water.
  4. I have many happy memories of driving it's forerunner the SLK many K through Victoria inc the GOR. Fab road trip and car was perfect
  5. There is much about the West Runton Mammoth in Cromer Museum. Worth a visit.
  6. There was a time, long ago now, where finishing off a purchase yourself had very significant tax advantages. Many sports cars were available as kits, in various stages of work required, Lotus Elan, Marcos, TVR come to mind. And the same was true of many well known boats as well. This lead to those who wanted to start from scratch and there were a good few companies who would sell you a bare hull, or hull and superstructure, or a full set of mouldings. The most well known was probably Colvic Craft, I think they were in Witham. But for the absolute purist and dreamer the only way was wire up your armature and go down the Ferro-cement route. Unfortunately the big draw back of ferro was it was too easy to get greedy. Very little cost, just time and hard work lead many to build hulls far too big, of a size where they could never dream of having the money to complete the fit out.
  7. I have always liked very mutch the Z3/4 coupés. Very much in the mould of a true Grand Tourisimo. I don't know if it is just the UK market but their production runs appear very short. I suppose having coupes based on their saloon cars offers more practicality but one would suit me, being on my own, nicely.
  8. Very nice indeed. I do love a sports car with a long bonnet and short rear end. À la AC E Type, Morgan, TVR etc.
  9. From tomorrow daytime temp should be low single figures until the weekend. Monday WX they are talking +10C.
  10. But difficult in North Walsham. Off the high street you have Roys Lidl Sainsburys with habitat, clothing and Argos Just outside Waitrose.
  11. I prefered Cognac. I said warm whiskey because it was a desert with cream that used to be on the Savoy's luncheon menu in the late 60s and early 70s.
  12. Slightly warmed whisky softens a pie very well. Or Cognac.
  13. I remember in the 70s pulling away from the lights and the car stopping. I called the AA and he changed the broken cam belt and we were on our way. The car was a MK3 Cortina no bent valves or ruined pistons with that single cam. Break a belt now and it is a second mortgage.
  14. But if you burn wood you release carbon! Or am I missing a trick.
  15. Yes, they are all very good. Thanks. Things are different in Australia as no NHS. The three of them are in hospital in a large room with en-suite and they have a double bed. After 2 days, if all is well they are transfered to the Hyatt Hotel where the hospital has a whole floor for 5 days with nursery staff to be instructed in bathing changing, feeding etc. And if all is good they go home. Different from us he was born at home in a blizzard we could not get to hospital and Judith was in only 48 hours with our eldest son. But while it sounds wonderful, it must be remembered not all are so lucky. My son is a very successful financial services executive and BabyB's birth is going to be very expensive. Even with all our problems at present we should all be grateful for our NHS.
  16. At present Eastern Australia time is a full 11 hours ahead.
  17. Time zone baby. Yesterday, 12.12.22 at 1700 hrs I was told that my first Grandson had been born. However my son lives in Melbourne and BabyB's birthday is therefore today 13.12.22 at 0235 hrs.
  18. So looking at the above you need 3x the volume of pellet to anthracite.
  19. I get confused. I recently saw a report concerning wood pellet that said it was a direct replacement for coal with regards to calorific value/volume. But when we looked into alternatives to heat large industrial installations admittedly long ago, I have been retired over 17 years. Wood and it's derivatives was 1/3rd to 1/2 of coal and the best wood only 1/3 of anthracite in regards to it's calorific value. There is still 1.8 Billion tons of coal left in South Wales mostly pure anthracire in the upper Eastern Valleys. This came from the forestry research group.
  20. ChrisB


    Certainly brought down the autumnal leaves that were hanging on:- The beach was busy, not, but there were two ladies all season swimmers, just got out.
  21. There will always be extra demand at Sutton and Stalham simply by way of there being a Tesco within walking distance.
  22. I agree with the above, but I also believe that there should be more education with regards to alcohol consumption it starts to leave the body after one hour and thereafter at 1 unit per hour. A pint of 4% beer or lager is 2.3 units so the first drink takes 3 hours 20 minutes, then 2 hours 20mins per pint. It is easy therefore if you can sup 6 pints or so to be well over if you have an early start next morning. And a weekend of celebrations could see you unfit till Tuesday. Given the huge social and health costs and family problems caused by alcohol, if it had not been around for thousands of years and it were to suddenly burst on the stage now. It would be a class A drug.
  23. 8 years in jail, and the life of a young woman lost.
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