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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. With respect Grace I think getting a mooring mid August is a problem over the whole of the Northern rivers. If you have to visit during the school holiday period you must be prepared to start looking just after lunch if you are to secure a place on a free 24 hour mooring. Not really gauge of attractiveness. ( Malthouse accepted)
  2. I unwittingly say warp if it has a lid and painter if it is open. I think most dinghy sailors and those now too old still do.
  3. I think it's primary use is as a tender. With super yachts getting so much bigger and having to lie further off especially in the newer fashionable spots in the Adriatic a rib gives a greater degree of safety in the short steep seas that a katabatic will kick up. Close to mountains the Med can go from flat calm to very dangerous in a few minutes. As I know only too well.
  4. http://ocean398.com/ That's better
  5. www.ocean398.com Sadly the designer of many beautiful craft and a contemporary of Andrew Wolstenholme at Southampton, Ed Dubois, passed away on March 24.
  6. Good old EDP. The storm surge was 2013 not 2012! I would describe her as a Ketch Rigged Trader not a barge.
  7. Like an idiot I tried a key in an antique ladies bureau we inherited. It locked it. Permanently! I borrowed a huge tin of keys from the antique shop in Stalham and after about an hour found one that not only fit but unlocked it.
  8. An iron! A rice cooker! hells teeth about as much use on a boat as a Naval Officer, an umbrella and a suitcase.
  9. Not really convinced that it is a good idea to sell an arc welder to the public via a supermarket.
  10. The younger generation have no idea just how slow average speeds were before the Motorway was born and roads were dualled. We lived in Bucks and Swanage was 5 hours when I was young and my father did not hang about. By the time I was in my mid thirties with a boat moored at Wareham I had better than halfed that time.
  11. Know it well. By coincidence my father also had Jaguars a MK VII, MKV111 and then he changed to MK II from about 1960 his last was a G reg so 68. The XKs were beautiful, I love the badge on the rear listing all the Le Mans victories.
  12. Yes, they back right onto the beach. You walk through them in many places to reach the beach. Next time you are in the area travel past Wells for about a mile and a half, opp. The entrance to Holkham Hall and the Victoria Inn turn right down Lady Anne Drive. I think it could be where you used to go.
  13. Being serious for just a moment. I would lay money on it being a Chinese Water Deer. If you don't see the full animal their faces are similar. They are also prone to getting up on their hind legs to browse. We have seen CWD when walking from West Somerton to Martham Broad.
  14. We had quite a few in the Chilterns some years back. The small Wallaby type. They jumped ship from Whipsnade apparently.
  15. Be careful if visiting Carcassone. The marina is also a Autoroute Services. Unfortunately it should be a delight BUT. I am now told you must not leave your car or boat unattended! Easy pickings for certain types who are not normally French. Damn shame we used to love it as a stop before reaching what feels like the true Med. But have not been there for twenty five years come July, and as we all know things change.
  16. I was also very fortunate. We had two weeks every year between Studland and Swanage and another two weeks either at Menton or Diano Marina. By car, of course in the 50s. Except sometimes we flew the car on the Bristol Frieghter services from Lydd to Le Touquet. On a poignant note I can just remember crosses by the side of the road near Arras. Buried near where they fell before being taken to the War Cemeteries. I must have been about four, so it made an impression.
  17. The Corsican pines still run along the beach from West Wells to Holkham and beyond. Are you sure it was not down Lady Anne Drive that you used to go? The plantation is wider there. If you look on a 1:25000 os map the pine woods are clearly shown.
  18. And certain individuals who are fellow residents of North Norfolk are not beyond dropping the odd bin of grass cuttings in! Seen it at Stalham Staithe and Barton Turf. Hirers don't cut grass on holiday neither do private owners if sailing.
  19. It was a joke! And frankly the hire companies should be paying to dispose of commercial waste generated by their clientelle. In the same way a hotel, a caravan site, a guest house, a restaurant and lord knows what else in the holiday business. They got their tolls reduced use that money.
  20. It is a very sensible and simple solution Robin. BUT: £5 on a weeks hire! It will kill the holiday trade stone dead! 4000 souls will be out of a job and the region will be £10 Billion the poorer. Or so we will be led to believe.
  21. Dont forget to see Lincoln's "Potter"
  22. I am glad that I don't have to do the dusting in your house Alan! Beautiful piece of workmanship.
  23. ChrisB


    That is to say nothing to do with the month of May! But the two can get entwined depending on how the season fairs!
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