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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. The location of The Roaring Donkey that has been the subject of speculation in the past.
  2. Hope it is not like their other one at Burnham Overy Staithe, that has not been working since 20th January 2017!
  3. The foremast on a schooner is shorter than the main normally. I think she could be a Baltic Trader or one of the North Sea keels. She is obviously in trade/ has been as she has large hold covers. Don't think she is a Dutchman or barge as there do not appear to be any lee boards.
  4. I think Tony at Bank Boats, Wayford is Gas Safe Qualified for boats. He also does BSS.
  5. And on land in East Africa. Armand and Micheala Dennis.
  6. You must remember these are not '"sailing programmes" they are tv. General entertainment, like flogg-it is not an in depth antique show.
  7. Not sure, think this one went by truck. But Ramsgate to Calais in ultra calm, with an escort should be doable. Narrow boats have made that crossing. Many years ago my late wife and I started to plan crossing inland to the Black Sea and returning via The Med and Canal du Midi/ Gironde. But that was scuppered, long story.
  8. Welcome Henry, where are you moored, it looks nice. The furthest I have seen a Broads cruiser was on the Ebro, Spain but I am sure they must be further afield.
  9. There was much said by the powers about electric boating on the broads. They even had an Electric Boat Show, I think at Salhouse. I think they were intended for slow overnight charging. My cousin has a Nissan Leaf and for £1000 extra it has a unit onboard and he can plug it into an ordinary three pin plug when visiting friends overnight.
  10. We had a Mr D thermal cooker for winter boating, absolutely brilliant. Get it going at home and eat a hot meal 6 or seven hours later without even turning the gas on. Sorry can't post a link but google MrDscookware.
  11. Induction must be the safest way of cooking. Small single induction cookers are very cheap now.
  12. The problem is the Electric posts are not being used as originally envisaged. The were to provide charging for pure electric boats and plug in hybrids. Now their primary use is boiling kettles and firing the magnetron to heat ready meals, not to mention electric hobs.
  13. Unless it is Fiamm's battery factory! Great air horns had a set on my Spitfire.
  14. Maybe the video predates December 22nd 1965. If so and his Mk2 was fitted with the smallest engine derivative a 2.4 litre it would have been capable of 100mph or 125mph with the largest 3.8 litre. Given that these speeds coming at you from behind were not somthing drivers had seen in the passed, I think letting a slow moving vehicle in the overtaking lane know you are coming is OK.
  15. That rather depends on how seaworthy you want your craft and how far you wish to go.
  16. I am pretty sure that the photograph copyright is annoted C Slawson.
  17. I am sure that I used it just a few days ago, but it is not working for me now.
  18. I also went power when we left the sea. I had a good friend, now sadly passed. His family moved to the Chilterns to find work in the 1930s from Sunderland and he was born a Bucks Man. Money was tight as the only work was agricultural but they got a cottage and food was plentiful being grown and shot.(plenty of rabbit then) In the 1950s he was called up for National Service and managed because of family history to join the Royal Navy. He did infact stay in and did a total of something like 26 years. The thing is, there was no such thing as a family holiday. When he got on the train at High Wycombe to report for basic training he was 18, I think, and had never seen the sea!!
  19. The whole National Park "Thing" is up for and under review. But with the political turmoil? Who knows? I have been told this review was very much a Gove inititive.
  20. Without a bone fida name and e-mail an online survey could not be considered valid. I shall certainly complete the survey.
  21. Mazel tov Robin. It will give you freedom and change your life for the better! No more being tied to the Greater Anglia Timetable.
  22. Yes, I am very lucky with my position. Had the house nearly 12 years now and quite a few other buyers were in the running so I offered the asking price. Also I had exchanged contracts so it was ours.
  23. Being retired I am looking out the conservatory window as I have a bit of a tidy up! Was a mizzley horrid morning earlier in North Norfolk but lovely now, think I will have a walk over the fields.
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