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Everything posted by grendel

  1. it also begs the question of anglers giving way to cruisers that wish to moor, as the normal BA signeage usually states that anglers may fish, but need to move if someone wants to moor up at that spot, if the fishers are paying membership to fish there, does this not imply they will not be required to move, suppose you turn up at the mooring and they have an angling match going with anglers set up every 20ft along the mooring, what then?
  2. from the map in the link it would appear that even the mooring is Norwich and District Angler's Association private waters, so the answer is yes you need to pay the fee to fish from the moorings (not sure if you need to if fishing from the boat?
  3. I used to own and ride a BMW R80RS as my daily commute, the only bike I have had where you can comfortably cruise at 70mph for 4 hours without getting a numb bum.
  4. Thats just to make sure you dont have a quick holiday in your cruiser in the local swimming baths, while they are shut to the public.
  5. Really what we are seeing is updated information arriving to us as it is filtered down to the Broads Authority from above, at the end of the day, all that matters is that details are being clarified as to what we can and cannot do. my guess is that as loopholes are identified and posted around social media DEFRA is clarifying the guidance to the BA, RYA and CRT. So my advice is that if you discover a loophole that lets you use your boat before others then keep quiet about it, as if you post it on social media, then DEFRA will go away and clarify the advice to close the loophole. (dont say i didnt warn you).
  6. I usually have my rounds sorted out in the first few days, then start working out my questions.
  7. my 31 year old daughter got hers yesterday, she is asthmatic, and works in a non patient facing role in the NHS, it seems that at least in the UK, we are getting the vaccines out there, her boyfriend works in a care home so had his a few months back, she was the last in my immediate family to get the vaccine, everyone is now jabbed.
  8. well the silver lining in that is that if it holds water inside, it will also hold water outside and float
  9. Winner was newcomer to the quiz SwanR, with 17, Steveo was second with 14 With Niko Third
  10. sleep - with you lot? never, I even wake up and check in the middle of the night.
  11. in the guidance from the government there are the following extracts under which for exercise above quotes from -https://www.gov.uk/guidance/national-lockdown-stay-at-home Although not giving a set distance the guidance is clear, you will see in the first quote that it says you must follow the guidance in full and that you can be fined if you break the law. to me this means that the guidance has the full backing of the law, no ifs buts or maybe. the last quote defines local. since it is the government that says this further argument that the guidance is not the legislation is pointless, the police will use the legislation to police the government guidelines.
  12. as has been said before there is legislation and guidance, the guidance is there to aid interpretation of the legislation, the guidance says within the village or part of town that you live. my interpretation of that is within reasonable walking distance, ie around 5 miles max. you can argue that the legislation sets no distance, but if you were stopped by a policeman his interpretation of the guidance might suddenly become relevant. yes you could argue it in court, but i can just see a judges thinking that a policemans interpretation of the guidance was valid.
  13. correct me if I am wrong, but for reedham bridge can british rail not be fined for not opening the bridge in reasonable time for a vessel wishing to pass through, my memory seems to think i have seen this somewhere, I wonder if this is the case, and if this is also true of all of the other bridges? even if just a nominal amount in todays currency, the paperwork involved would cost more than the fines in all probability.
  14. I feel that if the planning authority were to propose welding reedham bridge closed that would instigate such a negative feedback that heads would roll, there are many hire craft that need the bridge to open and the private craft at brundall would all be up in arms about becoming land locked, and the words maintain the navigation would be brought to the fore. the argument for Carrow bridge will be lack of required use, ie it will hinge on the average number of openings a year, which must be in single figures, that argument doesnt hold for reedham or any of the other bridges, as they are opened daily several times a day (at least when they are working they do) so I dont think you could make a case on those grounds
  15. not really, the thread had vanished from the latest post feeds, so I was making sure it still worked.
  16. there have been a few discussions on this topic through the years, some going to many pages with many theories why the river levels are higher, its a combination of factors, rising sea levels, lack of dredging at certain locations, all these have been discussed at great length, about the only theory we may be able to discount is that of the bridge sinking as there are regular surveys.
  17. I have hired from Marthams and they can normally get their boats under down to about 5'10", that said 6'2" should be possible a lot of the time, but it does depend upon the shape of your boat, many of the regular boats to get through are narrower than a 12 foot beam, 12 footers can get through, but need the height at the roof corners, I have seen clearances up to about 6' 10" that said the bridge pilots generally know the height different boats need to get through. so its always worth giving them a call
  18. Ok, having formulated the last two questions I have finalised the topics for tomorrow nights quiz Round 1 - Ye Olde Sweet Shoppe Round 2 - Wheels Round 3 - Simply Maths Break for refreshments Round 4 - Elementary My Dear Watson Round 5 - Sing Me a Rainbow Round 6 - General Mayhem Everyone is welcome to join us, starting at 8.30-ish tomorrow night. Enter user name - no password required https://www.nbnplus.co.uk/chat/
  19. I think that the problem is that the BA are trying to follow guidelines that are being updated maybe even several times a day, by the time guidelines are being published in broad strokes, the fine detail may be somewhat different, thus the government may have moved forward from those guidelines, and this may have been communicated out to the various governmental departments, eg DEFRA. so before we beat anyone over the head for the different messages we are receiving, we have to wonder at the work that is being put in behind the scenes to keep those messages up to date with the current iteration of the legislation, the BA have been working hard with DEFRA to keep the information for us boaters up to date, we have to thank them for all the hard work they have put in to keep us informed. the original government guidelines were issued several days ago now, yet I have talked to someone that has seen the updates issued out, up to seven updates in a day, there are people who are being kept very busy working on this. we must just be patient while the information is disseminated down to us, I know we all wish to be back on our boats (or any boat) but we also must remember to remain safe and follow the guidelines. We must firstly protect each other.
  20. Can you actually still get a boat into those other two cuts as from memory they didnt look too inviting last time I went past, I an sure they had warnings of shallow water and underwater obstructions.
  21. if you are on your own then i dont see that it makes any difference. I believe most of the government regulations are for doing things in company, about how you interact with others. so if you are on yer tod, then all that really counts is the overnight stay allowed part.
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