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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Hmm, thats a new one on me, all i can say is that it must be a setting on your computer / phone as its not happening for me here.
  2. yesterday was when kent and london went into tier 4
  3. the silly bit is that diesel doesnt have to mean fossil fuel, it was originally designed to run on peanut oil, they even run cleaner on vegetable oil than proper diesel. That said i would love a steam driven boat, even if it did mean getting up to light the boiler several hours before i wanted it.
  4. not the plane MM - these - https://www.zeromotorcycles.com/en-gb
  5. even essential services such as the utility service i work in have been hit hard this year, with the first lockdown we went down to 10% of our normal workload during that first few months as construction sites closed and set up as covid secure sites, despite the upturn in construction since, we are still not back to our normal work levels. we have lost some staff during this too, so those of us that remain are busy.
  6. I have to admit I have been looking at the Zero, as one of the few electric vehicles I can get near enough to the house to charge, but even that is still short on range for my daily commute, maybe just about OK in the summer, but in winter when I would need to use the lights as well, maybe just short a few miles.
  7. In actuality, the legislation does not say all cars must be electric by 2030, it says they must not build them with internal combustion engines running from petrol or diesel, I think that manufacturers have an opportunity to explore other clean technology, in the past there have been different power sources for vehicles that could be explored, the main criteria is that it is non polluting, steam power could be explored as long as a green means of heating the water can be found. hydrogen fuel would be a really good option as the byproduct of burning hydrogen is water. electric vehicles alone are not going to solve this, the infrastructure isnt there to do it, we need to be exploring other solutions. for boats, steam is a proven technology, all that is required is a clean way to heat the boiler, a filter system on the intake could mean an unlimited supply of water for the boilers. I am sure with the modern developments in the car engine industry steam engines could be made that are a lot more efficient nowadays and that run well with minimum intervention much as a modern car engine does. getting fixated on electric isnt what we should be doing, finding other clean alternatives is. The gas industry as a whole is looking to replacing natural gas with hydrogen for all households, so why not have hydrogen to fuel vehicles?
  8. on my once weekly food shopping trip yesterday I noticed two things, during my trip I only saw one adult person without a mask, this was an older cashier, who was behind a screen at a till. the second thing I noticed was the number of people dragging a horde of screaming unmasked brats around with them in the supermarkets. while education is very important, it does seem that a lot of the reason for continued spread is the fact that children are passing it around at school then taking it home. Almost everyone I know who has kids is telling me that they are getting their child tested due to a number of cases occuring in their class at school. under the initial lockdown the numbers came down and the spread was controlled, but this recent lockdown has not seen such an effective control in the number of cases. only in the first lockdown did we shut the schools. finally, its now clear that everyone on my Christmas list will be getting food for their presents, as we are Tier 4 now, and as I am male, I now find that all the non food shops are once again closed, so in 4 days time when i get around to buying presents all the shops that are open will be food shops.
  9. well now i am living alone i can still visit my parents christmas day as i am their support bubble.
  10. or just cut an opening in the existing bulkhead where a box like shelf could be inserted, thus retaining the original support of the bulkhead.
  11. A close run quiz right up to the last question, last nights winner was Bern with Polly in a close second place, next quiz will be Friday 8th January, due to the intervention of the festive season.
  12. I can see why you need such a big shelf now, best to add a fid to the edges to stop any decanters having accidents
  13. cats can actually be taught to fetch, if you have enough patience, to be honest it will all depend upon the cat, some will take to it, others wont, the oldest one we have taken on was 15 (but the oldest we have had died at 24), an older cat will be quite content sleeping 23 1/2 hours of the day (spending the rest eating to get enough energy to sleep- its hard work) and wont care where it is as long as it has ownership of the chair/ sofa/ bed.
  14. OK Topics for the quiz tomorrow, are as follows Nursery Rhymes The First Noel Film Quotes break Christmas Carols Festive food and Santa's Sack This will take place in the NEW chatroom about 8.30 pm. It would be nice to see some "new" people take part especially those who have commented about how it is run. Enter user name - no password required https://www.nbnplus.co.uk/chat/
  15. Griff, I seem to recall there was a little collection job mentioned a few days back, that required a trip to norfolk, a trip for work?
  16. we once adopted a cat that had been found living rough, he seemed to adapt to indoor life just fine, so much so that if you opened the door and showed him outside he retreated into the house, We reckoned he had learned how much nicer indoors was and didnt want to risk losing that.
  17. is he litter trained, this will be a big issue if you transfer him to a boat, as he will need somewhere to go. all my cats are indoor cats, and they are generally a contented bunch, give them food, water and a lap to sit in and they are happy.
  18. Tim, for your longer bolts, try allthread, it comes in 1m lengths and you just cut off the required length.
  19. if we did stick with the red diesel, then eu ports would be stringently checking the tanks of every boat from the UK, every single time.
  20. its tricky, if the discussion were discussing a political topic in general it would not be allowed, but the ramifications on the broads of a political event doesnt break the tos unless you start discussing the politics behind it. its a topic that will be under close scrutiny by the moderation team, to ensure that it stays on the straight and (very) narrow topic under discussion and does not stray into politics. as for the cost of boating parts, and maybe their availability, thats anyones guess at the moment, it will really depend where they come from and what route they arrive by, home produced goods should not have problems, but may be affected by raw material availability in the longer term, but really that has always been the case.
  21. yes, thats a favourite spot on mine too
  22. if you do venture into the loop at thorpe be aware the area is prone to weed.
  23. not that I know of, but Yns Mons is correct at present they can only be used on hire, and have speed limiters when used in town centres (though the restrictions lift further out) the hire is a trial to see whether they will be allowed under the same regulation as electric bikes which dont share the restriction. if you add a wheel and a seat they magically become disabled vehicles and become legal though.
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