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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Nothing I know about, but it could have been during a server update which they always seem to assume that midnight us time is a good time to do, so usually ends up first thing in the morning for us.
  2. cant see the issue mooring at GY, never had a problem there, even when solo cruising and arriving after the rangers have finished for the night.
  3. grendel

    Herring Bridge

    its my theory that the salt incursions are made worse by the water not being able to recede as fast as it comes in, tide 1 the salt makes its way upriver. tide 1 goes out, the salt recedes to half its incursion tide 2, the fresh influx of water pushes the previous salt incursion further into the system tide 2 goes out, the salt recedes back to the extent of the initial incursion. tide 3 comes in, pushing the salt incursion yet further upstream. now if the lower bure was dredged, the salt incursion would come in on tide 1 and recede, then on tide 2 it would get to the same extent as tide 1 and recede, then tide 3 it might get to the extent of tide 1, but by then the salt incursion is probably over, and the salt incursion has got no further than its initial extent. now this is just me looking at it logically, but then I wont be the agency having to find the funding to do all the dredging, which I am sure sways their opinions. the reason the amount needing dredging is huge is because they havent been doing it, plus by saying that they are acknowledging that there is a problem with the lower bure silting as we have been saying, the extent having been masked somewhat by the rising water levels, because if the water was 5 foot deep and its now 4 foot deep but in the meantime the water level has risen a foot, then that means 2 foot of silt has landed on the bottom of the river.
  4. https://www.firstbus.co.uk/norfolk-suffolk/routes-and-maps/route-maps
  5. I would check the bus routes and timetables of both to see where the best place would be, you may even find there is a bus stop at stracy arms.
  6. actually I believe he ended up with a pair of timothy whites
  7. I think its funny that they advertise the lack of facilities as a good feature- well I suppose if there are none thats the only way to do it, though to most a lack of facilities would be seen as a disadvantage, not a selling point.
  8. grendel

    Herring Bridge

    oxbow lakes and all that stuff
  9. not the easiest web page to navigate as the next section scrolls up when you try and continue reading, but certainly a welcome outcome.
  10. Shed roof is now felted, bitumen paint under the felt, still to tack down around the edges
  11. grendel

    Herring Bridge

    although I do see that as part of the problem, the lack of dredging / silting in the lower Bure does also seem to be a contributory factor, at least that is how I see it, so that is just my personal opinion. having run aground once on the lower bure last year a good 30 foot from the bank (well my keel stuck in the mud and took a few seconds of work to free myself), and having seen less than 2 foot under the depth sounder on another occasion mid river and mid tide. anecdotal maybe, but as I personally experienced it, it seems real enough for me.
  12. grendel

    Herring Bridge

    Ah, I see- so what they are saying is that the river system can no longer be relied upon to remove the water from their catchment areas and that regular dredging is required to improve the outflow of this water. at least that is what the quote from the article above seems to indicate to me.
  13. grendel

    Herring Bridge

    which will necessitate the resumption of the dredging that used to happen and has stopped under the current management. I would encourage anyone who does touch the bottom while midriver in this area to report it to the Broads authority to start generating a pattern that will be impossible to dismiss as a one off occurrence, and hopefully initiate some dredging action.
  14. grendel

    Herring Bridge

    all the more reason not to accept the anecdotal evidence in the face of the inconsistencies
  15. The last time I was in a dinghy, the rudder fell off, the last time I was aboard a sailing yacht one of the pins for the boom dropped off and fell into the water- so I dont have a great record in sailing boats.
  16. grendel

    Herring Bridge

    the only part I find strange is the use of metric depths everywhere until we get to herring bridge, then all of a sudden the depth is 20 feet was the sudden change in measurement system a deliberate attempt to confuse the issue or a genuine mistake. it just struck me as an incongruous way of presenting the data.
  17. surely they will be around- as the price of diesel rises more people will be wanting to use the free wind, and as for only 2 places to use them, well you see them all over the broads, so no, plenty of places to use them.
  18. how about niagra falls, thats got a fair downhill slope.
  19. what a change in the weather, I woke up yesterday to 7 degrees and it got into double figures by the end of the day, and by the looks off it is still in double figures this morning.
  20. there used to be a nice wild mooring just water rail sized on the chet, right on a wide bend, sadly it hasnt been kept clear, theres some nice quay heading at the entrance to rockland dyke (furthest from brundall), but it needs some of the vegetation clearing. I am sure there are more spots you could wild moor, but I have yet to try them. plenty of spots above beccles on the waveney, some dont really have good access to land.
  21. Ice in the bottle- has someone been watering it down?
  22. my Electric bike I used to get there was the same, i hadnt charged it and had used it for a few short trips recently, but in the 8 mile round trip it dropped 2 bars, normally i dont see a drop of the top bar for over 20 miles and at most i was at 18 miles, where I could have expected to have seen a drop of 1 bar, but not 2, so the cold was definitely causing a loss of range. If other EV's are experiencing similar range drops in temperatures that could be considered normal winter temperatures, then i worry that they will never cope fully in this and colder countries.
  23. we usually have some members attend the herstmonceux astronomy weekend every year, its a great place. now one fact you may not know but my ex's great great Uncle used to be a engineering technician at herstmonceux - maintaining the telescopes, there is still a room in the centre (not public access) that is called stans room, and the racks of spare parts for the domes are stored there to this day - all neatly labelled.
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