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Everything posted by grendel

  1. and again i have astronomy outreach scheduled for Friday evening, at a local grammar school this time.
  2. you have to feel kind of sorry for the bird, one minute flying along thinking, at a few feet off the ground theres nothing I cant see coming and get out of the way of - then Whoooosssshhh thump. and the bird thinking wha...........
  3. unlawful on new cars, but when my 2008 car was built it wasnt yet unlawful, so is still subject to the whims of volvo service department.
  4. Heres Hoping that Shaun pulls through, these things are most worrying and theres not a lot that can be done but wait upon the outcome, if its any consolation I had a work colleague who had a car accident on here way home, she was rushed to London and was in a medically induced coma for 3 months due to tearing one of her main blood vessels to the heart, and because she also broke her neck, when she was woken she took nearly 6 months to recover all her facilities, but 10 years on she is living a normal life again. they really can work miracles nowadays.
  5. just remember that the swan was dying because it hadnt been fed a merangue based dessert when the bell rang, (this creates all sorts of complications in the theatres when the last call before curtain up bell is sounded.)
  6. you mean like only a dealer can code new parts to the car, with a charge of £150 plus for the privilege.
  7. the only real issue was the headlight that was pointed low (failed on alignment on the first MOT) had not properly been adjusted (the little mechanism that transfers the drive through a right angle was just clicking- easily remedied by popping the headlight out and using an allen key on the actual adjustor mechanism, and the footwell trim that had been inexplicably left off (not a deal breaker as I can and have put that back myself, once i figured where it went and in which order) still better that than keep the car longer i guess.
  8. the astronomy outreach was great, loads of kids, loads of parents, though the cloud meant that for half the evening we could only show them jupiter, and for the other half, only show them the telescopes and pictures on a laptop, due to the clouds rolling back in, the 4 of us were busy all evening and everyone had a great time. A lot of the kids hadnt seen Jupiter before (neither had a lot of parents), and we could clearly see the cloud bands and 4 of the moons
  9. that was the reason mine needed to go to the main dealer- basically to make the car recognise the new part.
  10. sorry, but I am doing an astronomy outreach at a local college tonight so wont be there
  11. If i had been taking it to a dealership i would have expected the courtesy car, but the dealership would have insisted on fitting a new £2500 ABS Pump and the final bill would have been vastly more expensive, as it was I was expecting the bill to be over £1000 as the ABS pump repair should have been £200, but after the courier losing my old pump the ABS repair shop stumped up the replacements and all of the costs of Volvo coding the part to the car (about £600). the garage I use is run by an ex forces chap, with ex forces staff, and they live up to their name- affordable, furthermore they give forces and emergency services a 10% discount. as such to keep their costs down, they dont offer a courtesy vehicle, which I knew at the start, although privately i may have been pulling my hair out at the delays, I didnt pressure them, as I knew the circumstances were out of their control and they were doing the best they could in a bad set of circumstances. they were most appreciable of this fact and I believe dealt with me fairly when it came to the bill, charging just £41 to fit the ABS pump when they in fact had to fit and remove the original and the 3 replacements, so I am grateful that the charges were as good as they were, somewhere else may well have charged for each time it was fitted or removed. they kept me up to date with all the developments as we went along, so overall a good experience. I always say that good customer service is not measured on day to day performance, but when things go pear shape, and in my view they have dealt with what could have been a disaster in an exemplary manner, which has retained them a customer.
  12. even better news today, the car has passed its MOT and is ready, at just a shade under £800 so the charges for recoding at volvo must have been shouldered by someone else as they wouldnt have been a lot less than that for the 4 seperate attempts to recode different ABS units.
  13. After 3 days of polishing, 1 left to do
  14. All the time they continue to believe section 2(1) and 2 (7) allows them to do whatever they want it certainly will.
  15. Well thats good news at last, the garage have just called, the 3rd new ABS unit arrived friday afternoon, it has been fitted, taken to Volvo and successfully recoded, eliminating all the fault codes and warning lights, now my garage need to bleed the brakes, and redo the MOT and with any luck I should have a car again in the next day or so. the repair shop took their time before sending this unit out to make sure it functioned correctly so soon my enforced carlessness will be at an end (my daughter has already booked me for a lift friday) tomorrow will mark 2 months and one week exactly without the car.
  16. unlikely as there is just no return on investment, you are not allowed to charge more for the electricity than it cost, so where is the incentie for suppliers to install them, now for EV charge points its slightly different, as you can charge a usage fee on top of the energy cost, and with EV chargers there is enough traffic to break even, but realistically, a boat sat on an electricity point is barely going to use a few kw per day. so you dont have the usage required for a return on investment.
  17. most yards will do the pumpout for you, the waveney river centre has a diy pumpout where you put a token in but need to connect the machine to the boat (they will show you how to connect up if you ask).
  18. I think the important thing to note is that both the forum and Craigs Database are being run purely by volunteers in their spare time, this inevitably means things progress slower than they otherwise would be as they are fitted into those quiet moments in peoples lives. how to publish timescales when at any moment life or (sorry for swearing here ) Work intrude upon the time available. the important part is that the hosting of the database is sorted so it wont just disappear, the data is safe. I dont understand much, but I do understand that keeping the current iteration of the database up to date with new data would require specialist knowledge so would be outside the realms of most of us - this will be made easier with the new database I understand, so the experts we have who are working on the new system in their spare time, are the same people who would be spending time adding new information to the old system, which would slow down the work on the new. so while on the surface it doesnt seem that much is happening, below the surface they are paddling along frantically to achieve that smooth serene swan like glide on the surface.
  19. A fair bit more achieved today, though the pillar still has work to be done
  20. theres a site called spaceweather that sends out alerts for stuff like aurora
  21. you can flip the view in google earth to look outwards too.
  22. dont worry, you are not alone, I am on the tech team and i still struggle sometimes- we use a hosted forum, and for any major issues just call the hosting company and ask them to fix it. though it does mean the forum can go offline at strange times (when they consider its the middle of the night and nobody will notice, but its 6am here.)
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