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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I am lucky to work in a company that truly believes its biggest asset is its staff, this is why we have paid for social events and get yoga paid for once a week. this is also why this year in our second year of entry we made no 8 in the extra large workplaces in the great places to work listings.
  2. moved on or just plain retired though, any company will lose a percentage of experienced staff due to retirement and moving to less strenuous tasks over the years.
  3. steering fitted to bulkhead, steering linkage added and tested
  4. ah the lid came off your aftershave again as you were splashing it all over did it?
  5. my bad, I had been snowed under at work and completely forgotten until I got home and mike asked, I will get one sorted for next friday, we had a bit of fun playing 20 questions.
  6. well at least i know now what i wont be doing sunday, I wont be watching tv.
  7. who needs a galley, just start a small bonfire on the floor
  8. you do have to leave it a while to settle before plugging it in, I was told by a delivery driver that after you move a fridge, if it was tipped you need to leave it a few hours to settle before switching on.
  9. I see its early morning walkies time there 3 people 4 dogs.
  10. BBC Acle added to list of webcams in the handy info page.
  11. no I thought Steveo said he would make one, then offered to send it out as he could not make it.
  12. i dont have one ready, its been a bit hectic at work this week, culminating in new office furniture and chaos today, just about when i had managed to get to the work i should have been doing all week.
  13. pointing in? or pointing out?
  14. It would have had to have been, I wasnt born until 1960, probably just about in the 70's
  15. my memory of the goon show on the radio is tiptoeing around the house as my dad was recording it on his tape cassettes using a microphone, of course if you did step on a floorboard that creaked you got the look - then followed the utterly silent argument, with mouths working but no noise, if you were unlucky you were sent to your room, entailing a trip up the stairs avoiding the creaky steps, (or further glares were in evidence)
  16. what about modern minis, they are getting as big as my Volvo nowadays, certainly taller
  17. get a Gryt(pype) young Timbo just think if you bring Gracie to the wooden boat show you can listen all the way to (B)Eccles and whatever you do - no falling in the water.
  18. my usual bugbear in supermarkets is the width between rows, I park my car, there is 18" of car overhanging the back of the space as its so small, then another big car parks behind me in the next row, 18" overhanging, then a third long car rocks up and parks next to me. now I am stuck as I can reverse out, I cant swing much as the spaces are narrow, the car behind stops me getting far enough out to swing the nose past the back of the one next to me, cue 10 minutes of shuffling back and forth to get clear of the car behind and next to me, all the while the car park is filling up with more cars waiting to get past and now getting impatient, and all because of the small spaces and too narrow distance between spaces.
  19. more like tea urn or casserole in my case CC
  20. if you can get above potter heigham bridge there are a good few moorings on the section from candle dyke to hickling broad deep go dyke, white slea and deep dyke, plus a couple of good wild ones as you turn into candle dyke.
  21. just admit it Robin, you are a tad on the plump side and need a little extra room to get in and out of your car. reccomended size for parking bays is 2.4m x 4.8m with 6m between rows, with modern cars that is still quite tight, add to that the tendency for supermarkets to skimp on the dimensions of their parking bays and you get the 'well I can fit the car in there, but if I do I dont think I will be able to get out of it' syndrome.
  22. my parents are in their 80's and my dad still walks up the town several times a week to get shopping, every month or so I will pop over with my car and take my dad to the supermarket for a big store cupboard shop. at our asda there seem to be those that will either use the disabled spaces, or some that even think its fine to park right outside the entrance on the access road and just pop in and get some stuff leaving their car blocking the access right next to the pedestrian crossing, yet there are spaces only the width of the road away. when they use the disabled or parent and child spaces and dont have a child or disability I think that is wrong, but when someone uses a parent and child space when a minor disbility (not enough for a blue badge, or maybe has a disability that means they need urgent access to toilets) needs extra space to enable them easier access into their car or be closer to the store, then in my mind that is acceptable. That said, do the parent / child spaces need to be right next to the doors- after all they only need additional access space, they are able to walk the extra distances surely. disabled spaces - sure they need to be close to the entrance, but parent / child? in reality the parent child spaces should be called accessible spaces and not restricted to just parents with children, such that anyone who requires the extra parking bay width to access their vehicle should be allowed to use them.
  23. Of course as soon as you paid for it, you would be caught to pay the years toll on top.
  24. (with moderators hat on) As long as its not overtly advertising the boat yard, a post in the events section mentioning a river festival with dates is acceptable. the boatyard can of course be mentioned as the location. We do like to reserve the advertising rights for those that sponsor the forum, speaking of which if you wish to display a banner advert on the forum pages then contact one of the team and we will get someone in touch to discuss options.
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