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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I too got way more points that I thought, its easy to be lulled into a false sense of security.
  2. yes, but you then have to win the next quiz
  3. I feel that MauriceMynahs tongue is firmly stuck out and waggling.
  4. at least they had the forethought to change the name of the cabin boy from Roger to Tom.
  5. Dont tell him about Muffin the Mule (he will only get all excited)
  6. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/No-8-TH5-2-PIN-SECURITY-BIT-TO-SUIT-2-HOLE-SECURITY-SCREWS-PIG-NOSE-SNAKE-EYE-/292466875260
  7. I was about to suggest circlip pliers too. or a very pointy nosed set of long pliers. or something like this https://www.amazon.co.uk/Neewer®-Professional-Pointed-Spanner-Repairing/dp/B00J5F6O92 or something could be made up with a couple of bolts filed to a point spaced to fit the holes.
  8. there is nothing worse for diverting your attention from the traffic waiting at the junction, than having to concentrate on exactly how you are set up to cross the speed humps, when you should instead be watching what the car at the junction is doing.
  9. probably about the same as you would get round where I live where some brilliant spark thought that speed humps 10m before a junction on a downhill section were a good idea, the person waiting to pull out sees you slow for the speed hump and jumps out in front of you, you hit the brakes, then the speed hump, ooh, why arent the brakes working very well- yes all of the weight in the car that assists the brakes has suddenly been transferred into a vertical force, upwards away from the road. facepalm.
  10. I guess it would then depend on how far you had travelled on it and how fast you were going?
  11. I liked the traction control on my automatic volvo 850, on sheet ice you could accelerate much as normal, and with the abs, stopping was similar.
  12. ah yes, but that was a previous car, and I now have volvo alloys.
  13. candle wax is also good for sticking drawers
  14. I have a better option, but once again not useable for other than getting through a really rough spot, they really work to good effect on packed snow and ice, and have the benefit that once I have churned it up, others can follow. you wouldnt want to do much more than walking pace though- talk about bumpy.
  15. I would proceed as you have outlined and get the hatch up, then a heavy sanding of the edges (or a light plane to ease the joint, and plenty of candle wax on the hatch and surround to seal and 'lubricate' the join and ease getting it up next time.
  16. I have only once wished for winter tyres, and that was last year driving to work when the beast from the east hit, there was snow and ice on the motorways which made it difficult and the car was recording -13, but I still got into work (to find they had shut the office for the day due to people not being able to get in - I made it - all 61 miles, so why anyone more local than me could not get in makes me wonder, in the end there were just 3 of us in the office that day. that one day I could have used winter tyres, for the rest of the year standard tyres were fine, and in fact as I proved, the standard tyres did cope with the bad weather, but only just.
  17. ah but I think it has an innuendo filter.
  18. its comments like that, that cause my companies internet filters to go into meltdown and declare this thread to be adult content you know.
  19. Robin, that volvo is the sort of car I would normally go for, the only thing I would say is to have a trial drive in it first, my only complaint with my v40 of about that age was there was less room inside between the seats, so if my passanger sat cross legged, you would occasionally have trouble changing into first if their foot was in the way, in the v70 there is just that extra bit of room that makes this a non issue. 2000 is the last year of the pre ford merger builds (equals thicker body panels )
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