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Everything posted by grendel

  1. the report I linked to above say otherwise, they put 40% on thermal expansion and 20 odd % on melting ice.
  2. to properly clear the cache of chrome, hit f12, a developers console appears on the right of the screen, now go to the reload symbol and right click it, you should get an option to empty cache and hard reload for the page you are visiting, this is the most comprehensive method of clearing the cache and reloading a webpage. once complete click the x in the console to close the console view.
  3. well as you heat water (above 4 degrees) it increases in volume (very slightly) but when you think there are 1.3 billion cubic km of water, that tiny percentage is converted to a small increase in sea level. so maybe with a 4 degree rise, you will get an increase in volume of the seas around the world equivalent to 32.5 million cubic km, spread over the whole world that may just be a few mm per year.
  4. get the tree up on a day when he is out of the office. or get all the bits out at midday on a friday and leave him to it at 1 pm.
  5. there is a government review that can be found here - https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/663885/Future_of_the_sea_-_sea_level_rise.pdf this says that the rate of rise is increasing from 1.7mm per year since 1910 to its current rate of 3.2mm per year, it does attribute 40% of the rise to climate warming - but not as you would imagine, by the melting of icecaps or any other reason but that as you warm water, it expands slightly, so 40% of the rise in levels can be accounted for by the fact the water has warmed up, so is taking up more space. (similar to a block of metal expanding as you warm it and contracting when you cool it) with only 25% of the level rise being caused by melting glaciers and ice sheets. sea ice melting contributes zero to the rise in water level, as it displaces the same amount whether in ice or water form (see my earlier post on archimedes).
  6. Hazelgirl, Time to put up the decorations in the office, now all you need is a wide based 6 foot high Christmas tree, positioned where both of you can admire its finery, right in the middle -
  7. well for what its worth, boats have got bigger, therefore they displace more water, now archimedes proved when he got in his bath and displaced an equal volume of water to his mass, then leapt out of the bath and ran through the streets yelling eurika, that a body displaces an equal amount of water, thus it is obvious that the blame lies on all of the larger boats - they now displace more water causing the rise in water levels. At this point I will gracefully add that I have refrained from leaping out of my bath and running through the streets yelling anything (mainly as i am sitting at my desk at work, admittedly). (now lets see someone disprove that!) under this theory, if all of the large boats drilled a hole in their bottoms, they would displace less water, and would once again be able to pass under Potter heigham bridge.
  8. oops have just put the tree up, I didnt see it hiding there behind the column.
  9. looks like they are getting ready to put the tree up too.
  10. historical sea level data can be obtained here:- https://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/hosted_data_systems/sea_level/historical_uk_tide_gauge_data/search/ this takes you to the raw recorded data sheets, from the 1800's up to about the late 1980's if you have the time to plot this data, then I would be interested in the results.
  11. I had that on my 850 at about 200,000 miles, though on mine it was a failed alternator.
  12. I was doubly lucky, the belt was fairly new and slipped off rather than breaking, plus it loosened the belt when it came off so the pulley driving it slipped with the belt still around it, if it had gone sideways on that pulley, it would have taken out the timing belt as you describe.
  13. because if we still did that, nobody would read your jokes.
  14. me neither - if you feel a post is inapproprate, then a report to the moderators would suffice, if its a comment on the type of rubbish deposited, then that too could have been clarified.
  15. yes it always saddens me when any boat sinks, but it is more so when it is somebodys home.
  16. did nobody notice that it was the equality champion himself that first mentioned hunks........
  17. Actually I think it was an amalgum of other pubs in different locations, the Pike caught can be related to the one on show in the Swan, Horning, which now resides in the museum of the broads, caught by a child in the 1920's
  18. the maps can be found here - https://allthingsransome.net/armaps/ozmaps.html I was thinking there used to be a pub located down cess lane rather than ferrygate lane, there are dykes running off from the river all along that reach, not all join the river, but then it doesnt say it did.
  19. Arthur Ransomes Wild Cat? that was a converted baltic schooner with the holds converted to cabins in a couple of the books, maybe she is where he got the idea, it would have been around the right time frame.
  20. just dont let Jay near them while they are cooking.
  21. Jay am I correct in thinking you prefer your food cremated? (must make for interesting snacks whilst working )
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