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Everything posted by grendel

  1. at my previous workplace I had the honour of ringing the fire alarm to denote the start and end of the silence. always a poignant time..
  2. grendel

    Stern Only

    jay, why dont you invite the nogs along on your december pub cruise, then they wont have to try and guess which pub you are in.
  3. so Timbo (or should we now refer to you as Reg Shoe II) You Aint'ent Dead yet (again), tell me did they have an Egor on hand while you were incapacitated (or perhaps it was a pretty Egorina). Well I say on hand, but it could have been on foot or on any other portion of anatomy you could consider. Still Its nice to see you back up and Lurching mobile again (or maybe it should be Windle Poons II) now if you could just pick up that shovel and accompany us to the crossroads..... Welcome back anyhow.
  4. I would imagine a link would be fine, as you are then re-directing the user to their webpage - no foul there. what I suppose might be dubious would be a cut and paste of a page of their website, without a message acknowledging their ownership, or the origin. (here is where the mighty Timbo cuts in and tells me I have it all wrong) - though if it is otherwise I dont see how faceache and other social media will be able to continue to operate. I suppose this legislation is really aimed at the big social platforms rather than a 'lil ol forum' like the NBN, but I can see how we could be sucked into the affray.
  5. I was asked to lay out the desk arrangement at my office - thus most desks at least have a glimpse of a view. except for the downstairs office which used to be warehouse space, they only have windows down one side and a view of the wall of the industrial unit opposite.
  6. I have a nice view of the sunrise over countryside (and a few farm buildings), as my office is on an industrial estate in the middle of nowhere on a farm. (no pics as I havent got a camera handy.
  7. Ah now talking of sir Terry, most of my office dont see why I say my new car is a tribute to Sir Terry with its number plate starting PO02......
  8. leave the poor kitten alone, I'll have the cats protection on you - worse than that I will send my little pickle up to lick your nose off. aside from that, where you bin you old codger, its about time you showed your face - Pneumonia Pah, next thing you'll be telling me you are wearing a coat.
  9. my Huawei doesnt, though I do leave the usb connected (its only a short 4" cable) but nowhere on the broads have I not been able to connect (at least well enough to monitor the forum while i was away).
  10. I use the huawei one from 02, this came with 12 gb data that was valid for a year. I paid £60, but £40 of that was the data sim. mine also allows multiple devices, and when I last checked earlier in the week I had only used 1.3gb of my 12 gb since May this year
  11. Permoglaze- google search - https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Permoglaze+gloss+enamel&rlz=1C1GGRV_enGB748GB749&oq=Permoglaze+gloss+enamel&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 though weeding the non enamel ones out might be fun Trimite - by no means ex - https://www.trimite.com/
  12. many years back now when I was doing some time in the workshops of the first company I worked for, we used to use a two part epoxy paint (was it trimite?) to paint everything on the shutdown units we made for big pumps, I remember clambering round the structures with a tin of paint and a brush and told I had to finish the tin within the hour as then it would set solid, so off I toddled, hand painting all the bolt heads, and the flange edges as well as anything that didnt move fast enough. by the next day the paint was almost indestructible, and certainly had a good finish considering it was all hand brushed on. but then it probably wasnt going to be subject to as critical an inspection as a boat hull would be.
  13. No, MM you are not odd, you have one of everything you are supposed to have one of and two of everything you are supposed to have two of....... now strange...... that's a different matter.
  14. yes, but some of those maps are woefully inadequate when it comes to the location of the rivers, I noted on one the river was almost a straight wiggly line from the mouth of the ant to wroxham.
  15. my 1946 copy of Jarrolds map shows it as Candle Dyke
  16. Pugh, Pugh, Barney Mcgrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Jay?
  17. it says kings head in the picture with the toucan jay
  18. no we reserve the barbed wire jackets for errant chairmen and treasurers
  19. the planning application number is BA/2018/0312/FUL a google of this will give some useful results.
  20. Peter, you sound surprised, everyone is allowed to get it right occasionally, and an added bonus they are maintaining the navigation too.
  21. ....Flash , Bang Wallop, What a picture, what a picture, what a photograph.....
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