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Everything posted by grendel

  1. cat litter is a good (and cheap) absorbent for getting the last residues up, of course you then need to get the cat litter up.
  2. they havent even standardised the domestic smart meters yet, change suppliers and its a good bet your smart meter wont be compatible with their system.
  3. with the current infrastructure, providing the energy will be nigh on impossible, these charging points take nearly 3x the average power of your average house, if every house had to have a charging point, we would need to generate 4x as much as we do now, add to that the existing networks are not designed to give those loads. my house is fed (along with 15 other houses) on the same size cable as 1 charger would require, add 1 charger to that and the cable would fry in an instant. multiply that around any house older than about 5 years old, and you will see the size of the problem.
  4. we moderators do keep an eye open, and there is always the report button.
  5. 2 almost looks like the bridge inn at acle?
  6. I seem to recall seeing it in the magazine rack in Latharms.
  7. just imagining sailing down river between two high banks of spoil now.... well at least i wont run aground on the corners.
  8. but the first document (waste exemptions) posted quoted a later date and 50 cu m per linear metre of bank rather than the out of date 2007 reference in the BA document that only allowed 20 tonnes per linear metre (thats still a lot of spoil per km of river bank)
  9. as well as the link at the top of the page, the calendars can be purchased through the forum shop https://forum.norfolkbroadsnetwork.com/shop/ along with burgees, window stickers (static cling and self adhesive ) and wooden control knobs.
  10. I usually only get an email from paypal telling me I have spent something, but that may be a paypal setting. The good news is that if there is anyone that still wants to order a calendar, there are still a few available, so if you want one and havent ordered one yet, get in quick and dont miss out, once they are gone they are gone.
  11. i have Marthams Jayne booked for next may, so after I will be able to report on suitability from a tall wide persons perspective, she is a front steer, 2/3 berth type, and is able to get above potter bridge (well if you cannot get through you are the right side of the bridge anyway
  12. now here is a novel thought, how about going old school, and all of us carrying something like one of these, then just scoop and dump on the side as it was always done.
  13. as a nod to the weather we have now turned on the heated towel rail in the bathroom, but thats about it at the moment.
  14. yes, but its all sprouting from my chin.....
  15. well thats an Entirely different matter, dont worry, its not hobbit forming, look after your selves.
  16. I wouldnt worry overly, threads drift all over the place
  17. well this morning I was greeted by my Daughter as Baldilocks and the three hairs.
  18. I think that one of the problems is that a model is restricted in its outcomes by the accuracy of that model, if you have not thought out the parameters fully, then the model will not accurately reflect reality. There was a similar issue a few years back with climate change models, they did not include the global water currents, for example the gulf stream that keeps the UK warmer than other areas at the same latitude. now it was known that in the past the great atlantic conveyor (a cold current of water at the bottom of the atlantic) had ceased to flow, it it this stream that generates just about every other ocean current, but it was not included in any of the climate modelling - why? now although the modelling for the broads must be simpler than those models, is there anything that has been overlooked in the models, as until all the factors are correctly in place, no model will be accurate, I mean does the model account for the fact that Morris Mynah washes his socks on a thursday when on his boat, and this creates a side flow of the currents around the pleasure boat, although this may have a negligible effect upon the flow of the rivers, who are we to know what may or may not count and in what way.
  19. Johnny Backside - its the lazy mans version of Johhny Walker
  20. It is with great sadness I read of this, and my deepest condolences go out to you and your family, my thoughts will be with you at this difficult time.
  21. that will be because we spell it draught down here in kent
  22. they were only supposed to blow the doors off.
  23. I dropped my teeth one morning, couldnt find them anywhere, - well that came back an bit me in the foot- at least I found them.
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