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Everything posted by grendel

  1. we will check again to make sure it is correct. thanks for letting us know
  2. they normally work again if carefully cleaned and lubricated.
  3. I have a similar one in slightly better condition (and several in as bad or worse)
  4. I like the boats from Marthams, traditional wooden boats, small enough to get under that bridge, and a refridgerator that runs off the leisure batteries and doesnt run out of steam, even after 48 hours without engine.
  5. when testing a steam engine the first time I run it up using compressed air (from either my nig compressor or my air brush compressor - this is far safer than steam, you can literally hold the end of the compressor pipe in place by hand and get a good enough seal on the filler plug hole to see if it all turns over.
  6. I wont admit to how many rooms my meccano has now spead to
  7. I could do the whole breakfast in one frying pan, though I need an oven to keep everything warm until finished.
  8. I do, we never had any though - we had something called minibrix, rubber bricks that you built with much like lego. http://www.minibrix.com/ Lego - before lego.
  9. I had to make do with meccano. (not that I am complaining)
  10. grendel

    Lads Week

    I know Charlie, but my luddite Blackberry doesnt do whats app, my tablet would - if it was a phone.
  11. as one of the participants in the 'rudder' incident, I too would like to see it.
  12. a nimbus 2000 clone - where is Harry Potter when you need him.
  13. well the jewels have 2 toilets, and with 6 of us on board, and using shore facilities where possible we just managed to last the lads week out without a pumpout, however the rear toilet was full by friday night, and the front one wasnt far off when we handed it back, the other 2 jewels had a pumpout I believe.
  14. grendel

    Lads Week

    Rhond Anchors, though beware of the edges of the bank they are quite crumbly and deceptive with the grass, there were some posts, but not proper ones, generally only a couple of inches of post above the grass (just long enough to trip over) they may have been put in to stop the bank erosion. the edge is not straight there, so there are varying gaps between boat and bank, so choose your exit point carefully.
  15. while I was camping at Hickling a van turned up, and set up a tent and sleeping arrangements, While I was chatting it appeared that this was to accommodate someone on a hiking holiday, every day the camp was moved to the next location and fully set up for the hikers by the company that ran the holiday, so when they arrived, everything was already set up and ready.
  16. try the campsite at Hickling, the glamping there are shepherds huts, all the comforts of home (ok there may be a 50 yard walk to the toilet and shower block, but the facilities are a good standard.)
  17. grendel

    Lads Week

    I didnt personally visit all of the hostelries, but most of the lads did
  18. grendel

    Lads Week

    next morning and we headed for Horning, here we extended our stay then headed for our meal out at Acle in the evening. I visited the shops in Horning and was pleased to find that the post office also specialised in Arthur Ransome books (new and second hand) and purchased a couple of 1948 versions with dust jackets (coot club and big six)
  19. grendel

    Lads Week

    overnight it was Sutton Staithe then round to Richardsons at Stalham, for a full crew visit to the museum of the broads, here we spent rather more time than we had allowed for, but it was well worth it. next up was neatishead plenty of room for 4 large boats here. then a departure for our overnight stop at Ludham Bridge, we gt in here, but ended up spread over both sides of the river and both sides of the bridge. evening fun at the dog inn
  20. grendel

    Lads Week

    games were played, darts, battleships etc, breydon was crossed 4 abreast with chocolates and mint imperials being thrown from ship to ship during the passage. once we turned past the yellow post speed across ground dropped to 2.3mph, but we had timed things perfectly and arrived at the ferry inn Stokesby with 10 minutes to spare before sunset. next day it was off to Ranworth, some visited the church. others the pub
  21. grendel

    Lads Week

    A few photos from the week, did I mention the rudder on the dinghy broke, basically the three scews pulled out of the rotten plywood and the gaffer tape parted company, it was repaired with more screws and more gaffer tape.
  22. sorry we had said we were leaving about 3pm to those around us, the rangers turned up and were assisting us to depart, we got back to the boats at 3.07 and were gone by about 20 past.
  23. grendel

    Lads Week

    well 6 litres went in and seems to have stayed in, though it did need a top up after running, I will test later as I have an astronomy meeting, photos and videos downloaded, next to sort through
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