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Everything posted by grendel

  1. grendel


    in my day you ate it - or you ate it cold at the next meal, saturday we would have a roast (pork or occasionally beef) sunday would be cold beef or pork, monday would be rissoles with any leftover meat, tuesday the bones were boiled up for stock to make soup for tuesday and wendesday, I cant remember what we had thursdays or fridays, probably luncheon meat with bread and dripping from the meat, then saturday was back to roast, my mum certainly knew how to make a joint of meat stretch through the week.
  2. ok, so an hour later, the glue is still flexible, so off with the roof and on with the clamps.
  3. only an idiot could be that serious, its a good job he has a certificate to prove it.
  4. so bulkheads trimmed down, paper protection from glue added and the roof is in place, in about an hour when the glue is holding, but still flexible the roof will be removed and then properly clamped now I have the spacing.
  5. ok all of the roof support structure id ready and glued / gluing, the tops of the bulkheads need trimming down, then the roof can be skinned.
  6. the front section of the cabin roof is started, interrupted for food. temp back down to 29 degrees now
  7. the next section forward has been jointed and glued. now 31 degrees in the workshop.
  8. Work is starting on the front cabin roof now, frames are being cut and jointed together, its hit 30 degrees out in the workshop, so work will cease until this evening when it cools down.
  9. did she threaten to torpedo the bridges to get them to open? Hmm I wonder when she will be heading home from the beccles event - sunday? when all the swimmers are heading up river?
  10. As I mentioned the other day, here are the topics for tonights quiz I now have all the questions, hopefully they will expand your knowledge. this is where to go, remember just your name password not required
  11. when I came to the meet, I had several fray bentos pies in tins and several packets of instant mash - no refrigeration problems, easy to cook, self contained (OK I did have some bacon eggs and sausages as well)
  12. inserts canned laughter at this point
  13. Repps shows 0.26m at 5.30am that equates to a shade over 6 foot 9"
  14. I had a cousin who was on one of the ones that do react, one sip of alcohol and she was acting drunk as a skunk, and sick as a pig
  15. for some reason my laptop wasnt allowing me to upload pictures - or even copy them to another hard drive on my network, a reboot fixed that (this is one of the older laptops - not the one I fixed at the weekend.
  16. not a lot tonight, just a bit of trimming and apart from fitments for the top, the rear cabin roof is done
  17. my dad worked for British rail until he transferred over to the ferries and then went on with sealink, but when they shut the engine sheds / depot at Ashford everything was left there, and surely must all have gone to scrap now, there were lines upon lines (100's of yards of track) filled with spare wheels. I doubt they were moved anywhere. as companies shut premises and move to smaller more compact sites, all the storage goes, and its usually left full of what some would see as scrap - others as spares, cant see people nicking whole train wheels, not the easiest of things to shift, however if a demolition contractor came in they would have the means to dispose of large lumps of steelwork.
  18. I did see a comment last night to the effect that there were a whole bunch of spares for the two rail bridges, but that at a time when the price of scrap was good, these were weighed in for their scrap value, whether this is the case or not, if true it would show a certain amount of lack of care whether the navigation was maintained - (eg lets get rid of all the spares - then when the bridges fail we can just close them permanently as spares are no longer available for them).
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