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Everything posted by grendel

  1. this post contradicts itself, in one breath you blame the damage to the infrastucture on the explosion of private boats, but then go on to say they are rarely used. If a boat is on a private mooring and is not used, then it doesnt impact the public moorings available, the real story is that more and more public moorings have been lost through disrepair and high rents demanded by land owners. certainly some moorings that were made available by reciprocal agreements between hire yards have been lost, but then if a hire yard closes, then the number of hire boats reduces, if every hire yard has enough spaces for all of their boats, when some are out on hire, there must be spaces available, and the same for all the other yards, so really the only factor is the number of public moorings available.
  2. I too will head up after work on the friday (saves 1 1/2 hour of driving), can I scrounge sleeping space on Nipper or Broad Ambition. Thanks
  3. another reflux sufferer here lansaprazole 15mg daily for years now, I certainly know it if I forget to take a tablet.
  4. I hope so I have just booked off the 14th to sleep and catch up on my normal weekend jobs.
  5. third coat of varnish 50/50 with turps, lets see how this deck looks.
  6. and if you think about it, you wouldnt be using the bow thruster without the engine running.
  7. if you use open streetmap, you can get a gps track from your satnav and input it to the map system.
  8. and take 30kW supplies - we just quoted for a 90kW supply to just 3 electric fast charging bays at a fast food outlet (thats about the equivalent supply for 60 houses).
  9. well BA in the wet shed is not an onerous drive from there, so still a possibility. (google tells me 9 miles and 19 minutes)
  10. you might consider a Tesla Powerwall, this is 13.5kWh, of course at over 1m square and 20cm thick, you might not find space for it on the boat, but you could run your 3kW electric fire for 24 hours on it. and you might get some change from £10000
  11. at mains voltages 16A for 24 hours is 384Ah at 4kW at 12V 4kW = 333 A 333A for 24 hours =8000Ah - requiring a 16000Ah Battery
  12. perhaps with consecutive effort over several weekends by several teams a great deal might be achieved, we have 2 bank holiday weekends in the month, which gives extra days for work, the only tricky weekend is the may meet when most of us will be at Salhouse. (Idly wonders if she can be got into the water before then and sailed around so work can continue at Salhouse)
  13. Just a thought Robin, I believe that RT is at Martham, so it would all depend upon whether you could get under Potter Bridge (or berth up on the other side or the bridge and hike down the bank.
  14. but you are not supposed to take lead acid batteries below 50% charge,so for that scenario you would need 770Ah capacity with lead Acid batteries. if you went to different battery chemistry you could reduce that, but as Robin showed when looking at the problem with Independence, costs skyrocket.
  15. I believe Ofgem rules dont allow that either- its regulated the same as campsite electricity posts and other electricity reselling https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/ofgem-publications/74486/11782-resaleupdateoct05pdf
  16. I agree, If I go away camping in a tent, part of the fun is cooking over a small gas burner, making breakfast in just 1 pan. my one thing I do take to make life easier (and save carrying milk around with no fridge) is using the 3 in one coffee sachets- just add water, coffee - whitener and sugar in one, instant mash is another thing that is easier when camping. So even the basics on a boat is luxury compared to camping.
  17. I think looking back at the past a lot of money has been spent on legal cases, which they have subsequently lost, others will probably have better details than I.
  18. Well you can always take over Timbos role of coffee boy / tool holder.
  19. the other problem is the size of the hv cable feeding the site, by modern standards its a piece of wet string (professional term for undersized cable).
  20. Just boiling kettles - 3kw - 12A Just an Immersion Heater - 3kW - 12A Just a fan heater - 3kW - 12A thats overloaded a 32A post without the fridge or battery charger if it was just powering your phone charger or laptop - no problem, but all those other luxuries are notoriously power hungry
  21. true, but we weren't talking about boat safety, we were discussing whether less good looking boats should be banned, and saying if it has a toll it has as much right as any other boat to be on the water.
  22. we are just quietly waiting for more information to surface.
  23. sorry the Q I have moved my post to the correct topic now.
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