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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Just one thought - re the bilge pump, it sounds like you need a stop / bumper to prevent the float reaching the vertical, as if it doesnt get vertical it cant get stuck. - not of course that Independence will likely ever be going out in such extreme conditions again.
  2. I have seen some most exotic woods used as the planks nailed around the outside rims of drums of cables to protect the cable, many a time there were some lovely planks of unseasoned apple, pear, cherry and other british timbers. generally when they were removed they either went into the site skips or onto the site bonfires, I do however have most of my loft planked out in them, and when we lived in a house with an open fire they came in most useful of a winters night.
  3. certainly if you are driving in London, Automatic is the way to go, driving a manual in London is hard work and tiring on the clutch foot, if I needed to do a lot of inner city driving I would get an automatic as that makes the stop start nature of the driving a lot easier. Also as your stated aim is soft and ponderous, an automatic will make that a lot easier (dont leave it in sports mode accidentally though.)
  4. well tonight it was the awkward bow section of the top rail, but its all gone into place, with just a few clamps
  5. I remember the emergency stop on my motorbike test, one freezing cold february morning, the examiner stepped out and raised the clipboard. I stopped, then he waved me forward the 50 yards to where he was standing - I dont think he trusted me on the icy roads.
  6. I remember mine repeatedly on one corner telling me I was taking it too wide - until the time I went round with one wheel up the kerb, for some reason he stopped complaining I was taking it wide after that.
  7. well I did, i just couldnt figure which direction i should be going between two dots when turning right
  8. I hate the roundabouts that are just a collection of mini dots seemingly randomly placed in the middle of a junction, you never quite know (if you are not local) which ones to go round, and which are just decoration.
  9. is that the one with a mini roundabout at each of the 6 entrances?
  10. You just know that if you hesitate - he will come out with the phrase ' come on - you could get a bus through there'. As for roundabouts - try milton keynes.
  11. thanks for remaining calm MM this isnt really on topic, and an avenue we really dont wish to be exploring here for fear of breaking the TOS and getting involved in politics which would invite from us moderators. Lets get back to the road and the confused roundabouts.
  12. well going by the fact the steering is on the port side, the image isnt reversed then.
  13. despite taking 4 1/2 hours to get home, I had to watch the video, so have just finished watching it. The things we went through on shore to follow Independences travels up the coast were a trial, that pales into insignificance to the trial endured by the crew on board. We endured freezing winds, rain - and that was before they arrived at Dungeness, having got the video and pictures we headed up the coast trying to keep the boat in sight, this proved a challenge, we stopped for a while at Sandgate, visibility was not great, we then headed through to Folkestone lees where we had a hail storm, and a glimpse of Independence as she crossed between two rain showers off shore, and then to Capel le ferne- Just past the Battle of Britain Memorial, we stopped there, and were struggling to see anything, it then started snowing, making the road treacherous on the corners. from there we headed to Dover, where we puled in above the western end of the port, from here we could see the navigation lights of a vessel we thought was Independence, this proved correct, and we then wondered if they would be coming in to Dover, as by then it was already dark. once we saw the lights (and the marine traffic track, turn towards the harbour entrance, it was then a short dash to the marina quay, a quick dash into the harbourmasters office confirmed that it was independence, he then directed us to where she would be berthing for the night. after obtaining photos and video of the arrival, we went down to the pontoons (the harbour master had given us the code through the gates), and were in time to meet Robin and Charlie headed for the harbourmasters office. Then onboard where we were given a badly needed cup of coffee (all the Cafes we had planned to stop at had shut hours earlier) and thence to the weatherspoons for dinner with the crew. for us on shore it was a hard day, we can only imagine what the trip was like for Robin and the crew.
  14. I too look forward to watching that as I munch through my dinner tonight 9as it probably would be frowned upon to watch it at work.
  15. .......the software update went fine.
  16. hitchhikers guide to the galaxy has somehow Hitchhiked this thread that was supposed to inform you there was a software update - the only good news I have to add is - Dont Panic.
  17. In actual fact the cold enough to freeze a brass monkey was due to the differences in thermal expansion, when it got cold the cannon balls would contract, settling the brass monkey tighter, thus when it warmed up the brass monkey was frozen to the cannon balls, by the expansion
  18. to get to the restaurant at the end of the universe.
  19. Well despite all your fears - we are still here, software upgrade completed
  20. we will be running a software update in the near future, so if the forum is offline for a short time, please dont worry.
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