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Everything posted by grendel

  1. my wifes uncle went through one of those firms and yes they did get him money over 10 thousand, but then they charged him a couple of thousand for the pleasure. me, I just phoned my bank, filled in a form (the same form that the ppi claim companies would send you) and then sat back while the money rolled in. the best one was one that early on paid out a couple of thousand, then 2 years later they refunded nearly 4000 on the bank charges incurred due to the ppi payments.
  2. the boiled beads would have been an animal glue, from boiled down animal hides I seem to recall. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_glue
  3. well the Swallows and amazons production was very good, laughter throughout, and quite true to the books, particularly good were Nancy and Titty, and their Roger was excellent.
  4. In the end I ditched the gps and maps and everything, the gps antenna would not connect, the lighter socket charger wouldnt work, so I winged it - got lost in Norwich (even with a town centre map)- but came to the right place from the wrong road
  5. I have the map in my head, the gps I use is really only a map that shows where I am now, and moves as I do - saves turning pages. lubuntu installed, foxtrot gps installed, maps downloaded - just waiting for updates to finish. still have an hour before I leave.
  6. aargh, everything installed and working, but on a live disc you lose it when you reboot - start again
  7. ok so car loaded while the map sets were downloading, now I am early, I dont need to leave before 10.30am
  8. this morning I should be loading up the car to head up to Norwich, prior to attending the theatre tonight, then down to Beccles. So instead, what am I doing? - yes thats right I am struggling with a laptop, trying to download a new linux operating system to a 10" netbook, my normal navigation laptop has decided to get a screen flicker - probably a bad connection, but I have tried that, so the need to put a linux distro onto my netbook - as I use foxtrot gps - it just works. I will then have to download a set of maps to use with it. a few hours work there I fear.
  9. the only thing to remember about salhouse is that its a good 15 - 20 minute walk to the village and pubs.
  10. not a million miles from me then, as Canterbury is only a 15 - 20 minute drive from Dover.
  11. oh Tim, you know that when testing sharpness you test it on somebody else, not your own finger, or at the very least test if it shaves the hairs on your arm, a bald arm is better than half a finger.
  12. one last tiny detail that caught my attention, the pin for the mast, as it was just a pin bent at the end, I was worried about taking it out and losing it, so a new pin has been made up, with the end bent round to form an eye, then attached to the mast support with some of the blue 'rope' that I have, the model will be travelling in bridge traversing mode, ie screens and mast down, the old pin has been stored in the bilges just in case as a spare.
  13. you might get away with a temporary solution, maybe a small shipping container, as they can be moved reasonably easily.
  14. welcome to the Forum Malc from another living in the South East
  15. I am plagued with cats - 4 to be precise, always wanting feeding, and one sits on the sky box and randomly changes the channel
  16. amazing the hole was tiny, but I gave the paste some time to cure before starting, then when I started it it was quite a bit quieter
  17. oh and the exhaust hanger repair kit has been ordered from my regular volvo parts place - £20 with new rubbers.
  18. a bit of a panic, noisy exhaust and back end hanging low, took it in to one place, that although they had no cars in and nothing on the ramps, said they were fully booked today. asked the guy nicely and he whisked it up on the ramp, broken rear hanger, and a tiny blow about half way along. he didnt have anything to wire it up with, he didnt want to charge me, but as he had been helpful, I gave him a fiver to get himself a drink tonight. popped into halfords and picked up a tin of putty and spotted a couple of steel s hooks that looked useful, half an hour later the s hooks have been re-bent a bit and fitted and a dab of putty over the point we felt a blow, and all is good to go for my trip up to Beccles.
  19. are there any hire boats licenced to carry 11?
  20. Tomorrow evening I will be attending the Norwich Players production of Arthur Ransomes Swallows and Amazons at the maddermarket in Norwich:- http://maddermarket.co.uk/production/view/395 I hope to give you a good report on the production
  21. I hear all japanese tools work by pulling toward onself, while I may have a saw and planes, I think I will pass on the chisels.
  22. well I managed to get some macro rings for my camera, this will enable me to get close up shots of parts.
  23. if you like I will bring filler, sandpaper and model #2 to keep you going
  24. Even less days to go now, I will be turning up (by car) early Saturday morning, is there anywhere particular I should report to when I arrive? did you manage to arrange some parking, nearby? I will bring my boat transport anyway. Cheers
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