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Everything posted by Arthur

  1. Different times Ray. I recall in the severe winter of 1963 that the playground was just a complete sheet of ice. Numerous slides were made and used . The teachers in those days just let us get on with it. When we were kids nearly all boys ( and some girls) were constanly getting cuts and grazed knees when playing. I suspect there would be a massive fuss if it happened today.
  2. Don't forget another predator that was certainly causing reduction in water fowl a few years ago. Mink
  3. Even Wimbledon is getting hard to watch these days, Constant inane chatter from presenters, camera looking at so called celebrities in the audience instead of the match. Plus the unnecessary way the BBC keep changing the channel. Sometime up to 3 or 4 times during the course of a match.
  4. You know about astronomy Grendel. is this what they mean by a "super moon " ?
  5. Have to agree with Helen things are getting a bit out of hand. As Howard said this must be one of the most random threads. I guess we had better go back to conversing in English. (Well for a few minutes at least) You never know we may even return to Irstead Staithe. LOL Nos da bawb
  6. Bora da Tim What an horrible thought for those poor people at the forum meet.
  7. Don't worry Helen I understood you OK. Cymru am Byth Arthur
  8. Cymru i Scotland Nawr i ddod o hyd staithe Irstead Another wandering thread on the NBF. all part of the fun.on the friendly Forum of course.
  9. Thanks for the link Liz Very interesting
  10. Would say that the location is Lanesborough then as that is North of the Lough whereas Athlone is to the south. Very interesting to see a broads built boat so far from home.
  11. AH John. It's Thursday it must be Ireland
  12. Was this a photo you took yourself Liz ?
  13. Never boated in Ireland and the only thing I have driven over there was coaches and that was over 30 years ago
  14. Things would have changed somewhat since 1965 but cetainly looks a bit like Athlone or Lanesborough. Pity the picture does not give some idea of the width of the river as it is wide in Athlone.
  15. Could be Limerick but there are a lot of walls like that about
  16. Guy in the picture look like possibly irish. Was this on the Shannon or am I miles adrift Of course there are irish canals as well and the pic does look more canal like than river.
  17. Thanks so much for sharing your tale with us Helen. It's great to hear about a sailing holiday, especially on a Hunters yacht. Ddraig goch am byth Arthur
  18. I agree this Forum must stay in the same format. As well as being a great source of information it also very much lives up to its reputation as The Friendly Forum. I do have Facebook but gave up trying to use it some time ago as the advertising has now got so intrusive that it makes the site almost impossible to use at times.
  19. What a terrible thought Peter. I remember when I first started school that that stuff was used as tracing paper. Also when I worked for a Government Establishment in the Early 1970's all of the toilet rolls were that type plus each individual sheet was stamped "Government Property"
  20. The media just love to stir up the public with these stories of impending shortages. Back in the 1970's we had a period where sugar and bread were in limited supply for various reasons. Shops were rationing or only selling to regular customers. Then somewhere in the media there came the story that there would be a shortage of toilet rolls. Within 24 hours there was hardly a bog roll to be found.
  21. Remember it well Vaughan As you say a good series at the time 1970's i think
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