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Everything posted by RumPunch

  1. You may have seen me sailing my R/C Yacht if you are ever near Barton Turf - when I have a spare 30 mins and no time to get the real boat out, it's a great relaxation
  2. Medals and shoes polished, uniform pressed - I'll be laying a wreath at 11:00 I am priviliged to be in the 'allowed' group on several critrea
  3. Yep - I can walk to my boat, fettle it if essential, but not go out. Then when walking back watch visitors to the village unloading their cars of canoes / paddle boards / fishing gear and get into a boat. Hmmm.......
  4. You know, I'm increasingly getting convinced the BA is overreacting, OR the rest of the world under. Sitting here looking at the Blakeney webcam this morning, we have had paddle boarders, canoes, Laser dinghy all going out. Yet I, who live in a Broadland village, at best can walk to my boat and stroke it.....
  5. I have a Chinese all in one. It sits in the cockpit when I need it and is ducted through a hole into the cabin. Nothing permanently fixed, totally removable and no risk of anything failing inside the boat. Add the now mandatory CO alarm, and I'm snug and happy.
  6. One day refresher / assesment if already competent. Did mine a few weeks back. Good for the reason I did it - rescue boats, but of limited relevance to my yacht.....
  7. Maybe see you next year !
  8. Turn the other way and's it's paupers row. Well it's where I live anyway
  9. The one above the shops closed. Royal is the takeaway opposite side of the road to the precinct
  10. To be fair the Royal Indian / Pizza shop in Wroxham does a fair curry. I use them a fair bit
  11. Slightly different angle on the bridge would probably have taken the tooth out .....
  12. If I’m below in the winter I have a portable diesel heater that sits outside with ducting into the cabin. Just needs 12v supply as it’s all self contained, and I can control it from below with the remote. totally removeable in seconds, it also serves in the workshop
  13. Took a day or two for the last one to show. I also have an opinion on this one, but will keep quiet out of respect.
  14. Dredge the bed, then scale this down to Broads dimensions
  15. Think you can just see my mast extreme right of that one :-)
  16. I can ( nearly ) see my house from there ( or boat ! )
  17. Yep The canbus on these hates LEDs too - had to do some wizardry with relays and resistors on my sidelights
  18. In my case because I'm a stubborn engineer Last weekend summed up in 2 pictures - the cost of this at a garage is now close to beyond economic repair
  19. Hoveton - behind village hall. Ten minute walk or so from the bridge towards Stalham
  20. Should you not have 'placed it in the shop window, in case the person who had lost it happened to be passing, and called in to collect it' ?
  21. They put them in the wrong place though. The boy racers come and go from North Walsham direction, turning off at Tescos, so only go through one camera anyway
  22. Exactly what I did when I broke down the other week whilst I fixed things
  23. With the recycling issue, a lot of the problem is there are so many different 'rules' around the country that visitors my not know 'ours'. I just had a week in Devon and we had at least 6 different bags / bins on the go
  24. If the Port of Norwich were still open, this would have been fixed in a matter of hours …..
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