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Everything posted by RumPunch

  1. Used the A11 again at the weekend. 70mph duel carriageway as you approach a roundabout and you get big yellow rumble strips on the road - so why can't they fit these on the NDR. So far this year I've seen 4 cars off on the airport roundabout and 1 on the Rackheath
  2. How many times a year do you do the work - could you hire a gene ?
  3. Not having trawled through the numerous pages on this thread ( just popped in and out as a lot is irrelevant ) but I noticed another of these signs has appeared on the Coltishall sign as you come over the bridge from Norwich. Apologies if already mentioned
  4. The airport roundabout has to be the worst - it's like a car park. Another one on there today ( Mondeo )
  5. OK - Military (ex) humour, so do not look if easily offended Go to this and watch from 4:55 to 5:15 ( Bluestone 42 )
  6. I decided for a change to go the 'old' way to work today. Who is the lonely soul at Coltishall common this morning ?
  7. Yep - that's why I bought an auto for the yacht. Normal procedure is mudweight up, hoist sails, then back up front to pull the mudweight in before sailing away. One day ( maybe ) the wind will change as I walk back and the boom collect me on the way across. On the other hand, when sailing the performance dinghy, with a fair chance of going swimming, I wear a buoyancy aid. Then there are times when I'm just motoring - and MY decision I tend not to wear one
  8. I bought two 95 AH for less than £100 on a well known auction site in May. Just checked the seller - they currently have 110AH for £65 delivered
  9. Above is clear - was being lifted as I came up to it around 06:45
  10. Hmmm - behaviour aside I'm not sure I'd like to call that one. Look how long it takes an oil taker to stop / change direction - similar shape and relative power / displacement ratio to a canal boat ? I have had low speed 'taps' several times when I've been forced to come to a near stop and lost steerage. Fully powered, thruster equipped boat helms sometimes forget we can't all manoeuvre as easily as them
  11. Hello and welcome. Get a burgee and give me a wave if we pass :-)
  12. I've often wondered if there is any mileage in having a 'members seen on the water' photo thread ? This stems from both a desire to have a shot of me sailing as well as seeing a number of fellow forumites out and about
  13. I thought the one in Wroxham was a double length cut and shut ? There was one on Barton Broad a few years ago - I went and tested / collected it and towed it down from North Yorkshire for its new owner. Wonder if its yours ?
  14. Exactly where it is that photo - so maybe he's planning on coming back North
  15. How may people here own one ? ( yes I do have a small one, as well as several 'real' R/C aircraft / helis together with competency certs for those / insurance )
  16. Tried it at the weekend. My about right feel on the river was 4.2 mph, so pretty close.
  17. Talking about speeding boats
  18. Without getting drawn into anything else, Pelican arrived on the staithe Barton Turf whilst I was there yesterday
  19. She is a sail training ship - Belem https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belem_(ship)
  20. On my yacht us wanted something cheap and easy without having to worry about finding room for extra tanks and pipework.So I bought am all in one heater - sits in the cockpit and is ducted through a hole in the bottom washboard. Rig it when I need it. Has a remote so I can turn it on from inside and two automatic on/off timer settings
  21. RumPunch


    Is that a forum flag on the bow ?
  22. Even then - no all single sex crews
  23. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/politics/meeting-to-discuss-abandoned-boats-at-stalham-staithe-1-6147224
  24. Sure it's not run off from irrigation ? They were certainly spraying that field a few days ago
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