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Everything posted by LizG

  1. Following on from Q's here's my tales from the Galley! First an early morning visit on Saturday to the club followed by watching the race from the garden (as you do!!!) I was joined by Sue Hines who takes amazing photos so only took a few on my phone. Late afternoon I go down to the club to get the latest news! It was obvious this was a fast race and by 7 in the morning the Galley might be quiet so I offered to stay all night. From last year I knew that little things helped speed things up so I cut up all the sausages so that wouldn't need doing and separated 2 giant packs of bacon. The first boat was home at 19:50 and we opened the galley well ahead of the normal time. It was quite obvious that the majority of early finishers first port of call was the pub and then home with the plan they return in the morning when breakfast would be more appealing! So when the 22:00 shift arrived and started getting the breakfasts ready for the next round of finishers I could see the 07:00 shift could be equally busy, I went home to get some sleep. I awoke to hear cars sloshing through puddles along Lower Street. It had rained! Apparently initially it was manic but between 01:00 and 06:30 it had been quiet! The 07:00 shift started getting more sausages and bacon cooked but we had no idea what to come!!! The word busy was no exaggeration! Q will testify. When I arrived in the morning the piles of loaves of bread was high. When we finished there was just 3 left!!! All the sausages went, the beans ran out and I have no idea how many breakfasts the amazing crew prepared!!! I got home just after 13:00 and apart from looking online on my phone I have done very little. Home tomorrow! It was a hard but very good race! Liz
  2. Thanks Q for finding them I knew they were in the public domain!
  3. Won by a Wayfarer Stuart Rix 2nd Ghost a Y&B
  4. Fresh! Could be chilly in the night and I suspect a quick race for many
  5. The program and boat list is for sale £2 this morning in the Horning newsagents
  6. My first introduction was in 1971 soon after we moved to Horning. Father volunteered WR for guard ship. We were sent to Stracey Arms in the days when the TA did the radios. After that I might help on guard ship - in later years they would be above Potter but I had moved away by then. But later I would be the grave yard slot time keeper. My shift would end when Fred Turner would arrive at a more civilized hour! Liz
  7. I couldn't face the graveyard shift so I opted for the next one starting at 7 to finish so we will meet. Hope it isn't too busy - last year it was very quiet as there was no wind and then suddenly one big rush! Judging by the current forecast you might be busy! Guard ship days are over! Liz
  8. Have a great weekend everyone Liz
  9. LizG

    Roadworks 2022

    A friend of my husband who now lives near Wymondham actually emailed him to warn us of these roadworks!!! Can't be any worse than on A602 last weekend between Ware and Watton at Stone - road closed due to a new carriageway being created so a lorry went via the diversion to Hertford and got stuck under the railway bridge at Hertford north - it was absolute chaos!
  10. LizG

    My Day

    Get better soon Boris!
  11. An interesting addition to the fleet. They must have thought about it before taking the boat on. Ideal for short lets above the bridge maybe? Liz
  12. I don't know if there are any Silver Lights around unlike Golden Lights. Worth saving......
  13. Silver Light? I love it when its listed as 'USED'! That's an understatement 😊
  14. They are very practical, very useful if you can't get to a shop easily eg Barton Regatta
  15. My husband was positive for 10 days. I probably tested positive on day 3 which was a Sunday, my test 8 days later was negative. So the equivalent to 10 days as well if that makes sense?
  16. Railway Score I suspect is Beccles where the old line went to cross the Waveney
  17. It might be my Covid state at the moment but I haven't seen anything on the news relating to problems getting fuel. Not going anywhere at the moment so it's not a problem!
  18. My experience is of a cold that hasn't had a peak - just plateaued the same all week until today when I do believe I have turned a corner. I haven't had a cold for over two years so I had almost forgotten what one was like!!! For some reason I always develop a tickly cough which catches the back of my throat - no different with Covid! Night times being particularly wearisome! However, I consider I have got off quite lightly. Just relatively boring being unable to do anything! Luckily we didn't run out of CHOCOLATE! Husband who tested positive before any symptoms was different. Very runny nose on day 3 and then quickly recovering (so he said) but he was positive on the 27th March and only had a completely negative test yesterday 7th April! 10 days in total. I am not wasting LFTs for the moment as I am sure it would still throw out a positive test and have cancelled a dentist appointment booked for next Tuesday! Without getting too political - the government says it is their living with Covid strategy. Listening to R4 yesterday, they were interviewing 'an expert' who said he wasn't exactly sure what that meant nor he said he suspected the government did either. We had stockpiled LFTs for that day but if you now have to buy them, are you - that is if you can get hold of them? I consider that very short sighted even if it does save money! On a positive note - two of our cats had their vaccinations the other day. Vets can now get hold of them after a shortage caused by all vaccine makers prioritising Covid vaccines. Liz
  19. When on the Monmouth & Brecon canal last September a man was in the water wearing long waders with a pot of paint and paint brush touching up the boats
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