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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. The ‘best drink of the day’ for me is the one I have in my hand at the time. I stopped having milk in tea many years ago and couldn’t drink milky tea again for all the tea in China!! I like MM’s routines, both on and off the boat but I do wonder how he manages to put such sensible posts together, I’d not be able to find the right buttons with all that alcohol. I guess it takes practice MM?
  2. Explain please, not sure what you are referring to.
  3. Would that be classed as ‘boat waste’?!! Saw that small boat about 3 weeks ago towing the raft, it moored alongside the boat which has now sunk. Maybe they had an argument as to whose space it was..................... Which lady would that be pray?
  4. And as you wrote that, I was on my home from Bluewater!
  5. Nope, not Great Yarmouth - must be Wroxham!
  6. I reckon it was only a matter of time before someone suggested foul play and I can’t say I am surprised as to where the suggestion came from. If there are any more ‘mishaps’, it will look a bit suspicious.
  7. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/sinking-of-houseboat-in-sutton-broad-1-5799845 This is the second vessel in that area to suffer damage in the last couple of weeks. The first one was moored just up from the turning into Paddy’s Lane on the Ant and caught fire and sunk.
  8. I’m just reading Coot Club at the moment so that’s handy. Thanks.
  9. These sort of problems that crop up fairly rarely would not put me off staying anywhere. We had someone try to remove our aerial during the night when we moored in Norwich YS last year. They only managed to remove half of the bracket before we awoke and scared them off, it was annoying having to try and replace the bracket but I still love a trip to the City and won’t be put off. I think if you take all sensible precautions, and that sadly goes for almost anywhere these days, you’ll probably be ok. With luck you might have Jayfire’s size 12 come to your aid if something untoward happened.
  10. And I am sure there will be many who can say that. There were comments made last year on this forum concerning problems at Loddon which were sorted happily.
  11. I believe there was quite a bit of trouble with louts at Loddon staithe last year but I haven’t heard of any problems this year. Did you not have your mudweight down at that time?
  12. Pye’s Mill is definitely quieter and much more pleasant than the basin moorings at busy times. It is an easy walk into Loddon too. There is also the BA mooring at Chedgrave Common, room for only 3/4 boats though (or 2 RC45s!). Nice walk along the riverbank into Chedgrave or Loddon. Also, heading away from the river, you can follow a track that leads to a main road heading into Chedgrave itself. A very useful store there that opens early in the morning being a newsagents too. Some super photos, shame you had so much river traffic to contend with though! (Just shows the benefit of being able to cruise out of season.)
  13. I can remember being moored in Commissioner’s Cut, near the river end, when a coaster came upstream during the night. We got out of bed to see what all the noise was and saw this huge monster bearing down on us. It was quite scary being very dark!
  14. With Bramerton closely following?
  15. Weren’t they specifically for electric day boats? Would that make a difference?
  16. Yes, this does happen a lot but there are also those who take advantage of them intermittently and considerately. Whatever, as long as those you mention act within the rules, what does it matter? It’s how they prefer to use their boats.
  17. What about those boats that were built to go under Potter bridge but no longer can? I think there may be one or two around.
  18. As some have said, there are many situations like this in life. For example: Earlier someone mentioned demasting pontoons. I shall never use one but my tolls helps pay for them. Do I care? Not one jot. That was something else going through my mind but Fred got there first!
  19. Lots of DC30s on the Broads. Plenty of Caribbean too so maybe someone will know of something that might suit you.
  20. Why is it so difficult for some to see that there are folk who like to use an electric post from time to time and for very different reasons. They don’t need to, they just like to. Everybody has a choice, if you don’t want to use one, then don’t. I do wonder if the BA is trying to get ahead of the game. Where cars are concerned, I reckon people are still wary of purchasing an electric vehicle because of the lack of charging points at present - chicken and egg situation. If/when the sale of electric/hybrid boats picks up, the infrastructure will already be there. Forward thinking.
  21. Birding? First time I’ve heard it called that!
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