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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Why not the next forty? Be positive!
  2. Waters Edge - if they’re open? Anywhere in Thorpe any good these days? Congratulations, 40 years for us this year too.
  3. There’s a big hardware shop just down from the market place in Norwich, they seem to have a myriad of stuff old and new. Can’t think of the name of the shop just now but someone will know it.
  4. Anyway, when you’re cruising along you can’t see your own fenders! (And I’m not particularly bothered what anyone elses are doing.)
  5. There is a fb group ‘Protect the Broads, we are not a National Park’ (JM knows it well). Now the members of that group all sing from the same song sheet so are able to campaign if they so wish on that issue. This forum has a variety of topics which some agree with and others don’t, there will seldom be (if ever!) full agreement on anything. If there are a number of like-minded individuals who feel strongly enough, and courageous enough, to speak out in favour of James Knight, surely a fb group or something similar would be the way forward? I feel sure there would be a lot of forum members keen to lend support.
  6. I can’t give any facts or quote any research or studies, other than what is already available for viewing. What I do know is that I absolutely love the close season as, for 3 months, the banks etc are available for mooring. It’s been said many, many times I know, some agree and some disagree but of course that will have no bearing on this particular consultation. Just had to have my say!
  7. Lovely pictures as usual - I can almost taste that icy air! I think it’s time you started phoning ahead to these pubs Jay and warning them of your imminent arrival. You might stand more chance of finding them open. Then again - maybe not!!
  8. I very much doubt if there is anything anyone could add to that, it is such a comprehensive answer from ‘someone who knows’.
  9. I think we have established that there is nobody prepared to bite that bullet though? DEFRA aren’t interested sufficiently (apparently) to intervene so nothing can seemingly be done. As long as there are people like James to chip away though, maybe something will give - eventually.
  10. Gets a bit more iffy with 12ft beams though!
  11. It’s always a lovely and worthwhile cruise from Beccles to The Locks or Geldeston Dyke, whichever you choose. Moorings can be limited at The Locks as it is popular with canoeists who tend to congregate there. Sometimes they pull their canoes ashore but not always. As SK said, timing is crucial and you need to arrive as others leave in the morning - not the easiest thing to do! I would say steer clear of weekends as lots of ‘locals’ head there. If you find no room, you can always head back to Beccles and moor at the Lido moorings, two hours free so enough time to visit the town for a beer or two.
  12. Nothing to really comment on. Responses will no doubt be forthcoming once the programme is aired, probably producing a multi-page thread!
  13. Excellent David - well done and thank you.
  14. I have a Blakes brochure dated 1982 which was the first year we hired. I was about to book Diamond Anchor but changed my mind at the last minute and went for something a bit bigger instead as a friend was joining us. The picture in the brochure is of Diamond Anchor K682 which, according to Craig’s data base is still on the Broads but no longer a blue colour. Of the others in the class, L246 and L863, there is nothing very recent so they may have disappeared now.
  15. I wonder how many rolls of Fablon it would take for a 30ft boat?.................
  16. Hello and welcome to the forum. You’ll find that quite a few forum members keep going all year round while some of us take a break over the colder months. March will see me back in harness (life jacket) and I’m looking forward to it, especially the longer days and hopefully milder weather. Enjoy your new toy - or ??
  17. How could a navigation area that is being left to grow untended be classed as being maintained, improved or developed? I don’t think I understand what you are getting at.
  18. The right to navigate would remain but access would probably reduce slowly (ie through lack of dredging, weed clearing or tree pruning) leading to canoe/dinghy access only and eventually nothing at all.
  19. I do hope you are right in that belief. Am I right in thinking that DEFRA have already been approached about some aspect of the CEO’s ‘control’ over various issues and they have declined to intervene? I’m sure I have read that somewhere but maybe someone can confirm/clarify.
  20. I read this response a few weeks back and have to admit that I read it the same way JM did. MM’s reply however has given me food for thought and I now think that that particular piece has either been very badly written or very cleverly written. Clarification could be requested but isn’t it likely that any response would be just as cleverly (or badly) worded? It could, which is entirely reasonable, but that still leaves toll payers at the mercy of an authority that makes its own rules and can decide what it wants to be ‘unviable’. I can’t see how that particular piece can be worded to give comfort to all stakeholders.
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