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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. 40/50 years ago a lot of things were great fun, not quite so much now as peace and tranquillity are more appealing to me these days. However, each to their own.
  2. My sentiments entirely! Sardines came to mind when I saw them all at the staithe.
  3. Just to add - I saw all 12 of the HW boats moored upstream of Wayford Bridge on the Saturday morning. I hope they weren’t all intending on going up to Dilham!!!
  4. Those boats came past us on Thursday when we were moored in Womack Dyke. They all (12 of them!) headed for the staithe. About 20/25 minutes later 4 other boats came past us heading the opposite way, maybe they anticipated their peace and tranquility disappearing! In the morning we walked up to the staithe, about 100 yards before we got there we heard a very loud booming noise. All the boats had their engines running in unison. I walked on up to the village and the engines were still running on my return to the staithe! Although all the HW boats were moored together, there looked to be one Richardson’s in amongst them and I felt rather sorry for the occupants. Moored in the Dyke, we had a boat behind us that ran its engine for a couple of hours in the evening. Normally engines running don’t worry me particularly but this boat ran the engine for two hours in the morning as well - then it left! I think that’s just taking the proverbial.
  5. Nesspresso collect used pods for recycling now, that’s got to be a step in the right direction.
  6. I think we might have moved on from breakfast to lunch now - pork pies, pickled eggs and bubble and squeak. Gourmet boating at its best!
  7. What a forum! What started off as a discussion about Herbert Woods new boat is now about Bubble and Squeak!! No chance of discussions ever getting boring.
  8. Grayling sold very quickly, probably within a month or so of it going to Waterside in Potter.
  9. Microwaves are not a necessity on a boat but can be a ‘nice to have’ sometimes. The only thing I ever actually cook in a microwave is a jacket potato and then it has to go in a very hot oven for a short time to crisp the skin. (That way saves on gas use.) They do however come into their own when reheating food. I think a lot of hirers expect their hire boat to have one these days, even if it’s only to heat ready meals! I suppose a microwave is like a bow thruster, you don’t really need one but they do come in handy sometimes!
  10. I don’t think I would class a microwave as a ‘gimmick ‘ these days. Now a whirlpool bath, that’s certainly something I would say was a gimmick and one that I don’t think caught on.
  11. That’s the thing about older boats, they were built to cope. Our boat is 40+ years old and has large water and fuel tanks and we last (without using shore facilities) at least 2 weeks before we need a pumpout. Not a large boat either.
  12. It won’t go under that bridge, in fact it might be quite limited if tides are high.
  13. Whenever we used to walk from the Burgh Castle moorings, the Park used to be advertising their own bar facilities. From memory I think it used to be called the Kingfisher but my memory sadly is failing somewhat! From time to time food was also advertised as was entertainment. I do miss those moorings and I’m not sure I would want to use them as wild moorings. They were in desperate need of refurbishment and, in spite of the good Doctor’s approach to the EA and an agreement that work would take place, I really can’t see anything being done short term.
  14. If Paladine gets to see this post, you may be lucky and get more pics and explanations re the ‘mooring board’, I know he covered it very well ‘elsewhere’ a few years back.
  15. Neatishead moorings are BA 24 hour so presumably the usual rule applies, anglers must move if boats want to moor.
  16. vanessan

    Lads Week

    They say alcohol dulls the brain!
  17. The idea certainly has its merits but that would mean there would have to be another organisation responsible for conservation. Then I could see lots of disagreement between the various parties.
  18. vanessan

    Lads Week

    I can hear the Broads heaving a huge sigh of relief! The pubs though, that’s a different matter. All the extra staff they took on won’t be needed any more.
  19. Can’t do the cracker pulling I’m afraid, scares the dogs! I’ll have to raise an extra glass - or two. hic!!
  20. And yet the main Burgh Castle moorings have been left to deteriorate (having been closed) leaving only the Fisherman’s moorings. Quite insufficient for the area. Just one example of neglect.
  21. I say chaps, it’s gone awfully quiet. Do you think they’re ok?
  22. There is a website www.christmastreeworld.co.uk where you will find all shapes and sizes of artificial tree. Just don’t get too carried away!
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