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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. You’re not the only one! Some are quite obvious but others, like the third and fourth above, can have me scratching my head. But then I can only own up to 36 years.
  2. Just had a peek at the menu, certainly something for everyone. Made my mouth water just reading it! Thank you for the review.
  3. This may work http://www.boatsafetyscheme.org/alarmconsulation2018
  4. The Boat Safety Scheme - boatsafetyscheme.org - is running a public consultation on a proposal to introduce a new mandatory BSS requirement for the installation of CO alarms. The consultation is running until 9th November. Sorry, I was unable to get a linky thing but the details are on the ‘Home’ page under Latest News.
  5. Boris looks lovely, looking forward to hearing more about him and the trip. I know what you mean about the A47 on Friday 3rd, I had to tackle it too. Seemed to be stop, start, stop, start for much of it!
  6. You certainly know who your friends are when they give responses to your calamitous post! It’s a from me. Whoops, how did that get there?!
  7. I would suggest that if anyone comes across quay heading taped off for no good reason, they should moor up and phone the BA for clarification. If the BA are unaware of any problems, remove tape immediately.
  8. A bit like the National Park story.............
  9. Sounds horrendous! I have been threatened with surgery but will avoid it for as long as possible. With anti-inflammatories, pain killers and the insta-life wrap, I’m hoping to last out. So many people suffer from so many different types of back problems, I reckon they would have found a cure if it was ‘one size fits all’!!
  10. What sort of surgery did you have to have - if you don’t mind me asking?
  11. Thanks oldgregg and jimbo88 for the explanations, I now see exactly what you mean. I hired the old design quite a few times but don’t have much idea of the newer boats as we have our own boat now. Interesting sketch jimbo but it got the idea across .
  12. A few years back I was diagnosed with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis and one of the things caused by this is sciatica. I don’t suffer from it all of the time I’m pleased to say but when it flairs up it is extremely painful as anyone who has it will know. I have tried many remedies without success and about a year ago I saw this https://www.expertverdict.com/ev/insta-life-acupressure-sciatic-nerve-calf-pads-twin-pack and decided to try them. For me they have worked! When the sciatica flairs up, usually when walking the dogs, I use one for a few days and have found it eases the condition tremendously. Amazon now sell them £10 cheaper https://www.amazon.co.uk/SCIATIC-ACUPRESSURE-COMPRESSION-RELIEF-MEDICAL/dp/B011EQ9W84/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 . You have to buy a twin pack whatever and you are told not to use on both legs at once so it seems silly to me to not be able to buy a single pad but there you go, that’s commercialism for you! I did wonder if the relief they first gave me was going to be short-lived but over a year on I am still feeling the benefits every time I have to resort to using one of the pads. That’s why I delayed sharing this until now.
  13. Any photos to help explain what you mean? It always seems to me that something ‘rounded’ would be more spacious than something ‘angular’.
  14. That sounds so logical. I wouldn’t mind betting though that there would be quite few ‘large’ boats that have never been to sea and the owners wouldn’t even consider it!
  15. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Silent is clearly a well designed boat and will appeal to many for lots of reasons. That’s one of the things about the Broads I think, you will never get bored looking at boats because there are so many variations and designs. (Not to mention the way some of them are helmed! )
  16. This article appeared on another forum I do believe. It’s from 2007 and has been made out to look like it is current news. (I think some forums are struggling for topics!) Chris Grayling is the current Transport Minister, Stephen Ladyman was in 2007. I feel sure we would know if it had been made law.
  17. Might be a Lowrance, I came across them when searching for something similar. Or Hawkeye.
  18. Would that be something like ‘well, shiver me timbers’?
  19. Perhaps the system’s not sure of the punctuation and that’s why you got away with it.
  20. Didn’t they change it to Tatty in an earlier version too? The audiobook I have been listening to calls her Titty and it just becomes another word. I had a great-aunt called Auntie Hilda, apparently I couldn’t say Auntie when I was little and it became Tete- pronounced Teetee. The whole family called her that until the day she died aged 93.
  21. I am currently just finishing Swallows and Amazons, an audiobook recording. I first read it around 60 years ago but couldn’t remember very much of it and I am enjoying it tremendously. I’m not sure if I shall watch the programme on BBC on Sunday as I think it will probably spoil it for me. I have been trying to imagine today’s kids being able to behave like those Swallows and Amazons but sadly I can’t see it with all the nannying that goes on now not to mention the fact that most kids couldn’t be without their mobiles for more than 5 minutes! A truly different world.
  22. Maybe having seen earlier posts, someone has cottoned on that it is a good way to reserve a mooring! I think a search should be made of all boats and any red and white tape confiscated. Joking apart, I have seen the same private boat moored on the wild mooring above Barton Broad when I have been up there early and late season over the last couple of years. The wild mooring at the lower entrance to the Broad is often frequented by folks who fish from their boats. Nice view from there I would think.
  23. Compiled Jul/Aug 2018 Waste facilities for boaters - Northern Rivers H = Hire boats only Richardson’s Boatyard Stalham H Sutton Staithe Barton Turf Neatishead Irstead Ludham Bridge Hickling Horsey Herbert Woods Boatyard Potter Heigham H Coltishall Faircraft Loynes (NBD) Wroxham  H Barnes Brinkcraft Wroxham H  Summercraft Wroxham H  Salhouse (car park) Ferry Marina Horning H Ranworth Eastwood Whelpton Upton H Bridgecraft Acle H Broads Boating Company Acle H Great Yarmouth Yacht Station Waste facilities for boaters - Southern Rivers H = Hire boats only Norwich Yacht Station Whitlingham (car park) Broom Boats Brundall H Silverline Brundall H Rockland Langley Dyke Loddon (Pye’s Mill - 6 ‘park’ type litter bins only) Pacific Cruisers Chedgrave H  Sanderson Marine Reedham H Reedham Geldeston Beccles Yacht Station Oulton Broad Yacht Station Somerleyton
  24. It’s a girl thing Ian, you wouldn’t understand!
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