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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. That really was an awful event for you to witness, I found my heart thumping just reading it! It was a good thing you were there to witness it anyway, at least you were able to provide support and back-up to the day-boat crew. I wonder if anything happened with regard to the bathtub hirers, it sounds like they should have been removed from the rivers immediately. Did you by any chance advise the day boat crew to inform the Broads Authority? Love that last picture, peace and tranquility takes over from insanity in the end.
  2. If they sell them there will be somebody who will buy them, you can be sure of that!
  3. My goodness, that bank has a lot to answer for! I do hope you are able to get to the wedding at the end of the week. I reckon somehow you’ll find a way though.
  4. Get the ankle well again soon. No boating until it’s better!
  5. I think what the poster means is that Barnes take their own boats through so they are reliant on them.
  6. https://www.meandmypets.com/dog/accessories/lifting-harnesses.html We have one of these handy for our smallish dogs in case of need. I don’t know how big a dog they would support but a phone call to the company would find out. If the side door on the boat is narrow, you may find something like this would be less bulky than a life jacket to get the dog through. A life jacket otherwise is, of course, a must.
  7. No time to waste then, another boat trip coming up soon? Lovely write-up Neil, it’s good to know Boris is settling and clearly beginning to enjoy his holiday. That yacht picture is good for a calendar entry I reckon.
  8. I think with fb there will always be someone who will try and stir it all up, it seems to go with the territory. It is unlikely we will ever know the full story of this event so it’s speculation as to what really happened. Suffice to say the emergency services were there when needed - thank goodness. Have you ever noticed that those that make the most grumbling noises are often those who maintain that something similar could never happen to them? I wonder......................
  9. Marvellous invention for boats these fold-up things. I have a colander, washing up bowl, bucket and even a potato masher that folds!
  10. Enjoyed your blog tremendously, I should think you have ‘sold’ that boat to quite a few hirers for next year! Ferry Marine ought to give you a good discount on whatever you choose for next year - provided you book with them of course. Thank you for all the feedback.
  11. But then what do you knock the second one in with?
  12. Just be aware there may not be anywhere to walk the dog as some banks are quite isolated with no footpaths.
  13. As has been said, boat fridges are not too bad but the freezer (there usually is one) will be small. I usually have on board the part baked bread/rolls, biscuits for cheese and that sort of thing. You don’t actually need to moor outside of pubs, just be prepared to walk a little way to get to one. As I mentioned earlier, you can moor in hire boatyards free of charge so that would be Wroxham, Potter Heigham and Horning taken care of if you wanted to take advantage of pubs in those locations. Walk into Ludham from Womack Dyke if you are unable to moor at the staithe, a good pub there. Plenty of mooring at Acle. That gives you an idea of what can be achieved. You must be mind-blown by now bubba so I’ll shut up!
  14. Funny how times change, chicken is now the cheapest (unless you buy good free range) with lamb normally quite expensive. I’m feeling rather hungry now, all this talk of Sunday roasts - mmmmm!
  15. One to add to the northern rivers list: Hoveton - adjacent to the Hoveton St John moorings, behind Massingham’s butchers.
  16. I wonder how much difference joining the common market made to us? The commodities Hylander mentions, and many more, became more widely available in the seventies. I would not be without garlic and an array of herbs and spices in my cupboards now. The Sunday joint and its leftovers were standard for our family too but I know of at least one family now who actually ditch anything left from a joint as they can’t be bothered to do anything with it! (Or don’t know what they could do.) I am certainly glad I learned to cook at school and that both my husband and I enjoy our food enough for me to take an interest in anything edible!
  17. Good point - as I started it I’ll answer your question. Don’t know! Numb brain I guess but I agree it should be on open forum.
  18. Have you got enough ideas yet bubba??!!
  19. I’m quite sure I won’t be the only one mentioning life jackets for your children. You will all be supplied with them and I recommend you, and particularly the children and dog, wear them when on deck. It’s too easy to get complacent about such things but mishaps do happen. As far as I an see, the forecast is pretty good for next week on the Broads, so enjoy!
  20. I couldn’t agree more with what’s been said above, you could get a train into Norwich from Wroxham (free mooring at hire boatyards there) and probably into Great Yarmouth as well. You will have plenty of attractions just cruising the Northern Broads, it’s best not to try and rush anywhere. Save the southern Broads for your next visit. Is this your first boating holiday?
  21. Welcome to the forum bubba. I’m assumimg this is your first time on a boat as well as to the area? It’s probably best not to have a firm itinerary other than the first couple of nights. As Grendel has said, you will need dog walking stops for overnight so for the first night I would suggest Paddy’s Lane at Barton Turf. It’s not too far from Richardson’s and would give you time to get used to handling the boat and mooring up for the first time in a fairly quiet spot. You would then have plenty of time to sort the boat out and chill having had an early start. If you do want to go further, I would suggest crossing Barton Broad and heading for How Hill. Great dog walking there and a good stretch of mooring. Time will obviously dictate how far you should go on that first evening but I’d suggest not too far as you certainly won’t want to be searching for a mooring late into the evening. After that, go with the flow and just enjoy! Don’t forget to let us know how you got on too, we love people’s holiday tales here.
  22. I remember policemen on bikes..............
  23. Photo number 1 above is a cracking shot, captures the stillness of the morning beautifully.
  24. I believe the rangers do use tape on moorings if there is a good reason. I have certainly seen taped off sections where posts have been loose or quay heading broken. I quite agree though that if nothing is obvious the tape should be removed.
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