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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. But did you spot it before all of this came to light?
  2. Bill Dickson, however, said: “As a boat owner I regularly travel through the area and can tell the difference.” Really??
  3. I don’t think I have noticed an ‘xyz reach’! Seriously though, if you can get hold of an old copy of a Hamilton’s Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Navigation, you will have a lot of local history at your fingertips. I don’t know if it is possible to obtain one but certainly worth trying.
  4. Of course you do, it’s this one isn’t it ?
  5. Lovely photos again Jay. All these ‘guess the pub’ pictures are just giving you an excuse to visit more and more hostelries aren’t they?!! Not that you need an excuse of course........................
  6. I believe HW have had their barrier down recently because of the salt surge, that maybe one reason there are boats double moored on the river. Having said that, they were double moored there three weeks ago so it could also be due to the fact they have run out of room in the yard!
  7. No such thing as a boat shape in my ever so humble opinion. If it floats, it’s a boat! As for being ‘bridge shaped’, no problems with the likes of Ludham or Wayford and many others. Congratulations on your purchase smitch6, I hope you manage to find some information. I wonder if any Falcons were lost, that might account for the lack of them.
  8. But I hasten to add, I’m sure the forum wouldn’t be without you.
  9. Sometimes I think I agree with you!
  10. Train Reach is between ******** **** and ******* **** I believe. At least that’s what Hamilton’s says! Vaughan will be able to tell from my asterisks if I have got that right but, as I’m cheating using my Hamilton’s, I’ll leave others to guess.
  11. Welcome to the forum Debs. Have you taken over from Steve or just left him to his own (new) devices?! You have a good week weatherwise so far, you can’t beat those lovely atmospheric misty mornings. Look forward to hearing more of your trip.
  12. Another can of worms for Thorpe perhaps?
  13. But where is Coke Oven Reach before you go? I thought upstream from Horning but my trusty Hamilton’s guide says that is Cinder Oven Reach. Another ‘localism’ maybe?
  14. I wonder how many members are reaching for their maps so they can search out Coke Oven Reach!
  15. I don’t know what we did before the advent of oil filled radiators! They really are a godsend for out of season boating. As has been said, running one set low overnight is great when the temperature is below zero or very near it. They do give a great background heat during the evening too, saves the noise of the boat’s warm air heating.
  16. I’ll bet there are many places across the country known by special names by the locals. We have a few round our way too. I have found this chat about Barton Turf/Pennygate staithe very interesting. Whatever it is called, it will always be one of my favourite places.
  17. It’s got me scratching my head too, maybe we need more of the stuff to appreciate or understand it!
  18. to the forum Michelle. I think Alan has outlined well the benefits of syndicate ownership. We are retired so have plenty of time for our boat which we own. It’s become a way of life for us now, between March and November we spend weeks at a time afloat. We have quite a long journey to Norfolk so it makes sense for us to have long visits. I’m sure you will get many other views and ideas and there will be lots to think about. The main thing however is to remember that as outright owners you will probably need very deep pockets! It’s all worth it though. Good luck with your contemplations.
  19. I think Broadsman is a centre cockpit? Broadway and Broadlander are the bathtubs. Welcome to the forum by the way Longjohn. March can be lovely if Spring comes early, just keep your fingers crossed.
  20. Well, I guess a historian would know! Thank you for that information.
  21. It was like that 3 weeks ago when I popped in! Try as I might, I could not get in the mood just yet, too early for me.
  22. You can google Thai street food and that comes up as the business now being in Frettenham. Certainly looks to me like a wrong marker on the map!
  23. I think that is the Thai street food van that used to be on the little industrial estate in Hoveton, opposite the Doctor’s surgeries and health centre on the Stalham - Hoveton main road. It is closed now I believe but maybe this is its new location.
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