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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. I think you have a good point re Egyptian geese, they are so prolific now I think they will soon outnumber the greylag! They do leave such awful mess wherever they are too.
  2. There is a recently restored Eastwood 37 currently on the Broads. I have seen her a few times lately (within the last two weeks in fact) and she looks extremely good. I’m not absolutely certain but I think some of the works may have been done by/at Cox’s Boatyard at Barton Turf. I know this is probably no help at all but just thought I would mention it. A lot of the wood has been restored and it looks a different boat altogether now.
  3. I expect they would blame: a) Boaters b) Otters c) Brexit Not necessarily in that order!
  4. Something a number of people have been saying right from the start.
  5. Bramerton is a great example of inconsiderate fishing. Fishing is actually prohibited there between March and September but, each time we have passed by or moored up, there has been at least one person fishing from the bank. There’s not much point in the BA putting up a sign if they are just going to pass by and ignore what’s happening there! That of course is just a boater’s point of view but I think kingfisher666’s post above spells out the good that the close season does with regard to regeneration.
  6. I love the closed season, no fishing kit spread out all over moorings. No moorings blocked off. No rods half way across the rivers. No grumpy faces on the riverbanks. I know most fisherpeople are considerate and pleasant but we always seem to come across the exceptions! I hope nothing changes.
  7. Brooms started to charge for water back in the spring, £2 per fill. There is a sign asking for the money to be ‘put in the box’ when the jetty is closed, so far no box has appeared! One of the guys told us that ‘the boss’ intends to turn the water off overnight but, as yet, that hasn’t happened. It would be a shame if they did that, early morning or late evening are good times to fill up as the jetty is normally free.
  8. Not ‘confers’ - ‘conkers’ for goodness sake!! B****y predictive text!
  9. I have used the spray and I think it does help to keep spiders at bay. It smells of chestnuts! Mind you, I also shut windows and put plugs in basins to try and block all entry points. We’ve used confers too but the jury’s still out on that.
  10. I couldn’t either but your map has explained where I should go for my meat next time I am in Beccles. Thank you.
  11. I just had a look at Tripadvisor and see there is an entry for this month from someone who visited with dogs, even a dog treat jar on the bar. That is good news and certainly a turnaround by the pub. Thanks Jayfire!
  12. Have they changed their policy then? It’s always been strictly no dogs inside the pub but ok in the garden. Do you know when this changed Jayfire?
  13. I sometimes find that the page I am using is still downloading adverts and/or pictures when I want to click on a link or something. That makes it very easy to click in the wrong place. Most annoying!
  14. Now which concern does that remind me of I wonder?!
  15. Wyndham quoted Garryn in his ‘yeah’ reply.
  16. I thought I had started a serious topic - I might have known...............
  17. There’s a very good description of how to scull in ‘Swallows and Amazons’ if you can find it.
  18. How about the spear bit too? That makes sense to me. Maybe the Anglo Saxons used something similar to a rhond anchor to tether their coracles (sounds painful!!).
  19. It seems as if there is no definitive answer as to where or when the rhond anchor originated. We’ll just have to put it down to being one of those Norfolk Broads peculiarities which is jolly useful - when used correctly!
  20. I had read the onion bargee blogspot but no ‘new’ information in that. Indeed it confirms exactly what Vaughan said in the earlier thread. Rhond anchors have been around for donkeys years but I find it interesting that the Broads is the only waterway they are used on and no one appears to have any idea as to how they came about in the first place. I wonder if they have ever been patented..............
  21. The talk about rhond anchors on another thread recently got me wondering about the history of them and how they were originally designed to be used. The only meaningful thing that came up when I googled rhond anchors was a thread on here from last year! There doesn’t appear to be a dictionary entry anywhere and I assume the word ‘rhond’ originated in Norfolk and became part of the ‘local speak’. I always thought rhonds related to reeds and therefore the anchor was designed to allow a boat to moor in reeds but I have no idea where that thought came from. In 2017, Vaughan said that his understanding of rhond was ‘earth bank’ and that would certainly tie in with how rhond anchors are used today. Does anyone have any idea of the true history of the rhond anchor which I believe is only used on the Norfolk Broads? (I may be wrong in that, no doubt someone will know.)
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