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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Excellent quiz ECIPA, thank you. Taxing for the little grey cells!
  2. It’s not on the wall alongside the Wensum above Bishop Bridge is it??
  3. I’m stumped, maybe having got close someone can come up with the exact location.
  4. River Wensum near to City? Clutching at straws now, can you tell?!
  5. River Yare - Thorpe, near the BA yard.
  6. How long have those ‘windows’ been like that? They really are good but I have never noticed them. Something to look for on the next trip into the City. Good one ECIPA and well done dnks34.
  7. Roy’s garage in Wroxham is usually quite good too.
  8. Glad all is back to normal!
  9. I don’t often look at Trip Advisor or anything similar but, if I do, it always impresses me if the business that has been criticised responds in a positive way. I think it is always a good thing to keep a really open mind about reviews as we all know that too many ‘fake’ reviews have appeared in the past. We don’t have a dedicated forum for pub, restaurant, cafe etc reviews and I do wonder if we should. If we did, the header could include the guidance outlined by Maxwellian above so would remind members before they actually posted. I know food outlets are businesses and we do have a forum for such but food is something we all have an interest in for one reason or another. Is this food for thought? Did I really say that?
  10. I think if someone is going to mention an establishment where they have had a bad experience, then they need to elaborate and say why the experience did not come up to their expectations. Was it the food, the service, the ambience, the whole experience or what? That’s the only way it can be constructive and a help to other forum members who can then take a view on whether or not they want to visit the place themselves. Similarly of course good reviews also need elaboration. (Let’s call it the ‘meat on the bones’ - groan!) So I will ask Paul, why was your Lavender House visit your worst experience?
  11. Always look to me as if they’d just go round and round in circles! After a couple of bevvies you probably wouldn’t have a clue what you were doing or where you were going. Might be quite suitable and a novelty for the Broads, on second thoughts maybe not!!
  12. No, I was a mere babe when they were in fashion.
  13. I do thank you guys for these and other such posts. I usually read about various products, remedies and suchlike and invariably find myself thinking how useful something might be. I bookmark anything I think may be of interest and, when the time is right, mention it to the boss. Sometimes he’s quite impressed and I can see him thinking ‘mmm, perhaps she does have her uses’!! So, thank you.
  14. Thank goodness Dylan is back. All’s well that ends well.
  15. Please let us know when he is safely returned.
  16. A super king size walk round bed on a boat and with bedside cabinets each side? That’s amazing! Sounds like a real special boat. Hope you have some pictures to go with your write-up.
  17. Have I missed something? I haven’t seen any ‘personal criticism’ so have posts been removed?
  18. I believe this is the stance the BA have taken, yellow markers are in place so their job done. The problem on the Chet of course is that it is very narrow and twisty. If you meet a boat coming in the opposite direction you can all too easily be pushed into the bank. If there are obstructions there, they need to be dealt with double quick. I understand from the guy at Pacific Cruisers that the broken piling has been there a little while and reported to the EA some time ago, so there is really no excuse.
  19. From what I have been told, this is not necessarily a BA problem. The broken quay heading would appear to be the responsibility of the EA and it is most likely that department that is dragging its heels. If that is the case then the BA must hassle the EA to take action. It is unfair to blame everything on the BA. This is only my understanding based on others understanding.
  20. More meat on the bones please JM.
  21. I see elsewhere that the problems on the Chet following the sunken boat saga have not been resolved. Hardley PC have written to the BA outlining their concern that the matter is not being taken seriously. Although signs are apparently in place warning of underwater obstructions, nothing else seems to be happening. (There are of course signs all over the Broads warning of underwater obstructions or similar!) The PC’s concern is that Boatyards will discourage their hirers from journeying to Loddon and Chedgrave and private owners will also boycott the river. That would not be good for local businesses at all. I believe it is the EA who are responsible for the removal or whatever of this hazard so the BA needs to keep hassling them for action. Loads of boats go up and down the Chet totally unaware of any problems and there has only been one incident as far as we know but action is needed urgently before there is another casualty.
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