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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Roy’s have their Christmas stock out and the usual downstairs area lit and glittery! I just can’t get interested in it this early, I’m still enjoying sunny and warm boating!
  2. There are at least three barges frequenting the Yare and Waveney at the moment. I think I know which one dnks34 is referring to and, yes, he is still a regular at Beccles.
  3. I’ve often wondered why Neatishead hadn’t got electric posts. With houses in close proximity to the staithe, I would have thought it would be a prime candidate long before now.
  4. I have seen them there but my question was how do anglers react? Do they get annoyed, ask the boaters to move or just turn a blind eye? I ask because we invariably only hear one side of the story - that of boaters.
  5. I would be interested to know which comments. From anglers or boaters? Or six of one etc etc? I think most of us try and word our thoughts in a way that doesn’t offend and therefore cause conflict so it is disappointing that you think otherwise. I know the topic is anglers fishing from 24 hour moorings but how would (or do) anglers react if boats tie up to fishing platforms?
  6. No creation of 24 hour moorings in that area (sadly) and definitely Broads Authority mentioned.
  7. A couple of years back I was told that the BA had funded the fishing platforms above Beccles, whether in full or just in part I don’t know. That information came from a local warden.
  8. If there were sufficient moorings, particularly in peak season, it would be very different. Anglers have the pick of the river banks but still seem to want to set up on public moorings. They look good angling spots too but I think you’re right, too far away from the car to walk with all the gear. That is indeed an idea but I think it would make precious mooring space even more depleted. There are a few petty rules but if they weren’t there you can bet your bottom dollar that it would be too much of a free for all and very disadvantageous for many.
  9. I wouldn’t class that as a rant Ray, I would say it was an honest and fair reflection of your experiences. I believe many boats pass on by fishermen with kit spread out on moorings, despite wanting to moor up. Many newbies may not know they can ask for them to move and many seasoned boaters (like you and me) do not want the confrontation we believe may well ensue. We’re wary because we have all heard the old stories of ‘revenge’ attacks on boats. It’s much easier now, in the event of refusal to move, to pick up a phone/camera and take a few pictures to pop off to the BA but the vast majority of us don’t want to have to resort to those tactics. We just want to enjoy our boating.
  10. Very atmospheric picture. Welcome to the forum.
  11. One answer is to prohibit bank fishing at all BA 24 hour moorings but the Authority won’t give that idea any thought.
  12. Those were the days, fish and chips has never been the same since they stopped using newspaper to wrap them in. Vinegar soaking into anything else just isn’t the same! All these uses for newspapers that have been mentioned, however are we going to do without them?
  13. I think that’s right, Simth’s and Menzies belong to ANMW - Association of Newspaper and Magazine Wholesalers. So between S & M (see above, don’t think anything else!) they are probably killing the newspaper industry.
  14. Did she wash your silk stockings in Kudos then? I must admit I can’t remember Kudos but I’m sure it would have been around in my toddler days.
  15. How true that is! Only in the last couple of weeks someone was nearly hauled over the coals for using the expression ‘whiter than white’. They were accused of being racist! An innocent expression taken completely out of context. At least in that particular case the accuser had to eat humble pie (can I say that or is it discriminatory in some way?) smellyloo uses the term ‘us oldies’ but, with a few exceptions, I have little idea of how old members are or indeed how long they have been members.
  16. Thank you to those of you who have answered my question, it just goes to show how different we all are. Well, we knew that anyway didn’t we? I think MM’s post sums up newspapers rather well and that’s the point - we know and accept (maybe we shouldn’t) their individual eccentricities and faults but still some of us like to read them. I wonder how long it will be before the paper newspaper disappears altogether, not too long by the sound of things. Shame that Wyndham couldn’t find a way to respond, I’m sure nobody would have been offended.
  17. A question as I am genuinely interested, where do those of you who don’t read newspapers get your news from? Do you rely on tv or radio?
  18. Well I enjoy sitting down with a newspaper and a cup of coffee! Whilst you need to keep a very open mind these days, it’s one way of keeping up with what’s going on in the outside world. Admittedly there can be a load of twaddle. I used to pick up a paper from Stokesby and Stracey Arms and enjoy a look around the stores, usually coming out with things I didn’t know I needed. Now I don’t bother going in unless I really do want something. I doubt I’m the only one who used to do that so maybe those stores are losing out in the long run.
  19. vanessan


    from me too. Sutton Staithe Hotel is very dog-friendly as is the Kings Arms in Ludham. Acle Bridge Inn and White Horse in Upton too.
  20. from me too. Where are you hiring from (I’m assuming you are hiring)?
  21. Every once in a while it is good to take a step back. It may be because there is currently nothing that particularly interests you or or it may be due to a conflict of opinions that tells you it’s time to hold your tongue. Or, as in this case, things on the forum just don’t seem quite right. We have had a lot of change recently, and I suspect there will be more to come, but I hope we have turned a corner and we will see those members that have gone quiet reappear and post again. There is no doubt that to post on social media you need a thick skin and so much can be taken the wrong way or just plainly be misunderstood. Once in a while it is good to clear the air and I think this thread will go a long way to doing that.
  22. Subtle understatement is most certainly an art
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