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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. I have always looked on that as a directional sign, ie the left ‘arrow’ points to Pennygate which is the next village (hamlet) and the right ‘arrow’ points to the staithe. A number of years ago I saw it referred to by someone as Pennygate staithe but absolutely nowhere could I find it marked as such on a map or anything else. So Paul, please could you point us in the right direction (pun intended!) for absolute confirmation of its correct title. Or Vaughan as of course you are in agreement with Paul. (One of those ‘nice to know’ things, rather like Roy’s of Wroxham which of course it isn’t!)
  2. Hear hear marshman, I think it’s the same for many. When I can no longer clamber on and off my boat, then I will probably think about a riverside property of some description. Maybe to own, maybe to hire. Whichever, I will be able to watch all the boats searching for the missing moorings or waste facilities.
  3. Googling the poppy appeal, the appeal was first set up in 1921. Monies raised were (and still are I believe) used to help veterans of wars with employment and housing. The Royal British Legion was set up that year too and have helped veterans, widows and their families ever since. I wonder why your gran missed out, something must have gone horribly wrong for her to have been overlooked. I don’t suppose there is any way of finding out now?
  4. I find that very sad and strange. There were thousands upon thousands of men MIA whose bodies were never found, hence the memorials like the Menin Gate, Thiepval, Tyne Cot and so many more. Why should some be classed as potential deserters?
  5. £1 in the slot job by the way.
  6. There is a water hose on the main river outside of the private moorings. You can also phone for a pumpout there too (although we never have done).
  7. A great topic for debate. ECIPA has listed all the things that I would include on my list although the change of pub ownership is less bothersome to me personally. The real tipping for me will be mobility and I suspect that will probably be within the next 5 years or so. With that in mind, I can just about live with the problems of dwindling moorings, stag boats, lack of waste facilities etc. However, I wonder what someone fairly new to boat ownership thinks though. Someone who has hired and now purchased and still has many years of boat ownership ahead of them. They are the ones who these things will matter more to and I hope we will hear from them. Also, those who have hired since the year dot. I would imagine that each year has produced some negative issue although the positives may still outweigh the negatives for them. If I was younger and fitter, and likely to carry on boating for many years, my main worry would definitely be the disappearance of decent moorings and the fact that there are so many big boats now being built, the remaining moorings will be totally insufficient.
  8. From BA’s own list, there are 17 moorings where double alongside mooring is permissible. More than ‘only a few’! It’s a great shame that half of these moorings will disappear, it is a lovely quiet area. I have no idea how much they are used during peak season but if, as people say, they are very busy then, there will inevitably be a problem.
  9. I thought the BA was refurbishing 150 metres of the Hoveton Viaduct moorings? They have recently cleared some of the trees to allow vehicle access for this purpose. They have given up approximately half of the moorings which, as I understand it, will revert to the landowner. The remainder will stay as BA 24 hour moorings. This has been on the cards for a couple of years now, I guess the lease is about to expire hence the action being taken.
  10. Some great ideas there but what about the winter months? Would it close up or do you have an idea that would keep the business ticking over during the cold season?
  11. Walklin Cruisers are/were at Chedgrave, I’m sure someone will come along with the relevant information.
  12. There used to be a boat permanently moored there - Glittering Waters. Its been gone for a couple of years now and the quay heading (what there was of it) has now virtually disappeared. There is a sign warning of soft mud. It used to be a lovely mooring with easy walking access to How Hill.
  13. Maybe he intended to do what he did all along................
  14. Both Emerald and Grayling seemed to be consistently out on hire yet they have been replaced. (Moonlight too I see.) I guess newer/bigger models bring in more money and, if you want to go with a specific boatyard, you choose from what is available.
  15. Perhaps they don’t know how to get to the more out of the way destinations........
  16. I don’t know but Hamptons are incredibly popular on the Broads whereas I think I have only seen one or two Falcons around.
  17. It looks something like a Falcon 26 to me.
  18. We have something similar for our mudweight too, the problem is remembering to put the darn sign out! Only recently we mudweighted on Barton Broad for a few hours and didn’t put the sign up - sure enough, set off dragging it with us!
  19. For £7pa, you can join the Friends of Hardley Mill. There is a website http://www.hardley-windmill.org.uk/index_files/friends.htm There are a number of volunteers who run the site and the renovations and, if the wives are there too, they have some lovely homemade cakes. I think Hardley Mill is one of the nicest settings, a great place for stopping off and for good walks and views. Darn, maybe I should have kept quiet about it!
  20. Always better to do that, the water continues to run from the Bure for about a half hour after slack. Enjoying your write up tremendously by the way.
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