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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Same here. When we share the driving when journeying up to Norfolk, whoever is passenger usually drops off to sleep anyway so I guess we must be pretty comfortable with each others driving.
  2. to the Broads addiction society from me too!
  3. And then take your bottles and cans away afterwards!
  4. Ring the Parish Clerk and agree a price!
  5. A few years back I can remember a story about this issue. A hire boat had moored at Ranworth on a Friday night before finishing their holiday the following day. That Saturday afternoon the new hirers moored there only to be told to move on! They were categorically told that the boat had been there the previous evening and the guy would not accept that, as they were new hirers, it was a different scenario. I believe eventually a BA ranger put him straight but not before a bit of unpleasantness.
  6. But think of all that incoming cash when they start ‘fining’ boats for overstaying!
  7. Be quick, earlier today it was £2.5million. It’s been reduced to £2.15million!
  8. https://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-68538952.html Those new moorings at Bramerton (68 metres) with the electric posts belong to Hill House. Wish I had the cash!!!
  9. Me too Jay, but I would need to be about 30 years younger!!
  10. I don’t think that is ‘popular belief’. By its very nature, a cruiser that is continuously moving about needs to be in reasonably good nick surely? You seem to be under the impression that my comment was derogatory which it most certainly was not. Continuous cruisers generally move about because that’s how they want to live although there will no doubt be some whose finances may not allow them to pay for permanent moorings. Even if there are liveaboards who would appreciate permanent winter moorings, I doubt there would be sufficient to keep a marina ticking over so it needs more ideas.
  11. I think that is a little unfair marshman. There is a lot of truth in what you say, however, time and time again we hear that ‘there are issues that I cannot talk about’ or ‘there’s more to this than meets the eye’ or ‘don’t believe everything you read’. I don’t think for one minute that everyone believes everything they read but, unless both sides of the argument or whatever are heard, I don’t think a balanced view can be reached very easily. The ‘Protect the Broads’ group seem to feel very strongly and generally endeavour to put their case forward with vigour, as someone who cares about the Broads it interests me greatly to read what they have to say. I also read what others have to say but the continued use of phrases such as ‘conspiracy issues’ and ‘chipped shoulders’ doesn’t really help me understand what is going on. Like many others, I too am an interested bystander but as I am not local I have to rely on what I read for information.
  12. Thanks Jay - they are the ones. I just did not know if it would be ok to do that. However, as they are already in the public domain (on dear old fb) I guess it’s no problem.
  13. Re the workshop, I see on fb that Sue Hines letter to her group facilitator and a reply from Hadyn Thirtle have been made public. Can these be copied here for members interest? (They certainly interested me!)
  14. Presumably you mean continuous cruisers? Do you think many of them would want to pay for moorings, I have my doubts.
  15. I think a lot more look at the webcam than will admit it, some even keep a close eye on their own boats! It’s a fine way of getting a ‘Broads fix’.
  16. 75metres = 225yards - have you got that right Vaughan?
  17. Having passed the area many times this year, I have to agree with MM. Originally I understand the windows were expected to have wooden frames but the property was built with wooden looking UPVC window frames, this was approved retrospectively on application but the cladding condition remained. Why agree one aspect and not the other? I believe planning rules should be adhered to but if retrospective amendments to applications are granted, why not be consistent? I know the cladding is much more obvious than the window frames but I think most people passing by boat for the first time would be admiring the Ice House itself now, not straining to see the property 75m behind it. (Having said that, there is now a board at the water’s edge advertising the holiday cottage as being available to let from Easter next year.) Of course, now this has all been broadcast by the EDP, I guess everybody will become expert at identifying ‘non-conforming’ materials!
  18. But did you spot it before all of this came to light?
  19. Bill Dickson, however, said: “As a boat owner I regularly travel through the area and can tell the difference.” Really??
  20. I don’t think I have noticed an ‘xyz reach’! Seriously though, if you can get hold of an old copy of a Hamilton’s Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Navigation, you will have a lot of local history at your fingertips. I don’t know if it is possible to obtain one but certainly worth trying.
  21. Of course you do, it’s this one isn’t it ?
  22. Lovely photos again Jay. All these ‘guess the pub’ pictures are just giving you an excuse to visit more and more hostelries aren’t they?!! Not that you need an excuse of course........................
  23. I believe HW have had their barrier down recently because of the salt surge, that maybe one reason there are boats double moored on the river. Having said that, they were double moored there three weeks ago so it could also be due to the fact they have run out of room in the yard!
  24. No such thing as a boat shape in my ever so humble opinion. If it floats, it’s a boat! As for being ‘bridge shaped’, no problems with the likes of Ludham or Wayford and many others. Congratulations on your purchase smitch6, I hope you manage to find some information. I wonder if any Falcons were lost, that might account for the lack of them.
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