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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. One of the modern sales tactics that annoys me too. Particularly when the ‘25 other people are looking........’ is usually right on top of the picture of the product I want to look at!
  2. No wonder you have so much pain Ian, shingles is ghastly. I only know because a neighbour of mine suffered very badly from it. Hope the meds kick in soon and give you some relief.
  3. I would not call back. If it’s legit they will leave a message.
  4. Can you elaborate OBB? A friend of mine had a note left on her car saying that the writer had hit her and asking her to phone a number. She didn’t as no damage had been done at all but it was all very strange.
  5. If this is the structure I think it is, it wasn’t moored against quay heading. It was moored a little way out from the riverbank and trees with planks allowing access. It never looked particularly secure to me being quite a large structure and, with the strong winds lately, I’m not surprised it came to grief.
  6. I introduced it to my cousin in Australia and she has been using it for years now too. I have only seen it in .5 and 1 litre bottles here but in Australia she buys it in 5 litre drums and decants it, sharing it with her two daughters.
  7. For high heat cooking I have been using Rice Bran Oil for many years. Mild in flavour it is excellent for stir frying and is extremely low in cholesterol (apparently).
  8. It’s because the rules for this lockdown are different in many ways to the previous lockdown rules. Many more businesses remain open this time.
  9. Same as Lockdown mk 1, typical!
  10. Not the Broads but what’s not to like when we can walk here every day - Last night This morning
  11. Hoseasons have had a bad year, mainly because of their poor attitude towards their customers. I know if I was hiring now, I would definitely go direct to a boatyard. Plenty of recommendations on here.
  12. As indicated by something I heard on the radio yesterday. A couple walking along the prom in Weston Super Mare decided to sit on a bench for a few minutes. Two policemen approached them and told them they were not allowed to sit there, they had to keep moving! I think ‘experts’ are having trouble too. On Radio Kent yesterday, one was asked if fishing was allowed. He said ‘it wasn’t last lockdown so I would imagine it’s not this time either’. (I believe it is allowed this time?) Another was asked if it would be ok to drive from the south east of England to the north west to pick up a new car. ‘That’s ok he said, car sales in that respect are open’. I would have thought that particular drive would be deemed non-essential? No wonder there is so much confusion!
  13. And some of have rather short memories these days sadly. ☹️
  14. Another view of Polkey’s Mill, I prefer Polkey’s to Berney these days.
  15. Bring it on Ian, I love cooking and I am always looking for new ideas.
  16. In case anyone is unclear: https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/news/coronavirus-covid-19 (Although the number of items being clarified with DEFRA still leaves a few questions!)
  17. I find it very frustrating the way the BBC is drip-feeding the information that the PM is supposedly going to announce at the press conference - whenever that is. 4pm, 5pm, 6pm and now 6.30pm.
  18. Presumably it will be like it was March - July this year although schools will still be open. I think we just have to wait and see what transpires on Monday.
  19. Bonfire night soon, a wonderful excuse for more pallet burning perhaps?
  20. As are probably the majority of the goods and products we buy! ☹️ (Or should that be ‘is the majority’? 🤔)
  21. Boris usually announces things a few days ahead so you may be lucky and get your full week, or most of it anyway.
  22. Welcome back, you seem to have been missing for quite a while.
  23. I can see how that would make life difficult if things went wrong! Presumably the positioning of the mudweight was why it was also difficult to see how much chain was being let out? (On ours we have a ‘handle,’ for want of a better word, which allows as much chain to drop as you want.) I have seen quite a few boats with mudweights hanging out from the front of the bow like Sonnet, do they still allow the boat to swing as normal when in use?
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