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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. I thought you’d been posting rather a lot recently Speedtriple! Hope the foot’s getting better. Welcome to the forum Perryjohnharris. Sometimes topics stay on track - if you’re lucky!
  2. Should I have said chunky maybe?
  3. Could you please enlighten me as to what ‘good projects’ have been undertaken by the EA specifically for the Broads? That is a genuine question as I really have no idea. A good project for the EA would be the refurbishment of the Burgh Castle moorings but it doesn’t look as if that’s going to happen now.
  4. “Does nobody else merely point out to anglers that you are about to moor up in a specific spot? I have done and they have always moved along without too much complaining.” There is a world of difference between a hunky fireman asking and a timid lady! (Not that I am a timid lady.......). We also try and avoid any unpleasantness by mooring away from fisherfolk but time and again I read and hear stories of anglers being abusive. Unnecessary, but it does happen.
  5. “I've seen a bloke sitting at Brammerton under a tent type thing plugged into the electric with a kettle boiling away while he's fishing.” I hope that wasn’t between March and the end of September!
  6. Don’t forget as well that there are dredging works currently on the Bure and down Fleet Dyke. These are forecast to be concluded by the end of May. Certainly an ambitious dredging programme, well done BA.
  7. The article does say that the work will begin between April and the end of July. Looks like it is not scheduled to be finished until the end of October. Somewhat of a moveable feast methinks but good news nevertheless. (Maybe they could surreptitiously create some decent mooring banks while they are about it?!)
  8. Then the question has to be - how can that be made to happen? I feel sure that the problem, as you (and many others) see it, could be tackled. However, to date nobody seems inclined to bit the bullet. Are they scared of the tail that wags the dog? Do they really care enough to take action? Is it ‘better the devil you know’? Is it apathy? Is it perhaps a case of nobody really having the ***** (insert word of choice) to grasp the nettle and start the ball rolling? Or is it a mixture of all those things?
  9. If we had the answers to those questions I think we might be halfway to solving the conundrum! ‘We’ - is probably anyone who takes any interest in the Broads area for whatever reason. Just my take on it of course.
  10. Agreed. We recently moved to fibre broadband, downloads are faster but the associated adverts etc really do slow things.
  11. MM said - ‘it is essential that the organisation should be governed by the elected bodies that control the area covered by the BA. This it cannot be unless the local councils (elected bodies) have a direct say in what happens, and that the CEO and Chair of the BA not just listen, but to a great extent obey.’ I think that hits the nail firmly on the head. As far as I can make out from the hundreds of posts, it is not totally the fact that the BA is not an elected body that upsets people. Rather it is because those that sit on the various committees to make decisions are ‘chosen people’ and it is one person (allegedly) who makes those choices and guides the decisions. JM, above, has outlined recent events that cannot be disputed. Something is definitely wrong.
  12. The Community Charge affected the majority of the country, I doubt that a few hundred (if very lucky) Broads enthusiasts would have that much effect on Government!
  13. MM, would you not include in that list the NSBA who represent boaters both local and far afield? I would have thought they would be reasonably high on the list together with hire boat yards bearing in mind their involvement is solely with the Broads. Just to add, I do thoroughly agree with your ‘rant’ however, very well put.
  14. You really haven’t changed very much David (if you put the cap on).
  15. Nice pictures. Brave Debbie, struggling through frost, wind and rain with Harley, she deserves the ‘glass or two’ of wine. Ought to be a bottle or two!
  16. I’m pretty sure I have seen a ‘no mooring’ sign on that corner in recent times, was someone trying it on? It also seems very popular with anglers.
  17. It’s been said many times that the best way to turn at the end, if you have any doubts, is using your ropes. Thus you avoid 10/15/20 point turns.
  18. It does rather look as if it has, the rope is dangling in the water!
  19. Can anyone tell me where/how/when navigation/toll money has been mismanaged/misappropriated in recent years? I ask as I am a toll payer and would really like to know to where my money is redirected. If there is firm evidence of ‘misappropriation’, why hasn’t the matter been raised with the BA? If it has, would you please tell me where I could find the details.
  20. is all I can add to that. Thanks for the ‘inside’ information.
  21. That’s very sad, where did you hear that? Is it gospel?
  22. It has to go to the Planning Committee first for approval. I see the works are estimated to take around 6/8 weeks so, in theory, they could well be ready for use by the school summer holidays. Being Norfolk, it will probably take a lot longer but at least it’s something a bit more positive for a change.
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