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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Probably was run off as it dissappeared, the farmer must have been wasting a huge amount of water... Coltishall road just on the outskirts of Norwich by the Rugby pitches, the road has been covered in numerous coloured markings, then just round the corner at the Beeston Lane Junction onwards for a hunhdred yards, more of the same, I suspect a vast amount of chaos will ensue as they'll have to go down to single lane working when they start..
  2. Well it's 10 days since I last bumped this up, Appologies to those who have seen it, 21 days to go..
  3. No that's the one where the yanks can't play rounders, the Canadians play as well.
  4. That should read 2019 not 2020. The further details are. open 10:00 to 16:00 Full adult entry £5 juniors £2 , concessions £4. Family £12 Free parking, Layouts in 0, 00, and N .trade stands and demonstrations Featuring 60th anniversary of the closure of the M&GN railway .
  5. That must have been repeats as the goon show finished 1960 and the absolute first cassette tapes were 1962, for most people much later than that..
  6. Left hand down a bit.. Yesterday I was listening to Anne Shelton on the radio... She was singing on Glenn Miller's last ever radio show.. This was her 1956 hit.. (PS my radio has dab and memory storage on it)
  7. Just come down to the Swan Green in Horning at a weekend and you'll often see a little tent up and the Fishermen there all night. These days they tend to use sounders which go off if something fishy pulls the line,.. They go off when you catch them with your keel as well, fishing just there during the start of a race Sunday morning isn't a good idea..
  8. I've upset a few Fishermen over the years, mostly when tacking a sailing boat and needing the whole of the river. I've also upset a few during regatta week, as I've gone out in the morning putting the buoys out and stopped to let them know what's going on. they don't like being informed that having hired a place for a couple of thousand the first week in August to go fishing. That they'll have up to 150 boats sailing past them all day for 5 days.
  9. TheQ


    I've never come across a sailing boat that can sail on the main rivers, that can't get under Potter, you can always take the mast down. There will besome that can't get past the bridge not because the bridge is too low, But because the water isn't deep enough, tide permitting you can stand on the bottom under the bridge it's only about 4 ft deep. This picture fairly well shows the depth of the river, it's more shallow and a harder bottom under the bridge.
  10. and anything else people use to fall into the water from..
  11. The count down continues, just a bump up to keep this in vision for those that may need the information..
  12. Real Landrovers, That is Series 1, 2, 3, 110, 90 and Defender, wave to each other as they pass.. As for assisting others, for the last 40 plus years, I've rescued more tourists than sailors. everything from broken gear boxes, loss of steering, unable to get off the bank due to the wind, plus falling in canoeists, rowers and paddlers who can't make it against the wind (an increasing number) to the normal questions, how far to the nearest Pub? and how far to AH-cle. Only a four weeks till I do it all again.. Horning Regatta week is coming..
  13. Just south of Wroxham there is a long straight, at the Wroxham end, there is a burst watermain, So... A, be careful through the water, (it's not that deep) B, expect road works sometime soon..
  14. Seen the camels many times, they are on the left after the first range of hills from Scotch Corner. There are also Lamas At the Lama Karma Cafe just before you get to Penrith. Also near there is a BP station, much cheaper than filling up on the M6 /M74... Edinburgh spent all it's money and then some, on the tram system. If you have to go into Edinburgh, use the park and rides and get the tram / bus . The tickets are about £5 for all day, any bus and tram..The Parking in Edwins borough is expensive.. Some times I choose to use the A 696 or 697 across the hills to the A68 then the Edinburgh bypass. It's a nice scenic route not much slower, but every straight once in Scotland, has a camera, you've got to be very carefull going down hill... Just beginning to plan my next trip up to see my Parents, sisters, nephews, nieces, great nephews and nieces etc..
  15. The Germans announced they had Bombed a major boatyard, (Probably Herbert woods Potter Heigham) it's actually thought the Bomber saw the lights of a car arriving illuminate the side of the Ferry inn and dropped them. 22 died and 4 were injured. It used to be that you could stilll see the half moon shapes in the river bottom on the hydrgraphic survey, but with dredging going on in the area last year I'm not sure thats still the case..
  16. Avoiding the Traffic at Horning Sailing Club Regatta, or When there are reduced numbers sailing and other information. This is what you may face, Horning Regatta 1910, picture, courtesy of Broadland Memories.. http://www.broadlandmemories.co.uk/ Some of those same boats will be competing. Remember Not all sailing boats are competitors or have any association with the club, we had a non-competing fleet sail through one year, that was interesting. Saturday 3rd - 4th August 2019, really you shouldn't have a problem as they are not racing on the river, but if you wish to avoid all our sailors. You can see on the previous post when they are travelling to the broads and back. Should you wish to view our racing or just the Broad, please come onto the broad and do so. We request you travel round the outside of the broad, also if you wish to moor, please keep close to the banks. The windward end is always a good place to moor under the shelter of the trees.. Mooring in the middle or travelling in the middle can be worrying for those not used to Broads sailing as boats come at you from all directions and they will get very close. 5th – 9th August 2019 , Racing on the river, between Dydlers mill and the HSC clubhouse / Swan Inn. With boats getting ready for racing between the club and the New Inn. The big cruisers may race as far as Woodcutters Dyke if the wind is in the right direction. The clubhouse under the “I” of the Swan Inn on the map Dydlers mill is to the top left on the corner of the river above Decoy Broad, Woodcutters dyke is on the river at the bottom left of the map The only place for viewing is at the club or the Swan Inn Green, sadly the Blofield estate put no mooring signs on the bank further up the river a few years ago. There are unlikely to be any competitors on the river before 09:15, or after about 17:30, The best time to go through is 12:00 to 12:30, there will be just the odd tail-ender left. Very much reduced numbers between 12:30 and 14:00 We TELL the competitors that if the motorboats are close to the bank (less than 6ft) to turn away and treat them as the bank. Note, especially in the first race in the morning, there are a lot of beginners they may make mistakes, Note, Some competitors may think the gap in front of you is big enough to tack in and out before you get there, so be aware you may have to slow or stop if they get it wrong. Note, in Broads racing a few inches apart is a big distance, they will get very close to the side of your boat. We ask, Non competitors / Motorboats to please stick to the bank, that's within 6ft of the bank, that way there is not enough room for a boat to sail between you and the bank. Getting boats all round you is a nightmare. If there is a start coming up, you will see a lot of boats sailing across the river and back outside the clubhouse. The races always start exactly on the 5 minutes (we use a radio-controlled clock). If you are just a minute from the start, if you could slow down and hold back till the start has gone, it should be easier for you to get through. If it's really light weather, the boats tend to cover the river, if you are following the fleet all you can do is stick to the right hand bank and go forward when a gap appears. If you are arriving with the fleet coming towards you with the wind behind them, slow down and if necessary come to a halt. The boats, when they arrive, will move out and round you, then you can go forward. If they are coming towards you tacking from side to side of the river, Please stick to the right hand bank and go forward as the boat Turns away from the bank you are on. Should you have a problem with a boat, please make a note of the symbol and number on the sail, and if you can the broads registration number (letter followed by 3 numbers in the boat somewhere) as well please. Report it to the club as soon as possible. The competitors all have to have their own insurance, and if needed we can then identify the competitor so you will be put into contact. We had someone report damage, a month later, saying it was a white coloured boat with a white sail, and then they claimed it was on a day we weren't racing!! Not suprisingly it was impossible to identify the boat concerned. Hopefully that’s everything covered, Please enjoy your trip out on the broads...
  17. Horning Regatta 3rd – 5th August 2019 Saturday 3rd August 2019, Club event, members only around 50 boats competing, The Racing is on Black Horse Broad (AKA Hoveton Little Broad) from about 14:00, so boats will be commuting up to the broad from the sailing club from around 13:00. There is likely to be a rescue boat or two towing small dinghies and maybe the odd keelboat up to the broad. The boats are likely to be returning from 16:00. Sunday 4th August 2019, Club event members only competing, The racing is also on the broad, boats are likely to go to the broad between 09:00 and 10:00, returning for lunch 12:30 to 13:00. Then back for the Afternoon session in time for the 14:00 start. Most boats are likely to return to the club after 16:00. Monday 5th August 2019 to 9th August 2019, an open Regatta on the River, up to 150 boats competing. Anybody is welcome to compete, or come visit the club and see what's going on. We will be wrapped up in our event, there will be a lot of strangers around, so if you visit and want to ask questions please do. Someone will point you to a person with the knowledge. 09:25, 09:30, 09:35, Racing starts, so boats will be on the water from about 09:15, the first series includes the beginners, so hoards of small children from 8 years old in their first regatta event. 1 hour race for each start. 10:30- 11:05 at five minute intervals The bigger boats join in, 20ft to 25ft keelboats. 1 hour race for each class 12:00 Most will pack up for lunch, however, there are a few boats out for special classes, THE TIME TO GO THROUGH IF YOU WANT TO AVOID THE RACING, though there will still be to odd sailing boat out. 12:45 – 12:50 The Big sailing cruisers up to 40ft, maybe a dozen boats have their lunch time 2 hour race (Thursday the big boats go out at 13:15-13:20 but there is a smaller race still at 12:45) 13:45- 14:05 The afternoon Series of starts, the absolute beginners are not encouraged out, because it's too busy, but there will still be a fair amount of dinghies, keelboats, and the slower sailing cruisers will still be out. 1 hour race 15:15- 15-50 second series of starts..1 hour race 16:15 -The afternoon Main series should begin to finish. 17:00-17:05 two starts reduced Numbers in a couple of races for special trophies. 17:30 we should be finished but there may be the odd straggler about. After racing, social events at the club, for club members, invited guests and competitors 3 Aug Sat 7:00PM Platter & Natter Clubhouse 4 Aug Sun 5:00PM Berry Shield & Cream Tea Clubhouse 5 Aug Mon 6:00PM Games Evening & Chips Clubhouse 6 Aug Tue 7:00PM Quiz night Clubhouse 7 Aug Wed 7:00PM Murder Mystery night Clubhouse 8 Aug Thu 8:00PM Disco Clubhouse 9 Aug Fri 7:00PM Themed Dancing & Food Clubhouse
  18. Yes it's that time of year again, just about a Month to the start of Horning Regatta week. So for those who wish to watch / avoid / Get through Horning with as little difficulty as possible, during the event, here I hope is some useful information. To make it easier to read, The next post will be what we are doing. The following post will be; When are the best times to go through, if you wish to avoid the event and how to avoid problems. What we Tell the competitors, request the non-competitors please do and why we do this....
  19. This link shows the Ferry and Swan Inn back in the 1930s..and back in around 1910, including shots of Horning regatta back then.. http://www.broadlandmemories.co.uk/1900to1949gallery3.html
  20. The Wroxham rd / NDR roundabout has been surrounded by cones, the access from Norwich or Wroxham has been reduced. I suspect they are going to replace the damaged signs and repair the ground as they did on the coltishall roundabout.
  21. You'd have got a clip round the ear 'ole for that, from my old wood work teacher. " Never place the plane on its face even if you've wound the blade in."
  22. The first I had long since learned, The second is being implemented now, using your idea, I've built a U Shaped work bench, into which will plug in, band saw, bench grinder, pillar drill, a plain work top, large metal vise, . All trolleys are to have shelves beneath to hold any equipment specific accessories. The bench is arranged so I can get a 8ft plank / sheet of ply on in One Direction.
  23. TheQ

    My Day

    I've no complaints about them being called out, but I do wonder what the 999 caller said that brought out that long list of rescue vehicles. You're on a river in Horning no more than 30 ft from the bank. Even as a non swimmer in a lifejacket you can doggy paddle to the bank. The man who fell in was clinging onto the side of a boat, standing on the bottom according to his compatriots ( so he must have been close to the bank). There are plenty of places to climb out, I've done it many times in the past. Back in the 1970s the most that would have been called out would have been the police boat that was moored on the back of the sailing club island. And maybe the Wroxham fire engine with it's it's inflatable ( which is which is what they launched yesterday) . one rescue boat would have done, how many rescue boats do you need for one man? Appropriately it says this is the 999th reply to this thread.. As it's my day... I'm gluing reinforcements to my rebuilt sailing boat today, which hopefully will be relaunched next year to sail on that section of river..
  24. TheQ

    My Day

    I spoke to some of the crew and they were sober...and if you read the Words carefully it doesn't say they were drinking. That was a general set of comments by the station officer. Also it wasn't near the Swan, the rescue spot designated for the area is the sailing club car park near the Swan. The accident was up round the corner near Black horse broad.. Also only one boat was launched Basically about the only thing correct about that report is someone fell In the water and a boat panicked and called 999. But what do you expect from the EDP these days, Their report was compiled by someone sitting in an office and phoning round, I received one of their calls..
  25. TheQ

    My Day

    I spoke to some of the crew and they were sober...
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