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Everything posted by addicted

  1. Went to the boat today just to give her a quick check over to make sure the tube heater we installed a while back had done it's job without racking up a colossal electricity bill. All seems to be o.k. So off to lunch. We went to Horning. The convenient Ferry Inn where we enjoyed an excellent lunch on New Years Day was still closed for refurbishment sadly so against our better judgement we went to the New Inn. If I relate how it was accurately and truthfully I'll incur the attention of the peskies so I'll leave it to your imagination and just add NEVER AGAIN! However to be fair I can say that the service was very friendly. Carole
  2. Felt just the same when Tony and I found ourselves at the wrong funeral last Summer! Carole
  3. Very very frosty here in Cambrideshire, minus 2.4 at 8.45 this morning with thick frost everywhere and showing no sign of melting at the moment. Carole
  4. Tony now testing negative but suffering nasty stomach issues. I had this last week but now am feeling o.k. but still testing positive. Carole
  5. We bought a Cello for the boat a few years ago and liked it so much that we replaced the t. v in our kitchen with another bigger one. True the sound quality is pretty rubbish but then so it is on most flat screen t.v.s. On the boat we use a Ballade ariel. Don't know if this is of any use, but I seem to remember I got the best deal from an outfit in Yorkshire no idea who too long ago found them on line. Carole
  6. Which comes first - the chicken or the egg.! Do customer order burgers because that is their preference or is it because for the most part that is all that is on offer? If, as has been said, the chef at the White Heron worked at the Cantley Cock then he is undoubtedly able to produce more adventurous food than is on the White Heron menu, if the meals we have enjoyed at the Catley Cock over recent years are anything to go by. Carole
  7. A quick appraisal of the White Heron menu is disappointing burgers and more burgers! Some of the other items seemed tempting but on the whole not very appealing to me. Carole
  8. Tested positive this morning. Not feeling particularly bad, more as if I've got a light cold. Just a bit snuffly. It's more the inconvenience really. Having to reschedule hairdresser = yet again and the oven cleaner. Carole
  9. Let's hope it stays that way Ian. I always wear gloves when in shops. and if anyone near me coughs I beat a hasty retreat. Carole
  10. My husband Tony started to get a sore throat and a constant need to blow his nose on Friday evening. By Saturday was totally sure he had a mild cold. Because our hairdresser was due at the house on Monday morning I felt it only right to do a Covid test.To Tony's total amazement it was positive. By the next morning after a vey disturbed night I was not feeling too perky either with a scratchy throat and slight cough , headache and generally under the weather. I'm testing negative. Tony is feeling 100percent better and is still testing positive. I suppose we both did well to avoid it until now. Carole
  11. We had lunch at the Ferry Horning yesterday. We had the Carvery. I'm not usually a fan of Carveries but thoroughly enjoyed this. I opted for a mixture of beef and turkey. the slice of beef was so generous that it resembled nothing so much as a tasty, tender steak and the Turkey was very moist and delicious. The selection of vegetables on offer was amazing and nothing short of superb, beautifully cooked not ruined by being kept hot. We'll be going back. When we moored at Ferry Marina in 2019 we used the pub a few times and were not that impressed with the quality.It has greatly improved. Carole
  12. A mixed bag of a year for us. A 3rd operation in March for early stage breast cancer, followed by 5 sessions of radiotherapy and assurance from the surgeon that this time the op was successful. A blood test for Tony mid summer indicating a possible prostate problem. A visit to a specialist, apparently nothing to worry about. Phew! Then a glorious Summer spent on a boat for the first time since 2019. Fabulous. So all in all pretty good really. Hoping 2023 doesn't bring anything untoward for anyone. Carole
  13. Happy New year to everyone on here, We usually go to the boat but this year it's too much of a faff with the Winter cover in place and the engine winterised etc so we'll stay home and raise a glass or two to welcome in the year. We plan to visit the boat on New Years Day to check it over and instal a tube heater in the engine bay as a counter action to the big freeze that's reportedly heading this way from the USA , hopefuly get a nice lunch somewhere and then home again. What ever you choose to do have a good time. Carole
  14. There was Just Tony and me for Christmas and Boxing Day. So very nice and relaxed, Nobody to please except us. We did the traditional things, Christmas dinner with all the trimmings and the traditional Boxing Day fare of cold turkey and pickles etc. Lovely! Today however is a different Matter. It is Tony's birthday and even though he sees no reason whatsoever to celenbrate it or even to acknowledge it our family thinks differently and they are arriving in about an hour for lunch. I figure everybody has had enough poultry by now so I've done a beef casserole braised in red wine accompanied by more veg than you can shake a stick at to be followed by plum crumble or trifle with sufficient alcohol in it to satisfy even Gracie plus a cheeseboard. It promises to be a lovely day. Carole
  15. R.I.P. Ian Our much missed Pesky Broadscot still Still remembered. Carole
  16. Really glad to see the end of the freeze. This year, on the back of the recent mild winters (!!) and because of the exorbitant cost of electricity we decided not to leave heating on board during the winter. We settled for winterising the engine, draining down the domestic water system, leaving all taps open antifreeze down loo and fitting a substantial winter cover. We hope all will be well. At the risk of sounding ungrateful, I can't say I particularly enjoyed the blue skies last week as with the sun so low at this time of the year it makes for very uncomfortable driving. Carole
  17. A few years back I had a couple of racing greyhounds. The stadium we used most frequently was about an hour and a half away. Both dogs would be sound asleep on the back seat until about 5 mins before arrival at which point both would stand up and put their heads on the driver's shoulders tails wagging and quietly whining. Carole
  18. Thanks so much for that and likewise to yourselves. Many thanks also for all the work you do to keep the forum up and running for us to enjoy. It's really appreciated. Carole
  19. addicted


    The present weather is more of a challenge than you have had when hiring at this time of the year in recent times Howard. Hope it hasn't spoilt your holiday. I suspect not as it seems you are made of hardy stuff. Enjoy! Carole
  20. I well remember the early 6os driving through Southgate having just returnned from a trip to Stevenage, aware that all was not well with the exhaust system. We got flagged down by a beat copper (remember those?). Son, he said to my boyfrfiend, if you care to check I think you will find you have a bloody great hole in your exhaust pipe, Thanks officer, said my boyfriend , I wondered what the noise was. Get it fixed, he replied. Will do said my boyfriend. and we continued on our way. I'm glad he didn't look said my boyfriend, the exhaust fell off somewhere along the A1. No hole, no exhaust at all! Carole
  21. I love those pies too the problem is they don't love me! they give me terminal heartburn! Carole
  22. I've heard of several people who have suffered all the symptoms for a week or more regularly testing negative and then just as the symptoms seem to be abating testing positive. Carole
  23. Lovely baby Chris. Thanks for sharing with us, Carole
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