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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Now you are making the rest of us drool too. How many are you planning to eat in one sitting? (I’ve never before seen such giants.)
  2. Hope you have a wonderful time. It's lovely to see you posting again. best wishes Helen
  3. I’m loving this thread and may well try out my own experiments in trying to recreate Pan Yan. Not before Christmas though!
  4. Our condolences Warren. Some us (sometimes me) tend to forget that there is other horrible stuff going on that doesn’t stop for Covid, and that the NHS response to the usual illnesses has been compromised. And that’s not intended a criticism of the NHS at all, as they are still under pressure.
  5. Yes, good post Warren. I must admit that I wouldn’t be at all comfortable at the King’s Head, but then I Graham and I don’t get about that much. I guess that people who go out to work and are in contact with a lot of people, or have school age children or grandchildren don’t see the point in masks, but those of us who still work at home are more cautious.
  6. Oh flip, please don’t start yet another debate about the bridge on this thread. It’s pointless anyway as the bridge has protected status.
  7. I’m assuming it wouldn’t be practical if you are solo and have a manual ‘chuck-it’ type mud-weight. (Visions of ending up parallel with the key heading…) and
  8. Gosh, I’ve been watching the latest YouTube post from the ‘New Name, Same Me’ lady of the flooding at Potter H today. If it’s like that down south you might be better off on the pontoons at Oulton Broad or Hardley Mill (both have electric) rather than Beccles. It looked a lot worse than we’ve seen before, and we have been to Potter several times when there have been flood warnings. We stopped at OB ourselves last month when the key a Beccles was forecast to overtop, went to Beccles the following day instead.
  9. Thanks for the Bell Inn recommendation, another place we haven’t visited yet. Hope you are cozily on electric at St Olaves.
  10. Goods news about the Falgate (always knew Bridgestones were good).
  11. Thanks for the tips guys, much appreciated! We'll certainly remember to lower the mud-weight.
  12. Yes, it's the tide that's been putting me off. Thinking back, I made a bit of a hash once trying to stern moor at Ferry Marina (No option as we had to hand back the boat somehow!) I did side moor outside the Surlingham Ferry Inn February last year when we went to there to get water before battening down hatches prior to storm Ciara. I really should have had a go at stern mooring whilst there weren't any other boats moored up on that stretch, so it was an opportunity wasted.
  13. I’ve have a confession. I haven’t yet stern moored on a riverside mooring as yet. No problem (so far) stern mooring in places like Loddon, Ranworth etc. that are not subject to (sideways) tidal flow. It’s obviously a hurdle I need to get over. I have a plan though. Stern mooring at the Surlingham Ferry Inn when we are next on board Moonlight Shadow in February seems the sensible thing to do.
  14. I love the photo of the sunset and ducks. Very obliging of them to swim past at just the right time.
  15. Definitely. Glad to hear I’ve not been the only one struggling to raise the arm that received the booster. I hadn’t been expecting that. Update on my father in law from his neighbour. So (the wonderful) fire service managed to find an electrician to make the house safe and have dried the place out sufficiently for him to stay there tonight. What’s in store tomorrow? We have no idea. Oh, and the neighbour mentioned he’d caught him trying to put out the (electrical) fire with water. He’d obviously forgotten the fire extinguisher located in the kitchen.
  16. Off topic, except to say that today is not getting better, even though I’m feeling better. We had a call mid-afternoon to say the fire service had been called to my father in law’s house In Anglesey, a fire upstairs caused by an electrical fault. So we have had a frantic afternoon trying to get hold of his social worker (her day off of course), eventually managed to get hold of another, but haven’t heard back yet. Just had a call from a fire service guy who is trying to get hold of an electrician to make the house safe. His neighbours have taken Dad in for the night, but they are due to go on holiday tomorrow morning. Aaaargh! On a brighter note, my youngest son is due to arrive this evening from Bournemouth. Looking forward to seeing him.
  17. Went to get our Covid boosters yesterday, as Graham wanted to get his before travelling up to Anglesey to see his Dad. We hadn’t made appointments, but just turned up at the main vaccination centre near the city centre. There was a bit of a queue to get in, and I was wondering if they would let us in, as it was clear that most of the people in the queue had appointments, but there wasn’t any problem and we didn’t have to wait longer than anyone else. All very well organised. I don’t normally get reactions to inoculations, but I feel completely grotty today. This morning I felt really achy and could hardly lift my boostered arm (fortunately my left). Thankfully it’s starting to feel better now. Having had AZ for the first two, we had Pfizer for the booster.
  18. The last few years out of season transits that we’ve done from north to south and vv we’ve come across quite a lot of dredging on the lower Bure.
  19. Looking very smart. Such a shame that Arwen has put paid to so many boating adventures this weekend.
  20. Very disappointing Warren. Hope you have better luck on Monday and that the weather behaves itself for the rest of your fortnight. (I think you said you had a fortnight?)
  21. I didn’t notice anything in that vicinity earlier this month. There were sections of what looked like a broken up boat (what looked like sections of roof) further down the Bure though. Wonder where they came from?
  22. I agree with Marshman. Once you do get under the bridge you realise that a large part of it's attraction is how quiet it is compared to other areas of the Broads. It's charm would be completely destroyed if the bridge was replaced. We hired a day boat from Whispering Reeds boatyard in Hickling a few years back. Managed to get to Horsey (lunch at The Nelson Head), West Somerton and even the top of Catfield Dyke in what was a very relaxing day.
  23. Looking forward to the travelogue. It’s good to have some holiday tales to keep us going at this time of the year.
  24. So, could you let us into the secret of what clearance Water Rail needs under Potter Heigham? Please?
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