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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Hope you manage something better than Pot Noodle. There are a couple of takeaways in Acle that should deliver, though the Indian sounds like the better option. The Ship Inn in Reedham is in walking distance too.
  2. Glad to hear you are planning a ‘next time’. Lower air draft boat sounds a great idea for getting up to some of the quieter parts of the rivers.
  3. Hi Sally , Hope you have great times on your new boat. Helen
  4. Have a great time! Hope the weather is kind to you. Helen
  5. Thanks Grendel. Hope you enjoy Water Rail as much as we did. I’ll be keeping an eye out for your posts from her.
  6. My problem is that I’m quite partial to cold pizza the following day. And I usually try to avoid dairy. (But I want pizza!)
  7. Lovely post. Thanks Those pizzas look good too! .
  8. Good luck Jay. Hope to see you on the rivers sometime, or maybe (shock) in a Broadland pub.
  9. That might be a bit tricky if you are planning to leave Surlingham Ferry that late in the day. As far as I’m aware the only mooring options in the Norwich direction are Bramerton Common (but that’s just around a couple of corners away from Surlingham Ferry and anyway, I would expect it to be full by the time you will be passing), The Water’s End pub (just beyond Bramerton Common), the Commissioner’s Cut which is just before you get to Thorpe (only space for about three boats though), Whitlingham (again, not that many spaces) and Norwich Yacht Station. (Anyone know if they take reservations?) I’d think I’d be tempted to stay at the Surlingham Ferry or set out in the opposite direction.
  10. Well you can’t do that whilst solo helming!
  11. Welcome to the syndicate!
  12. We’ve been to Coltishall Locks a couple of times. We didn’t see any notices restricting access, nor anything in our Skipper’s handbooks (from NBD and Ferry Marina).
  13. YnysMon

    The End

    I can understand that Paul, I’m sure we would feel the same.
  14. YnysMon

    The End

    That’s a real shame Paul. Have you though of syndicate ownership? Not the same, I know, but it’s been a good move for us as we can’t afford our own boat and were finding hiring more than once a year expensive.
  15. Yep. How did you find that, or did you copy and paste?
  16. Never worry about too many pics. I’ve split a day’s tale into two before now, just to accommodate all the pics.
  17. Ooo! I’ve only just caught up with this thread! That’s what going on the Broads for a long weekend does. I lose touch! Of course it’s Anglesey, known as ‘Mon Mam Cymru’ (Anglesey Mother of Wales). (Except I can’t do the ‘little roof’ that belongs over the ‘o’ of Mon on the forum.) I believe the saying is related to Anglesey having been the main area producing wheat in earlier times. There must be a kernel of truth in it, as there used to be a remarkable number of windmills on the island.
  18. You need to get yourself some Avon Skin So Soft dry oil. Never venture north of ‘the bridge’ without it! I first came across it when researching what to use to repell midges before a visit to Scotland. I think it’s got citronella in it. I’m normally the person in our family that mozzies home in on, whilst ignoring the rest of the family, and the Skin So Soft stuff certainly works for me.
  19. I know a lot of people feel the slog down to Breydon water is rather monotonous, but there’s something about the lower reaches of the rivers that I like. I’m not sure why, but they have a different feel to them.
  20. Errr...you mean excellent video Jean! I’m a lazy whatsit and haven’t yet got around to putting together lovely vlogs like the ones that Jean has posted.
  21. He certainly is, and he loves wooden boats with a passion, so a very special person indeed.
  22. Hmm...that sounds like it was an expensive experiment. Any changes down the coast? Has the sand migrated elsewhere or just disappeared into the North Sea?
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