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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Brilliant...though you’ve gone a bit Charlotte Bronte with your ‘Dear readers ‘. All together now... Ying tong, ying tong, ying tong... 😀 (iddle i po) More, more! (pretty please!)
  2. Hi Polly. We are probably wimps, but I find that trying to quant against a stiff breeze ain’t fun!
  3. What a pain! Our insurance is probably more expensive, but at least they are easy to contact.
  4. Do let us know how you got on. Hope you didn’t have a chilly night without a canopy!
  5. Near the mouth of Candle Dyke? (Or, as Arthur Ransom called it, ‘Kendal Dyke’.) The reason I think it’s there...we spent a long time on that stretch a couple of year back trying to tack up it. Got through eventually!
  6. There’s a fine balance we’ve yet to reach between people being exploited and people exploiting the system.
  7. That’s worse than the longest shift I’ve ever done, 8am to 8pm back in the days (early 80s) when we had British Rail. Mind you, the Union had negotiated double time (or something like that...memory is slightly hazy) which made doing ‘overtime’ well worth it. My Mum also worked for BR, as did her father. He said some of his colleagues who worked the system killed the golden egg. I’m not a fan of privatisation, but I can see how it happened. More a symptom of weak management though.
  8. That’s a lovely looking breakfast!
  9. There’s one from about three years ago, I think it’s called something like Quiet Skies, in which they caught a fleeting glimpse of my two sons double quanting a Hunter’s Yard’s boat down Meadow Dyke, with me and Graham taking things easy sitting in the well. That was a bit of a surprise when we saw it!
  10. I just love this video...
  11. LOL, I just read my previous post and have a vision of Seren sitting in one of the chairs at the outside tables. I could have phrased that one a bit better!
  12. Staithe and Willow definitely changed hands a few months back. We used to like the fact that it was dog friendly, though the standard of food definitely took a dive the last year or so. I’ve read on reviews that dogs are only allowed at the outside tables now...would be very happy if someone knows better!
  13. Wonderful. The video with the early morning bird calls is just idyllic. Thanks for posting it.
  14. Maybe we should adopt the old Welsh standby of adopting nicknames to get around the proliferation of Joneses with the same names.
  15. The confusion between the two Gracie’s made me smile. At work we currently have three Helens and two Jos on the same corridor and in the same team - confusion reigns supreme! We’ll have to start calling each other by surnames or something.
  16. We are also without passports, ours having expired 5 years or more ago. It was a bit awkward when we were trying to sell my Mam’s house and buy somewhere we could rent out as the newish legislation designed to prevent money laundering meant that we were constant being asked to present our passports. We did find a way around that, but it was a bit of a pain nevertheless.
  17. We have really enjoyed hiring with NBD, and we had been planning on hiring with them again...but we decided instead to join a boat syndicate. Whoop!
  18. Will you people stop trying to persuade people to moor at Langley Dyke! At this rate we won’t be able to moor there week after next! It’s really horrible there, believe me! Love the tale. You aren’t the only one to pack the proverbial kitchen sink. In fact, we get worse every trip as we think up more things that it would be handy to have with us. Helen
  19. Thanks for the report on the Reedham Tea Room Jean. I’ve had my eye on that one as initial reviews have been pretty good. Have you (or anyone else reading this) ever been to the tea room at the garden centre near Wayford Bridge? I think it’s called Vera’s...the tea room, not the Garden Centre. I like your way of doing things...out and about in the morning and the rest of the day to relax.
  20. The clearance under the bridge looks a lot less than it was early July. I can see the attraction of the caravan Jean. I have enjoyed holidays abroad in the past, but the journey home is always so stressful that I felt I could do with another holiday to get over it. That’s partly why I love the Broads so much. Just two hours journey home, but another world.
  21. I thought Vaughan ‘s comment was spot on. The remark seemed a tad out though of place on this particular thread, though would have been fine on a thread about abandoned boats.
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