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Everything posted by WherryNice

  1. s'funny, I was thinking just the same thing...
  2. Indeed there was... https://www.historics.co.uk/buying/auctions/2014-08-30/cars/196667-glastron-bat-boat/
  3. I can see the pics if I open the document, great looking boats!
  4. I might be wrong but I don't think Direct Debits are taken via debit card which would also make me suspicious even if the wording/grammar didn't.
  5. One thing I have noticed with fendering suppliers is that they sometimes seem to be selling Wilks products under a different name but at a higher price than Wilks themselves.
  6. https://www.wilks.co.uk/marine.html These people do a good range of fendering/rubbing strake and may have what you require.
  7. Erm, should there be a picture here?
  8. Flat batteries and full bilges are the things that worry me the most tbh, although luckily out of the three boats currently in our family two are currently sitting on the hard and the other was given a good coat of looking at just before lockdown so should be ok.
  9. Thank you Vaughan, Yes please!
  10. What period in time are we looking at here please?
  11. I think that I would book myself in for an extended stay at the Altnaharra Hotel in Scotland, situated along the A836(a single track with passing places!) in Lairg.
  12. Not at all, I think most if not all of us appreciate looking at fresh photos
  13. I don't know about next year but maybe in a decade or two we might have a documentary called "Onoda Syndrome(nobody told me lockdown was over!)".
  14. Too hot for me! Starting to wish I had one of them WiFi doodars now though...
  15. (I just)died in your arms - Cutting crew
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