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Everything posted by WherryNice

  1. I think it all depends on what the private boat owner actually gets out of boating and perhaps their budget that dictates how well(or not) they maintain their boat, for me much of the enjoyment and satisfaction comes from improving and maintaining my boat, certainly I enjoy it as much as I do using it. For others I feel that the boat is just a vehicle to get them out on the water and into nature and so as long as it works the boat gets little other thought. The same can be said of cars and other vehicles tbh, I work in a garage and the difference in attitudes toward maintainance is huge but everyone wants/needs the car to always work..... Its a complex topic when really thought about.
  2. The Broom is currently on Ebay......BIN £12000.......... Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  3. Do boats fitted with car wing mirrors fit the bad form bill?(btw mirrors are useful I know but it never really looks 'right' to me)... Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  4. Cor that brekkie looked a bit tasty! lovely tale Scrumpy, looks like you had a good time[emoji1] Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  5. I went up through Potter bridge the week after the bank holiday and I assume its a similar feeling to being down south, so much quieter and less frantic, no mooring issues, lovely it was Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  6. I didnt personally witness any being crushed but the graveyard area down the back is now very empty so I wouldnt be surprised if that's what happened, shame really as I quite like to see the old boats even if they are basket cases, I love to imagine the places they've been and all the people who holidayed on them n stuff like that, they have soul. Still it's understandable that they needed to go. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  7. There has been a vast reduction in boats both in the water and on land and the site is much tidier as a result. Be interesting to see how it all pans out, I moor next door so get a ringside seat[emoji3] Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  8. Thats both insane and extremely logical at the same time......mega amounts of power and ultra reliable, you could lose half of them and still have a decent amount of power..... Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  9. Sorry, is that real?? Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  10. I quite like the idea of the winter cover but cant really justify the expense currently. I think most places that do canopies n covers would be able to make one for you, I personally used Jeckells for my new canopy and would recommend them but there are plenty of other places/people who get good reviews and I'm sure others will be along to tell you their personal favourites soon. One thing to note, covering a boat with a fabric canopy can cause damage to the canopy if not done correctly so dont just lob a tarp over it or anything like that as rubbing can easily occur. Hope thats of some help Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  11. My dad does that and it works really well, I keep meaning to do mine but never get around to it...thanks for the reminder[emoji1] Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  12. Hello and welcome from me(I'm a relative newbie to the forum myself)[emoji4] Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  13. Hmmm mixed opinions there, I shall give it a look and proceed with caution, mine seems to go green quite readily so could do with something, thank you both[emoji106] Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  14. Patio magic? Do tell...... Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  15. I dont lift fenders and nor does my dad but we both hate seeing them dragging in the water as boats go past as it looks very sloppy in our opinion. Personally I think boats look much better without them but the Broads being what they are I think its safer to have them in place at all times in case of brushes in tight spots etc. Question to those who do lift them, when moored do you drop them on both sides or just the bank side? Just curious..... Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  16. Just enjoying a very pleasant evening sitting in the sun watching the river go by when this grand old lady comes gliding in to moor opposite, lovely[emoji4] Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  17. Plenty of waves noted during my recent excursions although I must admit I am more of a nodder than a waver due to my past life as a motorbicyclist.....[emoji112] Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  18. Took mine through Potter (and back)for the first time on Tuesday, not the biggest of boats but no doubt the tightest bridge clearance of my boating career to date(have done Wroxham plenty of times in the past but not recently) and it was really rather nerve wracking but satisfying:) Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  19. I always thought it was a bit small for a Broad, now I know why! Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  20. Finally a reason to consider re-activating my FB profile......[emoji106] Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  21. Didnt a big posh cruiser sink on Breydon at around that sort of time though?[emoji15] Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  22. Thanks Wussername, I have been coming to the Broads in one way or another since I was very little(I'm 35 now) but I missed the holiday that my family took in the late 70's where, owing to constant rain, they got around pretty much everywhere and decided that they liked the north side the best..... However I intend to get around all of it at some time or another:) Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  23. Well I'm pleased that we passed Triage in that case Vaughan[emoji1] Btw my E-learning idea wasnt meant to be anything heavy, more of a vehicle to introduce general boating knowlege/ethos to those who havent been before, certainly not an Exam, and not just boat handling but also introduce some of the unofficial/unwritten rules that many already know, im thinking running engines on moorings, stop n assist those in need, and crucially the many safety issues that can arise. That Dvd idea sounded good too. And personally I have no offshore skills, mainly because I have never been offshore in anything smaller than a RoRo ferry, I also have little experience of Yarmouth and the southern rivers etc but I shall take all the advice and read up on as much as I can before I eventually do make the trip. Mistakes are a fact of life, I have made some right howlers(snapped dads vhf aerial off under Acle bridge to name but one[emoji15] ) but sometimes a bit of knowlege can make the difference. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  24. I wonder, would some kind of E-Learning online training/test be a feasible way to increase the awareness/skill level of hirers? Some of the things I witness while sat here looking at Wayford Bridge are unbelieveable even for newbies - starting the engine in gear while double moored(blocking the bridge) and not even noticing they were dragging the bankside boat off its mooring springs to mind and the abuse our yard owners get from people who think they can just tie up any old where is frankly disgusting. I remember going on a Herbie Woods boat in the 90's and the "trial run" consisted of a bloke going "have you been before?" To which my dad says "Yep" and that was that. Now as it happened the old man was then and indeed is now a very competant helm and there was no issue but I bet theres plenty who would have just said yes even if they hadnt a clue and I wonder if it still happens? Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  25. Ah, there is/was a centre cockpit Elysian moored up at Dilham which says something about it being electric powered on the transom, in a sorry state now though, wondered if you had resurrected her thats all Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
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