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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. Club biscuits that had a good thick layer of chocolate that I would eat before eating the biscuit. Im sure wagon wheels were enormous and not the teeny discs they are now.
  2. Which is probably why I cant stand milk to this day. Ugh that smell.
  3. Very jealous! Just curious, does the novelty wear off a bit by partly living on the boat? We keep toying with the idea of moving to Norfolk so we are close to the marina but don’t want to lose that special feeling that we are back on the boat or looking forward to going to it,
  4. In dad’s wallowy automatic Cortina, it was always touch and go if we would get to the summit!
  5. That has just reminded me that my grandma always had a box of maltesers in a desk drawer whenever we were over and me and bruv putting the poker in the fire heating it up till it was glowing pretending we were blacksmiths, with grandfather saying ‘children who play with fire will wet their beds!’
  6. Dad driving over the hump back bridge into the Porter & Haylett yard in Wroxham. It used to scare me every time but also the sheer excitement of knowing we were just about to start our holiday.
  7. You must wear a bib with a scoop when eating in the pub?
  8. Polly, if you send the printed version to me, I will type it up for you on a Word doc.
  9. Probably my favourite canal vloggers. They always put a video up at 4.00pm on a Friday. Informative and great quality
  10. I like these vlogs, not all about the Norfolk Broads
  11. How much are all these signs costing?
  12. Lulu

    My Day

    And there’s me thinking those kind of tiles come in large sheets like a normal large tile. Wouldnt they be difficult to keep clean?
  13. Sadly in these days of litigation a lot of things have to be put in place beforehand, insurance, risk assessments etc to protect us members and the forum as a whole. It may seem petty at times but thats just how things are nowadays.
  14. Totally agree Ray. Without the team who are volunteers, there wouldn’t be a forum. Im sure a lot of work goes on behind the scenes that most of us have no idea about and this will be on top of them having full time jobs and other commitments. Its a valued resource for me for info, support and advice and thank you to the team for what you do to keep the place running.
  15. Seemed pretty busy to me when we were there :)
  16. It seems that with most of these upcycling programmes are that if you don’t know what to turn it into, turn it into a lamp, whatever the item originally was. If I watch them, I try and guess, will it be a lamp?
  17. Lulu

    My Day

    I've been to see my daughter in Gourock twice so far and I think there was every type of weather that seems to change every hour. One minute bright sunshine, next minute a full blown gale, sun, rain, fog and the last time it was so hot, her birthday cake melted. I take clothes for all seasons now for a long weekend!
  18. Warm welcome to the forum Jeremy. Im sure someone will be along to assist shortly with your query.
  19. Thank you! It does :) beautiful boat by the way
  20. Sorry, Im being a bit dense on this. What does ‘cut down’ mean? The length of the boat made shorter? If so, how much has it been reduced from?
  21. Then there shouldn’t be any misleading reference that it is one, it’s that simple
  22. We had the best Christmas ever. My daughter and her partner and my little granddaughter had to go back to Scotland last night (that was the hardest farewell ever) but to have both my son and daughter, their partners and my parents all together, even for a short time, was an absolute treat. Best present which produced hours of endless fun for myself (and granddaughter) plastic stacking cups
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