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Everything posted by Ray

  1. I know nothing of babies lol but dogs and puppies are aware of a break in routine as generally speaking they are content with expecting things to happen in a certain order. Christmas can mean extra visitors, exited children and gift exchanges, all of which excites the dog. Being social animals they want to join in and every dog I've known wants to pull wrapping paper apart just like the people are doing. It is fun and basically an instinct being analogues to killing and eating prey. Giving a gift to your dog helps use their excited energy and confirms their position in the pack. The other theory is that a lot of us dog owners are a bit daft and just enjoy giving our dogs treats against any rational reason 😂 Take your choice 😁 Happy New Year 🍺
  2. Welcome, an excellent project, do keep us updated with progress 👍
  3. Ray

    My Day

    These things take a long time Malc, you can't help but feel what you feel. I posted a couple of days ago about my dad, it's 10 years since he passed! All the best mate.
  4. Ray

    My Day

    They are very good, I had a call from my mum's service while out on the boat this year! Couldn't hear a thing, had to hold station on tickover to deal with it. Mum had put my name top of contacts. She has good friends next door, more 5 minutes away, my brother is 20 minutes away... I'm 200 miles away 🙂🙄🙂
  5. Ray


    I did but it's started growing back.. I used non toxic boat shampoo and elbow grease, it looked lovely - for about 2 weeks 😂
  6. Sounds very interesting, I must look it up... thank you 👍
  7. Ray


    At least it hides the green 😁
  8. Ray


    Sounds like Keleka is frozen in still!
  9. Ray

    My Day

    A friend & neighbour fell on the ice outside her house last night. She couldn't get up and is quite weak and very thin as she's going through a pretty grueling chemo therapy. She phoned us but the phone was engaged, she phoned our other friends and neighbours, they were out. We live in a cul de sac with no street lights in a small village and the temperature was -4, there was no chance of passers by. Heaven only knows how but she got back into her house with a broken hip! The other friends eventually came home, checked in on her and called an ambulance. The 12 hour wait turned out to be 'only' 8 hours. What really makes you stop and think is that although we are all friends and good neighbours with a strong support network if she hadn't somehow got indoors our friend could have very likely died on the pavement outside her home just 100 yards from us! Take care people.
  10. Sutton Staithe Boatyard sell in collaboration with Broadland Yacht Brokers but don't seem to have a large web presence so can be missed. https://www.broadlandyachtbrokers.co.uk/boats
  11. Ray

    My Day

    Congratulations Chris, lovely news 👍
  12. In respect of insurance problems, it never hurts to speak to them before taking further steps, this applies to any form of insurance. If they say they have no problem continuing cover then you're good to go. I have no knowledge one way or another about the heaters themselves.
  13. Ray

    My Day

    Just as I thought 😎
  14. Ray

    My Day

    Ahem... of course I "did" already know and I'll be able to confirm that as soon as someone tells me 😂
  15. Ray

    My Day

    I'm glad you asked that Gracie... now I can pretend that I knew all along 😁👍
  16. An incredible gentleman, I have a nice letter from him regarding some research I was doing 20 or so years ago as my uncle flew in a Lancaster... not 617 though. Per ardua ad astra
  17. Just in from this afternoon's dog walk... the beach is covered with seals and pups and I got this shot of a youngster suckling 🙂
  18. Ray

    My Day

    It's unusual I believe but obviously it can happen... a friend's pressure cooker exploded. About £5k of damage to kitchen but luckily no one hurt although their dog is currently still too frightened to approach the kitchen, poor pooch!
  19. If you expand the beach photo you can see quite a few of the hundreds of seals and pups we have.
  20. We had snow on the coast at Winterton yesterday morning, just a light dusting. It got pretty close to you Ian 🙂
  21. Double handles are a great idea, sometimes a single handle can dip the dogs head under water when you first grab and pull. I hope that just like our human life jackets there is never a serious event to prove their effectiveness but it's worth remembering the huge difference between an unforeseen dip in the summer and a man(dog) overboard on a winter night in bad weather! I don't always follow best practice, even though I know better... I guess most of us cut corners, it's only human!
  22. That's a real shame, I guess it does depend whether or not you have specific mooring preferences or indeed requirements.
  23. I can well understand how you feel Malc, that was a terrible thing to go through... I'm glad you're OK 👍
  24. Thank you Andrew, wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year also
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