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Everything posted by Ray

  1. My wallet has been flat and the cards do still work when wet... 😂😂😂 But I take your point 👍🍺
  2. Mind you, now we store our cards on our phones to tap out it's great not to have to carry cash or a wallet/card holder.
  3. Lovely photos as usual Malc, you must stop resisting the pub though 👍 All best wishes for Friday and the chance to say a quiet goodbye, our condolences once again.
  4. Agree with all of these but will add when the dog insists she really must go ashore at 2am on a wild mooring... wind and rain being an added bonus 🙄 (Dave the dog obviously 😂)
  5. Ray

    Favourite Time

    I shall just call everyone Dave... except Dave of course! 😁 (Today I met Dave and her husband Dave aboard their lovely boat Dave... this is going to work! 😂 )
  6. Ray

    Favourite Time

    This is true as my friends from the park, Spot, Rex and Princess Puppy Paws will confirm 😁
  7. Ray

    Favourite Time

    It is one of my great failings... I think I need to make a list. Forum name Real name Boat name Although I'll still end up calling someone Skylark or some similar boat name 😁
  8. Ray

    Favourite Time

    Mea culpa, apologies all round... it's my age!
  9. Ray

    Favourite Time

    Next week for the clocks Helen 👍
  10. I'd always recommend a soft cushion if you have a tender behind. Come on... someone had to do it
  11. Ray

    Favourite Time

    After a long cruise on a hot day, a glass of something and as you settle down to sleep a cool breeze freshens the boat and the gentle patter of rain on the roof sends you off to the best sleep ever 👍
  12. Ouch! Hope those bruises heal soon ? 🤞
  13. You've been a great audience... tell your friends, I'm here all week 😁
  14. When I read this I remembered your 'Sow and Sewing' topic Helen... R.I.P My neighbour who told his wife that he was just popping out to get some sewing thread but actually went to the pub for the day. Gone, but not for cotton.... 😉
  15. Just over a year ago I would have said yes in a heartbeat! I'm certain you will sell your beautiful boat quickly 👍
  16. Mechanically eventful and huge respect for the amount of onboard cooking! Where is grief's corner?
  17. Ray

    My Day

    A shame to have to prepare and travel all over again. But I detect you see the humourous side of the mix up... hope all goes smoothly tomorrow.
  18. I thoroughly enjoyed that and definitely hadn't seen it before 👍
  19. Good to hear you are recovering well 👍 Once you've stern moored tying up shouldn't be too much of a problem. There may be some bending to be done but generally you are in a secure position and won't feel you have to rush. If you run your stern ropes ashore and then back to the boat's cleats to tie off then you should be able to cast off without leaving the boat at all... being careful against ropes falling in near your prop of course!
  20. Poor thing, most of our rescue dogs have been the same. It's great that you found each other 👍
  21. Sorry to hear your sad news, it's the worst of days. They really are family in every way.
  22. It's a shame that Bill didn't have time to pass, I think many of the ugly scenes following a bump could be avoided if normal politeness and civility could be employed.
  23. Ray

    My Day

    Surely that's against the law! 😁
  24. I had a similar problem with my Nanni engine. In the end I checked along all hoses using a laser point thermometer and found a cool spot at the highest point in the system where there was a join. I replaced the joint with a connector that had a bleed screw. (If I remember correctly it was Smoggy that suggested the thermometer 👍)
  25. Ray

    My Day

    That eel sauce Ian, is that what they call liquor? (Not sure how it's spelt) For me pie and mash has to come with peas and gravy 👍
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