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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Did he change anything inside other than updating the windows version? With the loss of photos I'd have replaced the hdd and kept the old one separate for potential data recovery, you can get a SSD (quicker than HDD) for around £30 now and use the pc knowing you are not losing more info than you already have, cloning a drive is not hard. Where are you based?
  2. Search "classic shell" online, it gives the old type start menu, it's one of the first things I've done to all my win10 upgrades.
  3. There's good people in suffolk??????
  4. And certainly never to be done with a macerator...
  5. I never did understand the "all electric" idea, gas has worked so well for so long and you can run out of power and still get a cuppa and hot food, as for electric loos my old RM69 has never blocked or run out of power, if you can't use a simple hand pump loo you probably should not be in charge of a boat. I don't know if it's to get shot the landlords cert bit or just a bid to claim green kudos, either way it just don't seem to work.
  6. About as well as asking the waves to keep it down a bit.
  7. I get the same as MM in chrome but just a soundtrack in firefox.
  8. I am guessing Carole used a camera for her old photos not a typewriter...
  9. I've used software called "getdataback for ntfs" before with good results, normall you can scan to see what it finds before buying. https://www.runtime.org/data-recovery-software.htm As said the less you use the pc the more will be recoverable as files are only lost when the storage space is overwritten, untill then it's just not indexed in the file allocation table unless of course the initial recovery actively cleared the whole HDD before recovering.
  10. I've never had an issue with my eberspacher firing up with no engine running.
  11. Generally 1/2" or 3/4" bsp threads on the taps, a lot of hoselock fittings come with adaptors to fit either
  12. It's about time we got to see a piccie of mm's new boat.
  13. You've just realized we are all nbf members undercover......
  14. OOOHHHH!!! Anti-hireboat alert! You'll be in trouble now Griff. what the flip is no skippers manual about? Surely a cut down laminated version giving the basics is no too much to ask for the hire money.
  15. Yanworth will be easier now to have a bit more confidence.
  16. Sounds like you should spend the rest of your time giving mooring lessons to others, you seem to be getting the hang of it nicely.
  17. I did as well, and it confirmed my suspicions...
  18. Sheer stupidity! Who in their right mind would cross breydon on a bicycle????
  19. Once you master it you will wonder why you ever went out forward. I have to add reversing out from a mooring really won't work if moored stern on....
  20. Steer in towards the bank and give a short blast forward to kick the stern out (without actually moving forward) then go astern out into the river, if need be another forward blast to kick out further still steering towards bank and astern again, once out into the river move off. You leave the steering towards the bank while you reverse as it won't make any real difference, just remember to centre it before moving off. I leave most moorings backwards.
  21. Running aground is considered normal on the east coast to anything with a keel, anywhere else it's considered a major disaster, I once circled the fairway buoy at orford waiting for the tide while watching a twin bilge keeled boat slowly hopping over the bar on the waves and standing high and dry between them.
  22. I'll go along with that, the Deben is similar in just how close to the shingle beach you need to run with the knolls swirling things up, even at half tide there's not much water in places.
  23. @ Jbx5, It's about 50Nm from memory, I did it a few times at 6-7 knots on my old RLM31 with no problems, now I can do it at 16-18 knots I can leave GY on a falling tide so get a push most of the way up and get to the bar 2 hours before HW just as the tide starts to run east and get in early with plenty of tidal window still open in case of issues. Leaving wells to come back head out 2 hours before HW and take full advantage of that tidal stream, I've come past scroby against the tide at 6 knots and it took forever. @ Cal, I have been in there in conditions like that but also watched it going, been bounced there, touched bottom there, nearly bowled over there..... With the old channel on an early entrance I always like the bit where you had to head straight for the beach and into boiling water and turn to port at last minute, seemed crazy but if you hit the beach the tide would take you straight off, the problem was bob halls sand the other side that the tide will take you on to and leave you well and truly stuck. Once went out of there on a mates fjord27 with TAMD41a when all you could see from the quay was a wall of white water, all the way out I kept saying to him "If you are going to turn back do it soon or we HAVE to go at least 1/2 mile out before even thinking about turning", he went for it and it powered through admirably although his Mrs. was screaming and my Mrs. sat on the floor holding his dog down.
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