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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Reedham have a mountain rescue team, I have my shirt! Mind you the duck race has given up now so I doubt they do much.
  2. Here's a handy reference to put in works bogs for those still working, pdf version below. How-hand-sanitiser-works.pdf
  3. At 45% it's still no use as a virus killer, let's not drag a warning about ineffective hygene products into a rum appreciation thread, there's many that see proof % and read as alcahol %. When hand sanitiser has a proof on the side you must be buying it from alcaholics anonymouse. Kraken is my favourite BTW, although lidl often do a black spiced rum called liberte that is very close and £8 a bottle cheaper.....
  4. We got a load of hand sanitiser delivered at work the other day, it seems there's a lot about that is alcahol free using benzalkonium chloride as it's active ingredient. As soon as I heard alcahol free alarm bells started ringing so I got round to looking the stuff up today, it seems that although it claims to kill coronavirus and cites european centre for disease prevention and control the only mention I can find is relating to canine coronavirus, a related but different strain that is of no threat to us whatsoever, the american centre for disease control states the active ingredient as unreliable for covid19. If you are using this stuff check the ingredients and don't let it lull you into a false sense of security, it 'may' work on covid19 but there is no evidence that it will and washing your hands with soap will likely be far more effective, a little knowledge is indeed a dangerous thing! I can see a lot of folk using this stuff in place of washing hands, DON'T! And no your 80% proof vodka won't do it either as it's only 40% alcahol, you need at LEAST 60% to be effective.
  5. For the younger ones with no underlying health isssues I do wonder if it's the 3 showers a day, anti-bac everything, and never touched anything vaguely dirty crowd that are taking the brunt by their own immune system doing more damage than the virus. I'm sure localised air pollution can affect the outcome but it's the population density that creates so many cases in those areas, until blanket antibody testing is done the true death per case figures just can't be known.
  6. I think we've broke this one, the morning walk became 4.5 miles with a good bit of chasing a whistling ball due to sod all else to do all day and she still isn't very fit due to spending most of her life in a shelter, she did wake up briefly while I took a piccie then when back to snooze. But she does like her little nest in the garden, she has another in an ivy clad buddleia for when the wind blows the other way, she disappears into that one.
  7. When we are allowed... If you've not been to hardly mill when it's running get your ar5e there, the old guy that does the tour knows it inside out and all the restoration details and you can go all the way to the top and walk around the platform, they have most of the patterns there for bits that had to be cast for the job. Very much worth the few quid they charge for a very interesting visit, truly a broadland gem.
  8. Does it work against viruses?
  9. I think they are doing it automatically Griff, Ali (swmbo) had an email from hmrc about it already basically saying do nothing but if anyone gets in touch tell them nothing as it's not how they work and it'll be a scam, at least they realised that was going to happen in advance. She's an independant orthotist working for the companies that do the prosthetics/orthotics contracts so had all bookings cancelled for the foreseeable future as outpatients are not really wanted in the hospitals if they can be avoided, when it all dies down there will be lots of clinics I would guess as the waiting lists will be very long.
  10. Southwold, he's a proper grockle! And half asleep.
  11. That's where the figures look so bad for infections/deaths/recoveries, there must be lots of infected/recovered that are not known about due to not being tested so the death rate looks to be higher per infection than it realy is, I hope that once the main problem is settling mass antibody testing is done to find out the true numbers. Most of us at work have had bad colds with sore throats over the last month or so but one guy has a spanish girlfriend who came back from madrid early feb and then spent a week in bed with a cold/fever so it could easily have gone round and unless one of got it bad we'd not know about it. We probably just had colds but will we ever know.
  12. You have saved something at least, you've saved having to clean as much bird poo off your drive.
  13. I think the hole in the ozone layer closed up when we changed the namby pamby cfc's for proper greenhouse gasses. It's all irrelevent as the vogons will be along soon to build an interstella bypass.
  14. I've been out this afternoon on the playing field behind my house but for a more community minded reason than just to flout rules, there's been a water leak that has flooded the footpath in a few of the tight spots making dog walking a right pain and those that have ventured round have to pick the same route to avoid the deep bits, so I went round with a spade and dug a few small channels to the brook at the deepest bits to get it to drain, it's being repaired now but will take a week for the field to drain. I'm lucky in that I'm still working for now as it's a small company with a couple off self isolating, one working from home, and we can keep mostly good spaces between us, a few are moaning as they'd rather be at home getting 80% money but I'd rather be there with something to do, any other summer and I'd take the 80% like a shot but there's no point when I can't go anywhere. I gotta add that we are not "essential" by any means but the gaffer says he's checked out what is allowable so untill told different I'll keep on, the nearest we do to essential is turning rich boys money into import tax/vat/paye/ni, but that has got to be pretty useful right now.(and make another rich boy richer....)
  15. When I first heard "clap for carers" I thought blimey don't they have enough infectious disease to cope with.
  16. It was good to see plenty of my neighbours out last night, a few let the side down but maybe wondered what the flip was going on as I only heard about it mid day yesterday. There was quite a bit of noise from other streets too. Thanks to all NHS heroes for having our backs as best you can! No doubt once it's all over a&e will still be full of gobby abusive pond life on a Friday night but we can only hope for a change in attitudes.
  17. At Christmas we found a pack of instant custard dated 2012, it was a bit grey but tasted fine.
  18. I'm sure we evolved with a nose just above the mouth for a reason, and it wasn't just to well away from farts. I don't take a lot of notice of dates, had a wagon wheel yesterday, best before Oct 2018.
  19. A spot of reading for you Trevor, not read it myself so don't yet know if it's any good but I believe theres boaty stuff from all over the place, definately some broads and gt.ouse/fens. This is a scan (well two scans as copier wouldn't do it in one go) of a booklet found in a charity shop by one of the retired gt.ouse river inspectors, I asked if I could scan it for others to peruse which may be more use now seeing as lots of folk have lots of spare time, the images may be the wrong way up as they were facing opposite to the text and I had to turn them to scan properly. Enjoy! (or not as the case may be, only one way to find out) Hopefully after this little sh1tstorm has blown over the old boy will still be about in the pub so I can give it back and buy him a pint but his parkinsons is pretty bad now so I don't suppose his chances are in the top ten. BOATY PT1.pdf BOATY PT2.pdf
  20. A crack like that in a modern car is considered a structural defect as the screen is part of the body shells strength, the screen can absorb a far amount of the energy in the first impact.
  21. Open the window, it should be quiet out there.
  22. That's easy, put the toaster on its side first.
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