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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I thought that a garage was just for storing bits of wood Regards Alan A garage is for motorcycles! Oh yeah and boaty junk.
  2. No question is stupid if you don't know the answer, to act without asking the question can be pretty stupid, and some of the answers can be really stupid but most will be somewhere near useful.
  3. If sticking to the northern rivers I'd say make stokesby your southern limit as it's a good friendly pub there and not much further down than acle. All the best folk are on the southern rivers of course.....
  4. I wonder how often osmosis is caused by water inside rather than from outside, there's more chance of having exposed fibres to wick on the inside and some bilges are constanly awash, no point in standing on the hard to dry if the bilge is still full.
  5. When are you fitting the twin warp drives and how many dilithium crystals will you be aiming to have on board?
  6. I'd be more alarmed if an older boat didn't have osmosis as you don't know what has been done to cover it up, I know of a guy who found lots of blisters under his boat so sanded them all flat and painted over them with antifoul to seal them, antifoul that well know porous paint that is designed to erode, It's still afloat 10 years on.....(same guy overheated so layed over the filler cap and undid it to top up, then waited for an ambulance while his face fell off) Get a discount if you can but if you like the boat and price ignore the osmosis.
  7. Wether to survey or not surely just boils down to your own level of risk and what figure you consider too much to take a chance on, everyone has differing ideas on both and differing levels of wealth, at £30k I wouldn't have the balls to do it without a survey of some sort but would accept a recent one done for someone else. Give Robin a break, we have to sell our lemons to someone....
  8. But would you use fresh ice or the frozen stuff?
  9. I am now at work officially jealous! Enjoy!
  10. It's the lead loaded barrier that does most of the work for deep diesel engine rumbles, the thin layer is to stop it transmitting straight through and the thicker foam takes out mostly higher frequencies. I have quietlife under my engine boards and it does do a good job till the turbos spool up, I dread to think what it would be like without.
  11. That is usually the most likely cause of problems at sea and happens to the best maintained boats at times, if you make an adaptor for the last bleed screw in the system you can save a lot of pumping and mess by using an oil extractor to bleed the system, just hook it up and suck the fuel through.
  12. How about a car air-con service place? I'm sure my isotherm fridge had a regular re-gassing valve on the system.
  13. Celotex isn't that great for low frequencies that you tend to get from diesel engines, the quietlife stuff is pricey but very good. It's one of those jobs where heavy is better at absorbing noise.
  14. The extra toes get in the way of the brake pedal.....
  15. No problem, just wait for the hot flush.......
  16. I'll have no doubt forgotten it by now anyway, it'll be like watching dave.
  17. Is it a new series or a re-run of the last one? I did enjoy that.
  18. Nice one Ray, that's how a bss should be. Now time to get out and enjoy it.
  19. As do many on here so it seems, I think they are wonderful and can do no wrong.
  20. I was probably leaking out in those smutty photos anyway.....
  21. You'll probably get the message "keyboard error-press F1 to continue" ARGHHH! How will that work if the keyboard has a sodding error?????? You gotta love computers.
  22. Don't be daft it's windows working out the next reason to be turned off and on again.
  23. Software updates, you mean the advances in technology that make your computer slower than ever and more irritating than ever and probably no longer supports all your hardware. And in 3 weeks there will be another update to patch the security issue in the first update that got your email hacked and all your smutty photos on facebook and your bank details may have accidently leaked out.
  24. Does it involve rolled up trouser legs and funny handshakes? If I need to be declared a nice person that probably rules me out. I stole that halo from an elderly lady while she was feeding stray orphans.
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