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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. The ea pump outs are free and self service but few and far between and often out of order, they had a habit of putting them on land they didn't own and losing control of them. Many rgo boats have sea toilets or at least diverter valves for this reason and why they are still allowed on rgo.
  2. AARGGHHHH MY EYES!!!! How could you Ian?
  3. I may have to pop into Jones myself this weekend to pick up another pot of non toxic anti freeze. If I get a chance with all the other bits that need done.
  4. Being ex hire probably means the engine hasn't been sat around enough for internal corrosion to occur and as Vaughan says 3000 hours isn't much on a diesel.
  5. Just remember how ever the journey takes you never resort to using the F word, boat ownership has huge ups and downs but don't ever utter the word "finished" in the same sentence as "boat" ,we all know you will be lying through your teeth, we know santa isn't real, no one really believes in fairies, so don't even consider it. Oh yeah except Gracie.... But that's another wine induced planet.
  6. I take it they didn't use the navigation channel to starboard as you exit the lock then? I used to cut across the weir pool but if you got the wrong line it could be really shallow in places. The Chet can do similar if you don't allow for it where hardly flood exits on the ebb, it's worse when close behind a slow nervy boat as you can't use enough power to sort it.
  7. Indeed it is, looking at it the impellor itself (under the 6 bolt cover) should run anti-clockwise as you look at it and the vanes will aim down on the right side and up on the left side when re-installing, if the back of the cover plate is badly worn you can fit it the other way round to give it a fresh flat surface to run against. As long as access is good it really is a doddle of a job.
  8. It's best to know yourself and carry a spare so if you lose water flow out on the river you can check it and replace if needed on the spot, it's a quick routine job really.
  9. The seal wouldn't fit as it bigger than the hole, simples... I've used 1mm smaller seals to fit a worn shaft before.
  10. There is a text service that warns of strong stream advice (when they shut the locks) you can sign up to, the EA do it, very handy for a bit of advance warning if you are the wrong side of a lock as you can usually make a bolt for your mooring while they are still open. This is handy too. https://check-for-flooding.service.gov.uk/station/6178
  11. Post a pic of your engine bay and we'll soon point it out to you.
  12. Note the twist when you take the old one out and put the new one in twisted the same way although a new one should just flip over with no harm done. Generally just a ring of screws on the pump cover to remove and gentle use of a screwdriver will prise the old one out, a smear of the glycerine that usually come with the new one around the inside of the housing before you push the new one in, a new gasket with a smear of grease so you can open it again and re-use the gasket if needed. Check for water out the back when you fire it up again and jobs a goodun.
  13. The cheaper window vac may be the better one depending on how the internal plumbing is, I find the karcher poor inside a steeply sloping screen as half the water goes through the fan and spits out the back. St.ives to St.neots is the best section of the great ouse in my view.
  14. Not sure who this evil laird could possibly be, surely not the great god jp himself? Oh yeah I see now.....
  15. The committee will as they're told as they always do, discussion won't come in to it, spineless bunch.....
  16. That's what half of us come here for, keep it up. Unlikely. Highly unlikely. Absobloodylutely!
  17. People keep asking how I am which I can appreciate but I don't know as I have not had time to find out, it's a huge learning curve and the house needs clearing so far too busy to work out how I feel. May have next weekend off and check on the boat then I may find out but who knows. I'm still in the mindset of no carers or carehomes involved, no bums wiped, a week and a half ago she was in my home town on the community bus with her zimmer bike and chatted to an old mate of mine so as far as I'm concerned that is a good exit.
  18. As a side note I also found this to much merriment. I have a feeling it was something my uncle bought into a pub my olds ran back in the 80's to wind up the village idiot and got kept. It's about 3" long and made of silicon.
  19. I lost my Mum last weekend and now have the horrible job of clearing a housing partnership house, I feel like a looter doing the job but found this beast below. I know my Mum was a civil defense warden back in the 70's and my grandad was an anti aircraft gunner during the war as a bit of background, but what the flip is it? I'm thinking possibly more to do with the in flight crew possibly bomb aimer at the moment. Any enlightenment gratefully recieved.
  20. That 8kw will likely only really be 4-5kw, they are renowned for their exageration of the figures on these. You will have to use the controller from the chinaspacher as the eber unit will not work with it.
  21. When you say hairdryer I assume you mean like mine, how is that going to defrost a freezer?
  22. Very true but I'm sure there's plenty of us here that will deal with mains leccy but not qualified sparks, not on public posts though that's just wrong and stupid. I assume the grinder to the box reference was meaning a padlock just to turn a breaker back on but still a bad thing if you don't know the full reason for it being turned off.
  23. I would imagine it would be very similar build to my 30DS in which case the row of screws around the outside of the windows thread into the separate aluminium strip around the frame inside to clamp so you should be able to leave the main frames in place (but I've only had my screen out not side windows). Wear a mask and have a good vacuum cleaner handy as the powdery mess that once disguised itself as foam backing on the vinyl will go everywhere.
  24. Are you really going to have a morning dip or will you just be going through the motions?
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